breathing again

@unoculus /

A one-eyed monster. Don't listen. Don't speak. Just scream.
Independant RP Blog for The Blond Youth (c) Mad Father.

Finally updated my affiliation status seeing that Hiraeth is effectively dead ( so am I tbh-- ) That being said!! I have 3 threads to reply to in my drafts so I’ll try and get to that soon, I miss RPing tbh, school is murdering me but I still!! wanna write!! 

Silence from the other started to make girl nervous. As long as it was sign for her that it was him, it’s still somewhat… weird, still hand stayed on the other’s shoulder. Aya was both happy and worried at the same time. It’s good to see him again, but… it was kinda painful at the same time. He was helping her, but even if he was alive…. He never appeared again after what happened.
At the note of him starting running, she followed him. There was no way she’d let go this time. Even if she had Maria, if there’s anything more she can save from her previous life, she was going to at least try to save it. No matter how it was terrible, she wanted to keep part of it. Not anything from her father, but good memories from it and nice people. Not like there was a lot of them, while she was living in mansion, so they’re even more valuable.
“Wait! Please stop!”

♞⇸ 𝓚 night }


Footsteps that were not of his own followed him, the sensation of her hand on his shoulder still fresh in his mind as he ran. Why was she following him? Surely, he was nothing more than a cruel reminder of a horrible memory that she would have wanted to leave behind, so why was she running after him? It was inexplicable. Pleading words that tugged at his heart strings, planting seeds of doubt in his certainty of the decision he had decided to follow through with, lips pulling into a thin line.

Wait. She cried, breathlessly. Still running after him. Please stop! Why was she running after the nightmare? He did not understand. He could not understand. 

His own footsteps slowed, eventually coming to a stop. Harsh breaths escaped his lips, as he still refused to turn around, to face her. Beyond the sound of his breath, there was nothing else but silence, not a word spoken by the blond even now. 

Because he did not know what to do. 


&& unforeseen.

It was just like any other day in her home, nothing unusual when she had woken up today. She was greeted by her mother, spent some time with her before she needed to be on her way in this house. She had said a good morning to her father as well, asking if he would be free today. It didn’t seem likely, but perhaps another day he would be- she hoped for tomorrow.
The young girl was left to her own devices for the time being. Although, her father had suggested playing outside for a while, she had taken him up on it. She loved being outside, getting some fresh air and playing with her dear Snowball. Although, her rabbit wasn’t around outside. Today she was alone, hands picking at flowers and trying to create something. Something like a flower crown, but better. Crafting it isn’t easy, and the idea in her mind isn’t so easily projected upon what she was making. There was an attempt, but one she wasn’t too happy with. She’d get it perfect though, for her parents.
Aya sets her attempt down, eyes glazing over it. She’s not particularly happy about it. It makes her want to go back inside, find something of use to help her with this. She gets to her feet, straightens out her dress. Blue eyes linger upon the flowers before she turns and heads back indoors.
Now where could she find something to help? She thinks to go to her room, ask her mother for help, maybe go to the kitchen- there were plenty of items in there! A smile graces her lips and as she heads indoors, she makes it her mission to head there. It’s no surprise to see the dining hall door open, the thought of it almost being dinner hadn’t occurred until now, her mind being too wrapped up in what she wanted to do. But as she enters, she spots someone.
A stranger? Someone she doesn’t know. As much as she knows she should probably go to someone for help, she doesn’t. Curiosity has the better of her and she decides to approach the youth. She watches his actions, watches him move around the table and…maybe this person wasn’t such a stranger after all if he was helping out here? No matter what he’s doing, who he is, she wants to speak to him.

♞⇸ 𝓚 night }


Granted, there was fair reason that he was the only servant to remain in the dining room-- being tasked to prepare the table for the coming dinner and, somewhat distracted by the warmth of the notion of a family eating together, something he would be embarrassed to admit. He was anything but discontent with what he had been given, yet a small part of him yearned for the times where he and his family had too, partook in family meals that were filled with laughter, warmth, joy--

Overindulging himself in these sort of thoughts did no good whatsoever, yet it took a while before he caught himself, setting the rest of the cutlery on the table and making sure everything was where they ought to be. He intended to make a hasty retreat back downstairs, where he would then berate himself and remind himself to remain present rather than lost in reminiscence at all times, but his plan to do so fell apart the instant he heard a soft, feminine voice call out to him. 

It was a simple ‘hello’ that nearly made him drop a plate. Well, perhaps it was not so much the greeting itself that startled him so, but the voice itself. A voice that quite certainly was of a child’s, not among the few other younger servants that were familiar to him, which lead to the only conclusion of it being...

“ ...Oh. Hello. ” Having turned around, his words came out remarkably calm, thankfully not betraying the insurmountable amount of uncertainty and anxiety that he felt at the very moment. Was she not supposed to be playing outside at this time? It was not unreasonable of her to come back inside the mansion that was her own home, but a part of him bemoaned at the fact that it had to be here of all places that she had decided to come to. What else was he to say to the young mistress of the home, the person who he was supposedly not supposed to speak to? He would run, but it would not only seem suspicious of him to do so, but rude to her as well. 

“ Please, don’t mind me. I just finished, so I’ll be going back down now. ” Said the internally panicking blond, in yet another remarkably calm tone, a small smile gracing his features before he turned and began making his escape way to the kitchen. Part of him still insisted that what he was doing was rude to a certain extent, but what else was he to do?

|| @unoculus || Starter call ||
Aya wiped her eyes multiple times, frozen in place, to just make sure she isn’t mistaken. Boy looked like just one from her father mansion. But… Shouldn’t he be free just like everyone else trapped there? Maybe it’s just feels like this since memories of this night are still haunting her?
On the other hand it won’t leave her if she doesn’t even try to see. She actually would be relieved to find out that she’s only mistaken. After moment girl walked over to the boy and put her hand on his shoulder, in attempt to get other’s attention.
“..Is it really you?”

♞⇸ 𝓚 night }


The sensation of someone having placed their hand on his shoulder elicited an instinctive flinch from him, almost followed by the want to identify the culprit-- when his mind registered the familiar tone and he froze.

It was her.  What was she doing here? He had thought that they would have fled further away from this small town. Clearly, he was wrong.

Her words were not given a verbal response, only the halt in his steps indicating any sort of acknowledgement of having heard her. Should he turn around and face the result of his carelessness, bracing himself for whatever consequences that would come? Did he want to reenter her life only to be a constant reminder of that night, dragging down those that wished to move forward?

He had made his decision on the day he had escaped the soaring flames that he had created, with the intention to burn down all that remained. 

He ran.


&& unforeseen.

♞⇸ 𝓚 night }


It had only been a few days since he had come to this mansion, and it was strange how at peace he had come to feel here. The routine of helping Monika as a servant of the mansion, completing each and every request that she asked of him-- whether it was simple tasks like preparing the dining room for dinner, cleaning up and ensuring that the mansion was well kept... Some may have considered the fact that he was considered a servant to be cruel treatment, but to the blond it was a luxury to the highest degree. 

What was setting several plates of food down on a dining table in comparison of such an act of kindness? Nothing that was worthy of any sort of complaint, seeing that he was given the luxury of food to eat, a place to sleep and a reason to wake up each day. Eyes that had always held a sense of bleakness since, had slowly start regaining life, the slightest of smiles being allowed to pull at his lips on a rare occasion. 

There were.. certain things that Dio found strange, several rules that had been given to the servants of the mansion, specifically given by Alfred Drevis, Monika’s husband and the master of the mansion. Granted, he had no reason to go out his way in disobeying said rules, but they still lingered at the back of his mind, questions arising every so often in regards of them. Yet within those rules, there appeared to be a single unspoken rule: to not reveal themselves before the young mistress under any circumstances. 

Alfred made his disapproval of servants going anywhere near his daughter rather apparent, some servants that had wished to befriend or serve as company to the young girl simply... disappeared, after doing so. The blond was aware of such happenings, but the trust and loyalty that he had towards Monika made it easy for him to cast his doubts away. Utterly engrossed in his thoughts, it would be of no surprise if he were to not notice the approaching presence of another, would it not?

No matter which direction he went, the surroundings almost looked the same. Each path he took, seemed to repeat itself until eventually he found a clearing in the distance. Like a light at the end of a tunnel, he made his way towards it. A sense of relief when he was outside the forest, though it was a bit short-lived when Leon arrived near an abandoned mansion.
Leon looked around in slight discomfort, somehow it felt familiar, but he didn’t know why. By each step he took, the ominous feeling inside him grew stronger. It went worse when arriving near the entrance as a sharp pain forced him to clutch his head. His mind was suddenly being barraged from images from the past, they all were dreaded and unpleasant to see.
While trying to suppress the mental struggle, there was an worn signpost that stated; ‘Drevis’ Mansion’.

♞⇸ 𝓚 night }


Ahhh. How deafening it was, for so many of those that remained at unrest to be constantly speaking altogether, unpleasant wails and cries that turned it all into a realm of eternal sound. His only eye remained lidded, a soft exhalation escaping his lips amidst all of the noise and darkness, a strange sort of familiarity beginning to rise within him. How long had it been since he had remained in this plain of existence, left to wander among the countless souls that remained trapped within these grounds? It was no wonder that he could sense even the slightest stirring of those around him upon the appearance of some pitiful soul wandering upon the entrance of those cursed grounds, finally opening his eye and allowing his gaze to settle upon the figure. 

The tiredness he felt seemed to leave all at once upon yet another sense of familiarity to settle within him-- though this one was soon followed by recognition. A person that he had come to trust and along with him, witnessed the final moments of his beloved sister.. the last human that he had came in contact with after getting involved with this godforsaken family. The one that had taken not only his life, but his sister’s as well could hardly be considered human, after all. What had been his entire world for weeks, months now gave way to light, as he seemingly took on an incorporeal form that stood before the mansion, the name of the person before him emerging from his lips. “ ... Leon?

“Mon sketchbook” Simon replied back, translating for the blond. He knows that he left the sketchbook somewhere in the town but doesn’t recall where. Perhaps the other has seen it around or so he hoped. He begins to move towards the blond male. The blond’s clothing appears to have some small red stains on his white-collared shirt. But these stains look unusual to the French boy, it seems to him that they may be bloodstains. Of course the clothes Simon is wearing has some stains too, which happened from painting mishaps.
“Are you bien?” He asked, looking at the stains on the other’s shirt. He’s unsure if those stains has always been there or they appeared recently. The young artist has always been concerned for people who were damaged in any way.

♞⇸ 𝓚 night }


A sketchbook? Hardly what the blond had expected someone to be scrounging around the streets for in the middle of the night... though, considering the individual before him, it did not seem too farfetched. A small part of him was more than happy to oblige with aiding for the search of this stranger’s sketchbook, yet he instinctively took a step backward upon being approached. This person seemed harmless enough, but he knew better than to judge by appearances, having made the mistake of doing so nce. And once was already one too many. 

He could feel the other’s gaze as the stains on his shirt were noticed, an inquiry soon to follow-- one that was innocent enough, but caused Dio to stiffen in response. This was why he had chosen only to move around during the night, to avoid the scathing looks that came from uninvited attention, to avoid the overly curious that did not comprehend the concept of privacy. Hence the question was ignored in its entirety, as he instead, gave an inquiry of his own. “ I suggest that you look for it in the morning. The streets at night can be dangerous. ” A warning of sorts, though it was not a lie of any kind. There were other denizens of the night that were not as kind as he was, after all. 

  A voice interrupted the boy’s one-tracked thoughts about the goal that was out of his reach. And it came in the shape of a young boy. He surely didn’t seem old enough to be considered an adult just yet, but… he was certainly older than Allen was. More importantly though, he was taller and offering help.
He nodded, his gaze returning back to the specific book he wanted. The child pointed at it before speaking:Can you help me get the red book from the second row?

♞⇸ 𝓚 night }


Granted, there was the potential oversight that the book this child wanted was just as out of reach for Dio as it was for him, but thankfully enough, that did not appear to be the case. Odd-coloured eyes followed the other’s gaze, before reaching up to retrieve the red book with relative ease. How curious, that a child as young as he was alone and without a guardian to help him with such a menial task, but who was he to judge? It was most likely that the difference in their ages were nothing more than a few years, and he did not have a guardian to speak of either. 

“ What’s it about? ” Was the question that followed as Dio passed him the book, curiousity getting the better of him. Perhaps it would be of the young mistress’ interests as well? 

It was the middle of the night when Simon decided to take a stroll around the village to look for his precious, missing sketchbook he lost earlier in the day. He hopes that the book wouldn’t be stolen but hopefully someone nice will give it back to him. The sketchbook was gift given by his parents before they passed away so he holds it dear to him.
The town was very quiet. Not even a mouse was making any noise. As he stopped in the middle of the village to examine the perimeter, he notices a blonde boy with a bandage over his left eye.
“Bonjour!” He greeted, “Can you aidez moi find mon carnet de croquis?”
(Starter for @unoculus)

♞⇸ 𝓚 night }


Bustling streets, people hurrying along the cobblestone roads, conversations that overlapped one another into discernible noise. A norm for even the small town that he was a small, hidden part of, but a norm that he had to avoid. Times where passersby stared at him incredulously when he had gone about during daylight were innumerable, his attire that consisted of a cloak in hopes of appearing more inconspicuous, but doing the exact opposite. He had relented to the fact that it was most likely wiser to be active during the night, where the streets were quiet, not a soul up and about. 

It must have been due to the lowered visibility of the night that he had been so careless. Perhaps he had grown lax to the less vibrant nature of the town at night, and the silence that felt comforting in lieu of the clamor that came with the crowded streets. The second the blond heard the voice of another calling out to him, he tensed up and was on guard, his eye searching for its source as his mind registered the words that had been spoken... only to not quite understand all of it. Confusion aided in releasing some of the tension he initially had, his gaze settling upon the owner of the voice. “ .. I’m sorry, you’d like help in finding what, exactly..? ”


&& what remains.

  ♞⇸ 𝓚 night }


He always found himself back here.

It took time, but he had learned to occupy himself. Occupy himself with anything but the fact that he was somehow, still very much of the living-- as much as he was in any way of the living with how he was. Yet, there was something that always brought the blond back here, the grounds where it had all happened, represented only by what remained of its former glory: the Drevis Mansion. It was as though it were some sort of habit that he could not quite be rid of, some sort of instinctive want to sought out the mansion.. regardless of why, he was here.

Gazing upon the lingering ashes and scorched earth that hinted of something having stood upon these now barren grounds, he felt a sense of sorrow. Sorrow not for the mansion having been burned down ( though he could not quite completely deny that he had no feelings regarding that, after all, he was the one responsible), but for the events that had transpired which lead to this outcome. All that had occurred on that fateful night was still fresh in his mind, though months had already passed since it had all happened. 

And he could not help but to find himself curious of the whereabouts and well being of the child Monika had asked of him to protect that day. Of course he remembered her name, who would forget the name of the girl whose maid had thrown multiple knives at him for no proper reason, and the pain that followed associated to the name ‘Aya’? .. Well, he had anything but ill intent for her, but there was no doubt that the knives were one of the reasons her name remained in his mind.


Honestly I’m so curious as to why there’s still so many followers on this blog, gosh??? Most likely inactive people and stuff but man. I ought to replay some rpg horror games and reboot 

Curious tho, like this post if you’re an active rp blog?? I’d love to see how many there are atm--

Aya looked down at the floor for a few seconds, shyly avoiding eye contact before finally looking up.
“H-Hello” She stuttered out.
The little girl had hoped to say more, but her shyness got the best of her, and stopped any more words from coming out.

      ♞ ⇸ 𝓚 night }

      Wide cobalt eyes, long black hair that reached her waist and petite stature       that reminded him of a doll’s-- the one before him fit the description he had       been given by Monika perfectly, that being her daughter, Aya. Or perhaps       it would be more appropriate to know her as the young mistress, seeing his       position in the mansion. Stuttered words were anything but expected as it       left her lips, causing the blonde servant to regard her with wide eyes. 


       ❝ ..Yes, young mistress? Can I be of help..? ❞

      While he was not too certain as to how he ought to regard the girl, it       seemed that the fall back of formality was always the most reasonable       choice. Hopefully, Monika would not find his interacting with her beloved       daughter as forbidden.. otherwise, he would have unknowingly broken       a rule.


ℋeart ℭolder than ℐce『Leon』

Leon watched in disbelief and shock when the girl succumbed from her wounds in her brother’s arms. The girl had her whole life ahead of her.
‘Deana… No, how could someone do something horrible to her…?’
“Dio…” His hand was about to reach towards the other’s shoulder in an attempt to show sympathy, although his senses then intensified as an ominous motorized and grated sound of metal. And it came towards the dark chamber in front of them, lurking closer and closer.
And before he knew, his arm was being tightly grabbed by Dio and forced to run away with him. Dio must have to foresee their danger, and he very soon realized it as well. Taking the final gaze behind them, his eyes instantly widened when recongizing the one who was wielding a stained chainsaw.
“D-Dio, it’s t-the doctor…!”
‘No, it can’t be…! Why…?’

      ♞ ⇸ 𝓚 night }

     A part of him screamed to turn and face the monster that had hurt his      beloved sister, to succumb to the internal rage that had built up within      him and lash out at the doctor-- but it was logic that held him back and      suppressed it all. Said intentions however, were expressed by his grip      tightening around Leon’s hand, adamant to not be the cause of another      casualty. If he were to allow himself to lash, it would be after the other       was taken to safety. 

     And that was what he was planning to do. Whilst the whirring noises      continued approaching behind them, in a last surge energy did he      drag the brunette out of the front door then pushed the lifeless body      that was once his sister into Leon’s arms. 


       ❝ Go. ❞

    And with that, were the pair pushed out roughly shut out of the     mansion, the door creaking ever so slightly as Dio turned away     and approached the cacophonic gratings of metal. Gaze slowly     rising to meet the eventual arrival of the doctor, a hand reached     out to hit the burning lantern nearby-- it falling with a loud crash,      and flames spreading rapidly to ensure they would not return. 

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