
The Canadian Trans Guy


Heyo, I am Levi. Nice to meet you! :D I am just a trans guy from Ontario, trying to make something out of my journey. This blog is for anyone in the LGBTQ+ family. So like every family, let's get to know one another! Get comfy, stay a while, ask me for advice... introduce yourself! No matter where in the world you are... you are welcome in my family.

Dear Asexual and Gender Fluid Humans... Or Aliens. (I don’t hate)

You’re gender identity and sexuality are real things. You are no less of a person than the upper-class cisgender heterosexual Caucasian man. Keep fighting each day. I see you. I hear you. I stand by you.

( I know there are many more genders/sexualities but these are two that have been really on my heart)


To any aces, young or old...

I just came out to my long term girlfriend, about something she already knew, and I just officially came to terms with. When I didn’t identify as ace, or moreso hadn’t figured out that I was, it produced a lot of difficulties in our relationship. She thought I wasn’t attracted to her, even though I very much am, and was confused as to why sometimes I wanted to have sex, but more often than not, did not. This is something I didn’t understand either, and that frustrated me to no end. I felt that she needed to know that I loved her and found her endlessly attractive, but I couldn’t show her in the way of unexpected, tumultuous activities. And so I told her, constantly, and still do. Sex has been something only I have initiated, and she has remained incredibly understanding and respectful of that. But I can’t explain what saying the words “I’m pretty sure I’m asexual, in some way.” Have done for me. It’s not that she’s not gorgeous. And not that I keep eyes for others or want everyone but her. I’m fine. She’s fine. We understand each other and I finally understand myself. What I’m trying to say is that, once you realize that you fall on the asexual spectrum, embrace it if you can. Share with your partner(s), and remember to only surround yourself with people who embrace this part of you. My relationship with my live-in gal pal is going to be even stronger because of this. And even though I’m not sure exactly where on the spectrum I fall, I’m figuring myself out. I’m okay.


shoutout to the nonbinaries

i’ve seen a lot of girl and boy posts, so here a shoutout to all the non-binaries out there who:

  • are constantly misgendered
  • struggle with body image and rolls and big thighs
  • have really feminine/masculine facial features that result in poor self image
  • have their gender identity invalidated every day
  • have a penis and don’t want to/ have breasts and don’t want to
  • are told that they aren’t “really trans”
  • have to listen everyday to people constantly assuming there are only two genders: ‘so are you a boy or a girl?’ ‘she thinks she’s not a girl’ ‘he thinks he’s not a guy’
  • are told they’re just going through a phase, or that they’re “transtrenders”
  • are persecuted when wearing dresses because “but i thought you weren’t a girl”
  • suffer catcalling from idiotic men because you have breasts
  • you guys rock! don’t let the transphobia and societal expectation get you down! <3

To transmen everywhere:

Even if you can’t get your chest completely flat, or you keep getting misgendered and you don’t pass, or you’re forced to dress feminine because of your circumstances, you’re still manly as hell. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

Anonymous asked:

my parents r cool with me being trans but my sister is mad that i am not her sister. i am about to go on t in a few weeks and she says even when i have facial hair and a deep voice that she will continue to see me as a girl. it hurts me alot because i am her brother. what do i do?

Well, i can totally understand that it’s hard. My sister and I have had conversations about my transition and how she has a hard time with it and that’s totally normal for you to be upset but it’s also pretty normal for her to have feelings about it too. My sister spent her whole life knowing I was her sister and so for her to start calling me her brother after nearly 17 years, that’s hard. I say that you should sit her down and tell her how it makes you feel, but also keep in mind her feelings. You need to reach an agreement. 

Make sure she knows that it hurts you. Make sure she knows how you feel. Also, listen to her side. 

You will always be siblings. Don’t forget that. Hope this helped.


Hey Im Jesse. Im a 31 year old Trans Man who goes by he/him/his. Im from Port Hope Ontario(very LGBTQ+ friendly). Iv been married for 7 years and have 2 young sons. Husband considers himself to be hetro but says he loves me for me and wants to be with me regardless.


Want to be apart of my family?

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Your pronouns

Where you are from

1-2 interesting things about yourself

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