
The Grumpy Kestrel

@thegrumpykestrel / thegrumpykestrel.tumblr.com

Does fuck all by day, cuts shapes by night...but only on thursdays

my brother just helped a kookaburra that was getting beaten up by magpies and now it’s chilling in his car

Are there people in Australia?



Anti vaxxers are the exact same as anti seatbelters and thats the fuckin tea folks

Think about it….y'all see how anti-seatbelters are like “oh seatbelts cause bruises in wrecks” its the exact same as “vaccines cause temporary pain and illness” like yeah they both sure do that but its cause theyre both preventing you from being literally dead


so i got this text yesterday?? i asked who it was and the person never replied

mystery fucking solved gang i guess its kevis


it was Kevis all along!


There’s nothing more representative of Doctor Who than the following two facts: 

  • every single dalek story plays the fact that the daleks are involved as a reveal
  • every single dalek story has the word “dalek” in the title

sex scene = the audience is uncomfortable and learns nothing 

Sax scene= the audience is impressed and learns love for the saxophone


I wish people would stop thinking foxes are cute (at least here in Australia)

There’s a reason we shoot them on sight

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