

@in-my-pjs / in-my-pjs.tumblr.com

If there is a past I have forgotten it

Someone described the modern difference as such:  Fear is knowing that a werewolf is hunting you.  Terror is when you see it and it charges at you.  Horror is realizing that your feet are stuck to the floor.

lust is

I’d like to thank the brave sniper that stopped that final comment


"who said that" is my ult fav thing to say ever after saying something insane


“you should be at the club” Brother I should literally be sent to the seaside for my health


you can always tell how little people actually care about art based on how much they hate modern/contemporary art

''bring back renaissance art'' I bet your ass you can't even definitively tell that movement apart from others

"posing next to art we think we can do'' can you though. can you


Why is it necessary that a piece of art "condemns" or "normalizes" something. Is it not enough for art to say "here are some fucked up people in some fucked up situations for your enjoyment"? The art doesn't have to judge them and neither do you. It's for your enjoyment.

"This art is Acceptable because it portrays the bad thing as BAD" "this art is Forbidden because it portrays the bad thing as GOOD" well fuckers I'm engaging with art that portrays the bad thing as A Spectacle. Come engage with me.

I just wanna see some dudes in a situation and go:


why are yall so afraid to double text like ill be out here sending 9 messages in a row buzz buzz another message? its me bitch i just got a lot to say!!


John Carpenter's The Thing offers many lessons in filmmaking. For example:

  • Have an actor wear a giant cowboy hat
  • Put a Fucking Thing in there

These powerful moviemaking techniques can also be seen in Jordan Peele's Nope.

You're the only person who understands me, Karl Marx 💕


“That’s awful, but it made you who you are, it made you kind”

No it didn’t, I’m a bitch. Honestly, I used to be a much nicer person, back when I actually gave a fuck

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