
Being friends with boys is terrible because you never know when they’re going to say something ridiculous and disappoint you permanently


so we have these cookie jars that sit on top of the cupboard right. we’ve had them for years. you can record yourself saying something so when you take the lid off you it will make a noise so you can hear if someone is stealing your cookies or something anyway anyway we have 3 of them. a pig, a cow, and an owl. now i was left alone one day. mum and dad at work, my brother at school and my sister at her boyfriends house. so i had a thought. what if i recorded myself screaming? so i did. in all 3 of them. all 3 different screams too. one was an excited shriek, one was a terrified scream, and one was a long shout. these cookie jars recorded up to 15 seconds, so i took FULL ADVANTAGE of that. now…here’s the thing…i did that almost 3 years ago. and these cookie jars have been sitting on top of the cupboard collecting dust.

until today.

mum’s painting the kitchen, so she had to take everything off the top of the cupboard. and uh…you know how battery powered things…start dying? they……slowly run out of juice? she asked me to check inside one of the jars. the pig, to be exact. and…the pig was the terrified scream. i unsuspectingly opened the jar and as the lid came off the jar, i remembered what i did. but i didn’t remember in time, because in that next second, a fucking demon cry sounded from this Almost Dead Battery Powered Pig Cookie Jar. it was a sound i never want to hear again. everyone ran into the kitchen to see what that god awful sound was and i just stood there, holding this satanic wailing pig. i shut my eyes, and waited the full 15 seconds, until it was silent, before turning to my mum and handed her the pig, and then leaving the kitchen.

i’ll admit i’ve done some dumb things in my life, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the sound i heard today.


i work in a library

right now its school holidays and a lot of kids get just dumped there by their parents and told to amuse themselves

they get bored very quickly

today they put garfield in jail

i was too afraid to ask what his crimes were 


the Drake and Millie situation? why is this being allowed to happen. I know it happens all over the world but here - right in the public eye it’s happening and nobody is thinking anything of it??? Or are turning a blind fucking eye??


Stop leaving out the Black girls.

Jorja is only just now 21 and Bella Harris is only 18.

please keep this post circulating. its so god damned important.


Nerdy Fact #1501: The producers of Star Trek included scenes of overt sexuality to deflect the focus of NBC’s Broadcast Standards Office censors from other controversial aspects in certain episodes, like blatant allegories of the Vietnam war and racism.

a little tasteful sideboob and no one will notice we’re telling the government to go fuck itself

disgusting to use women’s bodies like that. men aren’t human

^^ writers trying to reframe basic misogyny and objectification as ~ super woke strategy ~


“We live under capitalism, its power seems inescapable - but then, so did the divine right of kings.” - Ursula K. Le Guin

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