Kevin Abstract, I love you

@pupsplantsandpersonalgrowth /

Tess the Mess™

This post is for my fat ladies who aren’t the acceptable fatness for ladies

You know, the ones with the big chest or big asses, who have baby birthing hips( bonus if you have both!) the ones who have a tummy, but not too big!

This one is for my ladies who have narrow hips and no ass, who have small breast . Whose weight is all in their stomachs and are self conscious because of it

This is for my ladies who don’t know how to do their make up at all

Who don’t have a slender face, who have double chins or are teased because they have “no neck”

Who have double bellies, whose bellies aren’t perfectly round or smooth

Who have extra body hair

Who aren’t comfortable with their bodies

Who aren’t white or very light skinned so they are pretty much ignored

Who can’t afford wonderful camera equipment

Who don’t have fashionable clothes and can’t do ootd post

Who aren’t comfortable taking tons of pictures

I see you, and you’re beautiful never forget it.

“In 1986 Grandma was worried I wasn’t settling down. So I told her I was having a relationship—with a woman. “I am settling down, in my own way.” And the sunlight settled on the dust on the mantlepiece and the cat settled in Grandma’s lap and Grandma said there were two nurses boarding in her mother’s house in Yorkshire in 1916. And Grandma said she was in love with one of them. 70 years later, she still remembered waiting at the bottom of the boarding-house stairs to blush and smile hello at the funny, dark-eyed nurse she loved. Love between women? Unforgettable.”

— Eleni Prineas, in Finding the Lesbians: Personal Accounts from Around the World (via oikabooks)

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