
a shyness that is criminally vulgar

@woodsout-blog / woodsout-blog.tumblr.com

Veganism is a matter of fundamental justice. Compassion. Nonviolence. For the people. For the planet. For the animals.
Anonymous asked:

But breasts ARE sexual organs? They release oxytocin when stimulated, that makes them sexual.

ive had to deal w this argument before ok listen here

boobs do the oxytocin thing when theyre stimulated yes, nipples are an erogenous zone. Men’s nipples do this too. Now read over those two sentences and let the double standard dawn on you okay? Think about it if both kinds of nips release oxytocin when you do the touch touch on them, why is only one kind of nip considered a sexual nip? sexism that’s why

it’s ridiculous and technically makes a dude’s nipples more inappropriate than a lady’s nipples because boy nipples serve virtually no other purpose than to be stimulated by temperature change or by sexual activity, while girl nipples serve the added purpose of oh you know, feeding babies no big deal

but nah man nah both can be aroused so both nips are sexual or no nips are so make up your mind

you know where else is an erogenous zone?? ears. Are you wearing an ear bra/?? Why the fuck arent you wearing your fucking ear bra you trash put on yoourfucking ear bra youre not allowed to show your fucking ears thats so inappropriate and its makinng me horny its distracting me from my school work youre not following the dresscode wear your fucking ear bra yo ufucking


We know Wonder Woman from the comics, we’ve seen her on screen before. But I’m wondering what is something that you added into her that was not in the script or the comics book or anything. Gal: Well, you know you bring yourself to every role, but at the end of the day for me it was important that she’s not gonna be too goody two shoes, you know…



Mikaila Ulmer, now age 11, is the CEO and founder of BeeSweet Lemonade, a company she started at age 4. 

Here’s a brief video with her résumé. 

She tells how she got Whole Foods to stock her product 

and her mission to save the bees…

…while educating kids and families in workshops on how they can save them too.

Here’s her website.


reminder series: bleak yet comforting thoughts.

i specifically chose animals that are (or believed to be) extinct due to human influence: thylacine, great auk, baiji, west african black rhino, golden toad, dodo, passenger pigeon, and quagga. there are many other species i could have included. the plants are also based on extinct species, but i found much less information about extinct plants, unfortunately.

the text doesn’t necessarily relate to each animal or their extinction. it’s all basically the same idea: let’s all be nice to each other, because today, the universe is vast and incomprehensible, we are all suffering, we are all going to die, and we’re all in this together. for today.

i’m busy for a couple weeks with conventions, but after that i’m considering a companion series with ancient extinct animals, so feel free to send me your favorites :)

these are so beautiful

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