Thor, if you see this, I Love You

@richharry /

Ashley | 23

something i realized re-watching multiverse of madness is how pointless strange’s reactions have been: when wanda told him she would send him in a universe where he could be with christine, his instinctive reaction was to defend himself from her attack, that literally was yet to come.

or when she showed them all the universes from the darkhold in which her children were alive. his reaction was hostile: ‘what happens to their mother?’. she literally wiped out the entire sanctum just to get what she wants, what makes you think provoking her on such delicate matter would make it any better?

all she wanted was to be the mother of her children and be happy for once in her life, and you’re shoving in her face the fact that she isn’t their actual mother?like you’re only securing yourself a quicker attack. he knew he couldn’t beat her. what was the point of growing her anger even more?

all i’m saying is wanda was very firm on what she wanted to accomplish, but she’s also given strange many opportunities to collaborate and sympathize with her. something he didn’t do.

maybe if he had just reasoned with her nothing would’ve changed eventually, but still all he did was mark wanda as the enemy and didn’t even try to understand where she was coming from.


big thank you to eddie munson and steve harrington living in our minds rent free.


Harry during the making of Harry's House by Anthony Pham

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