
Welcome to Ransylva.

@fangedlord / fangedlord.tumblr.com

Greetings, everyone! My name's not that important. 24, Male, Illinois Admin for MOiraILS, the St. Louis Homestuck Group. Famous for the Dad Egbert Facebook Page.

Link to the Dad Egbert Page: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=910043342369335&id=446076662099341 Apologies for the not that great photos. Due to the overall lighting in the room, it was very hard to get a proper shot of the Cecil cosplay.

Anyways. Let us begin the discussion five of you seemed interested in.

The first thing I wish to point out is the contrast on tones and colors. As you can sort of see with the Cecil outfit, I had an easy time matching the themes of purple and black, like the town of Night Vale, very easily. I also incorporated a lot of shiny items to the mix, to cause it to further stand out. You can tell right away by the patterned vest and tie, which both have a strong slick look to them. Accompanied by a pair of well polished black shoes to complete the look, Cecil went for a heavy on the serious look to him, very sharp, clean, despite his dysfunctional town.

Since the Cecil design was kind of...I'd say bland, I opted for the accessories as seen. The eyepiece that went on the collars was such an amazing touch. I still have people asking me where to get one. P.S., It's Etsy. The microphone is literally a cheap Walgreens bargain USB Microphone that I still can't get to work. The mug, of course, is from the online store. And the glasses are Walmart bargain brand glasses, sans the lenses.

Kevin's design was a lot harder, at least for me. The big challenge was to do the duality theme of Cecil. Since the NightVale design had sharp tones of dark colors, I wanted to go with soft shades of light colors. Hence the pursuit of yellow, which is also the main color of Desert Bluffs. I also tried for orange, but an orange shirt just looked clashing and weird. Orange ties were hard to find, and a good plain one just seemed impossible.

I eventually settled for this design, and I love it simply because it enforces the nature. For example, the primary color of purple is on the shirt for Cecil, but for Kevin it was used for the vest and tie. The black of the vest and tie became the white shirt, and the black pants and shoes changed to khaki pants and brown shoes, sadly not pictured. Also, the materials for all of Kevin's clothes are very soft, very casual in design, another choice done on purpose. I really did aim a bit for the joking remark of "Evil Mr. Rogers" a fan of mine made on the Dad Egbert Page previously.

I also aimed a bit for the "Morning News Room" host. You know the type. The sort of guy who fakes a smile and tells you news, despite the fact that he doesn't want to be up at five in the morning and doing stupid things involving playing with pets and other silly activities done purely to get ratings. It just seems fitting for him, really.

The vest was purchased at a second hand shop in St. Louis. As you can see, it is a Ralph Lauren piece. Sort of fits with the 'affluent' desires of a business I guess. The tie was a recent purchase from another second hand shop. It was pure coincidence that it happened to match the vest so well. The shirt is an old work shirt that I decided to sacrifice for the greater good. The khaki pants are from the ZombieDad cosplay I did previously. They were in such good condition from not being used, I decided to re-use them. Plus they already have blood on it. The brown shoes are my current work shoes, purchased from a second hand shop in Arkansas during A2F. Not going to lie, it still strikes me off to have a little shop like that next to the convention center, but you can't argue with the results.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed looking into the "Behind the Scenes" of the costume and design.

Once again, thank you all a whole ton for your support throughout all of this. I wouldn't be making this cosplay were it not for the support of Fans and friends alike.


(link to the face book page)https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dad-Egbert/446076662099341)) I saw this on the Dad Egbert page and found it quite comical. His fan base sent him ships and he commented on them what his thoughts of them were. So I decided to share it with you guys(( with his...


Someone decided to put what I posted onto Tumblr, so....here you go.


Bioshock 1 and 2 Giveaway!

Want to ring in the new year with a good start? All you need to do is head to the Dad Egbert Facebook Page and Like the post! Read the rest of the rules, too, of course. They're quite simple. Thanks in advance, and have a wonderful 2015. https://www.facebook.com/446076662099341/photos/a.446228352084172.99658.446076662099341/893401614033508/?type=1


An Attempt At A New Tale.

"Why do they wear those masks? Maybe there's a part of them that remembers how they used to be, how they used to look. And they're ashamed." -- Atlas There before a doorway stood a man. A broken man, whose face could tell a thousand stories were he to ever remove the mask that he forces over it to conceal the hidden truths of his nature, the grotesque beast he, deep down, knows he has become. A man who stands in the doorway with a tattered once custom tailored suit, clearly seen better days as it is riddled with burns, tears, even bullet holes and blood. Oh, was there blood.

Why he continued to take his yearly trek here was lost onto him. Perhaps over time it was just a tradition, a thing to do, too look forward to year long after all that has transpired. Another could just be a reminder to himself for what little sanity that remains of what has happened to himself and the others. That hint of sanity liked those reminders, tricking itself into thinking that he has made the right choices so far. Yes, it was indeed justifiable to beat a man down for his can of food, to steal the money to purchase more ammunition, to continue defending what remains of your water soaked and ruined home. It was indeed justified.

Oh, who are you fooling. You're no better than them. You took the same plunge as they did when you came here, when you allowed yourself to be subjected to such treatments allegedly designed to make things better. All they did was cause rifts in society, spurred by class warfare and cabin fever.

Out from the corner of the room, a record begins to play. Sounds like a Bobby Darin song. A figure emerged from the shadows, hooks on both hands, but dressed in a ruined evening dress, bits of blues and white visible through the dirt and rot. Her mask, a bunny in shape, looked like it had been recently cleaned and even somewhat repaired. Though it hid her face, her deep blue eyes told more than enough of a tale of what she has done, in case the bloodied hooks were not enough to say.

The man stood still, a hand going for his pipe as the woman approached. Strange. Normally they wouldn't just be so calm about it. But she seemed to carry no malice, had no purse on her, nothing to salvage. Only a pair of dirty party hats and an old noisemaker. She offered one of them to the man as she got closer, which he hesitantly took and placed upon his head. In another motion he moved away, showing a sign of good faith by removing his pipe from his hands and onto the nearby table. She nodded, pulling her hooks back as to not get in the way as she quickly extended her hand outwards.

"Somewhere.....beyond the sea...." The record player said, crackling from the warped record put into it as the two people, more commonly enemies not by choice, began to dance away the best their bodies would let them, allowing a simple moment of happiness and joy to carry on after a year of senseless carnage and destruction.

And as they danced on, they were reminded of the times before, back before this all happened...on that night long ago.

Happy New Years, Rapture. ((Thank you for reading. There's no real context behind the story to tie it into the main universe canonically, just a silly little thing I decided to write very early this morning. If you enjoyed this, please let me know. If you didn't...well, sorry you had to read it, then.)) ((Image Source: Currently Unknown. Please help identify the artist!))


A2F 2014 and CAD 2014 Photos?

Looking for photos from Arkansas Anime Festival Fall 2014 and Con Alt Delete 2014? Due to the sheer nature of Tumblr, I can't mass upload them all in one go. Plus it's proving to be difficult to Edit photos after the fact.  So for the time being, they have been uploaded into the Groups for each convention. They're also available on my Dad Egbert Facebook page. A2F Fall 2014: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.882068618500141.1073741828.446076662099341&type=3 CAD 2014: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.887156674658002.1073741830.446076662099341&type=3 Sorry for the delay in posting. If you spot someone that needs to be tagged, contact me ASAP so we can get the Tags on there!


CrockerCorp Dad V. 3.0?

Evening everyone! So not a huge plot twist here, but it's time I gave one of my more famous costumes an upgrade once more. So currently, I'm considering the following:  - Re-fix the trident, as demonstrated at Anime Midwest (Amazing prop!) - Purchase REAL red framed glasses (Or just suffer with cheap ones again) - Contacts (Time to figure out how to get them in safely!) - Change out the suspenders for a Vest (Suspenders are more of the John thing anyways. Plus this would let me put a Life symbol on it.) The one thing I do need a ton of help on right now is the band around the hat. For one, the older one is far too small, as it was made for a trilby hat, not a more proper fedora. It's also far too short vertically to wash out all of the white behind it. The second, of course, is the Pieces symbol in the middle, giving it the shape and resemblance to Jane's Tiaratop. The old one was made from foam and paint glued onto the band, so I'm honestly stumped as to what I could do for this one. But that is one detail I want changed as soon as possible. Please folks. I'd love any and all advice you could give. c: I want to be able to wow people just like I did the first time it was done. And I know I can do it with your help. So hey. Thanks in advance.


Since the first effort of it was so popular, I tried once again to do my Cecil impressions for everyone to hear. These were questions given to me on my Dad Egbert Facebook page. I think I've fixed most of the audio issues from before, so now you can somewhat hear me. c: Thanks for listening. It means a lot. c:


As requested by someone on my Dad Egbert page, here is the WTNV Advertisement I wrote for Arch Anime 2014, as narrated by yours truly. I apologize in advance for audio and video problems. This is the first time I've had to do this, so I'm not really familiar with it all.  But I hope you enjoy nonetheless.


[S] ???: Give Them The Punchline (TW: Death)

Your name is DAD EGBERT.

You've lived quite a life most full in such a short amount of time, haven't you? Going from just a run of the mill business man, trying to raise his son the best he could, thrusting oneself into the hold of a villainous woman, used like a puppet for her own devices. Nothing more than an empty shell for which to project her desires and goals onto the masses, disguised as a man to take over the company. Raised from birth to do just that: To be her tool.

But you pulled the fast one on her. You showcased your potentials all too well, of how you could fix the books the right way, using the loopholes for the company's advantages, profiting off the sudden gains. And did you once gain credit for your work? Never! Instead, you were cast aside, forced into a lifetime of menial labor for some nameless company, barely getting by as a man and a fatherly figure to the child who needed him most. This dull nature is what drove your passion, to prove that you could do better than she could, to succeed where she was unable to....to override her commands and throw her aside as she did many an employee, exiled to the corner of the universe to scheme a better scheme as you took helm at the company where you once called home. You conquered each and every highway with your new routes, making sure they all had Betty Crocker somewhere on them. You finally had it your way, after all of this time.

But things never work out perfectly. Regrets were made, with deals with less than charitable people, who sought to use you for their own gains only, never meaning to let you use them to your advantage. If anything, your regrets are so few to mention. The time with The Demoness taught you your abilities of deceit and lingual tongues to lie with; The Cerulean Queen of the Sea, much to her distastes, let your reach spread out ever onward across the world, making sure all knew of your name and your status, as it should have been. You had plotted each charted course, and your plans were all in motion.

Then HE appeared. HE was the one who proved that you had too much to handle. That....purple blooded freak you still have to call "Father". He raised you, taught you how to be a true vicious warrior, which you channeled into your business practices. A number of times people would wake up to stories of company heads suddenly disappearing, not to be seen again for days, only to reappear,looking frazzled, confused, and with mysterious new outlooks on life about everything. But HE was the force behind the company. And HE was the one who would bring about the downfall of your regime.

It wasn't even a subtle endeavor, either. When all is said and done, you fought your best, stood your ground, and showed him a good fight. But in the end, all you had to show for it was a club to the head, a trident through the heart, and blood of red, purple, and fuchsia all upon the freshly laid carpet. And even as the clown loomed over the corpse on the ground, shouting at the red and white man to get back up and continue fighting, claiming this once-supposed god to be made of stronger stuff as the behemoths and guardians before you held their own puncture wounds. But you knew better than that.

Because deep down, you knew you had won. Even in death, you had won. With your efforts, you managed to skewer the timeline in your favor with the continued disruption of the forces working for the mad mother, removing her from power, and using your tools for the improved lives of all humankind.

Your death is heroic, some might say. Others would proclaim that it is merely a temporary issue, to be corrected. A third might even say that your mere existence shouldn't happen, just an error in the universal coding.

The record will always show of your sacrifice no matter what. You stood proud and tall in defiance of the figures. You took the blows with pride, knowing full well of one simple fact that will always stick with them and haunt them to the core:

"I finally had it my way."

You are Mister Egbert. And the curtain has closed upon the chapter that was your life. ((Thank you for reading. The inspiration from the piece originates from the song "My Way", as sung by Frank Sinatra. I found the tune to be an amazing summary of the entire adventure Dad had gone through with the CrockerCorp AU, and how it might detail his expected demise.)) ((For those who wish to, please send me Messages concerning this post, good or bad. You can also find me on my Dad Egbert Facebook page. Just look me up!))

Anonymous asked:

I was wondering if you have any pictures form Anime Mid West 2014? I remember seeing ya there and I'm just wondering : )

That's strange. I could have swore I put my photos from Anime Midwest on Tumblr.Give me a few days, I'll try to find them. though since I regularly delete my phone photo archives, I may have gotten rid of them.


I save this one for last, since I felt it was rather important to me.

First off, pictured here is the cosplayer here that made me push through the idea of the Cosplay Showcase idea in the first place. She is a wonderful person who doubted her cosplay would be good compared to everyone else's. She was thoroughly proven wrong yesterday. She did a wonderful job on her Jane outfit.

I found out that her birthday was a few days after the con, so I decided to surprise her.

Inside of a gift bag for her, pictured below, was my first real Dad Egbert fedora, a white pipe (Sherlock Holmes styled), and a small fake mustache.

Later that evening, I had revealed that I had paid someone to make her a small birthday cake as well.

She appreciated every moment of it, and everyone around me seemed to love the effort I put into it.

Happy Early Birthday. Cosplayer: janeys-art-stash.tumblr.com





um. yea? we have that???


Oh trust me, we have these. It's just that we have to usually either wait until Halloween, or hunt down an import shop in some obscure place. And either way we pay like $10 for one of them thanks to import taxes. And we always eat it without a hint of regret.


EEEEEEEEeeeyyyyyyyyyy, its brendan fallin :D i had no idea you had a tumblr


Yup! It's not frequently updated, but here it is nonetheless.


Anime Getaway 2014 Photos (Part 1) Despite my preferences, I wasn't able to obtain more photos from the convention, due to my Dadtier lacking pockets on it to carry phones and cards around in. I tried my best, and made sure everyone who had photos got a card. If you know the cosplayer in the photo, please Message me ASAP so I can get sources onto them.  Thanks to everyone for being good sports. c:


Trolling for Treats 3?

Afternoon everyone.

I'm aware this is really short notice, but I am trying to gain some steam in the idea of bringing back Trolling for Treats once more!

Hopefully this time we won't get rained out.

Don't know what it is?

Trolling for Treats is a Halloween event where we, as a group of full cosplay Homestucks, trick or treat for charity!

Last time, we donated a full 5-Gallon drum of candy to Can Town St. Louis, who helped out by bringing it to the Collinsville Food Pantry!

Please, I'm looking for a place/town to host this in. All we need is a home to meet up at, and we can go from there.

I'd also love to see who would be interested in attending this. Bear in mind of the weather. It will be cold. Plan your cosplays accordingly.

Thanks so much for everyone's hard work! c:

P.S. I am so proud of you all.

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