
my head has thoughts;

@halfpackofsmokes / halfpackofsmokes.tumblr.com

Twenty-Five. Nebraska. Hip hop, punk rock and indie. Intrepid, we carry on.

Pooh Bear

I see many Winnie the Poohs at the hospital (aka Winnie aka Pooh aka Pooh Bear), as you may guess.  Many look like this, a bit flat and with small wounds, designed to have a removable shirt:

They come for spas:

New hearts and stuffing:

And plumping up so they have a proper belly again:

Sometimes they look like this:

A bit more loved… or as his person said, in more “desperate condition”.

He also had a spa (not everyone does):

As you may’ve noticed, he needed a new nose and there were several options:

His heart had a pooh on it as well as some magic from a heffalump:

And after a bit of arm and smile surgery, soon he was healthy and ready to fly home:

His person wrote “He looks wonderful!”

The final Pooh I’m going to show you today just flew home yesterday.  He is always called Pooh Bear.  He is 14 years old and showed every year of hugs.  

Here are the photos his person’s mom sent for diagnosis:

As you can see, Pooh Bear was a bit flat and a bit gray.  He came in for a spa:

Got new stuffing and a magical Heffalump heart to preserve a bit of his original stuffing:

And finally was clean and plump and fluffy and ready to fly home:

He could even sit on his own!  His people said his chubbiness was perfect and as I said, he flew home yesterday!

this blog is singlehandedly curing my depression


There's some people that

You don't forget

Even though you've only seen 'em

One time or two

When the roses fade

And I'm in the shade

I'll remember you.

Didn't I, didn't I try to love you?

Didn't I, didn't I try to care?

Didn't I sleep, didn't I weep beside you

With the rain blowing in your hair.

I'll remember you

When the wind blows through the piny wood

It was you who came right through

It was you who understood

Though I'd never say

That I done it the way

That you'd have liked me to

In the end

My dear sweet friend

I'll remember you.

Bob Dylan

“It is only once in a while that you see someone whose electricity and presence matches yours at that moment.”

— Charles Bukowski / Once in a while

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