
god is dead. its worm time babey

@phantomdivine / phantomdivine.tumblr.com

Becci. 32. English (Mackem). This blog is filled with all kinds of nonsense: Discworld. Robert Downey Jr. Symphonic Metal. The Untamed. Brooklyn 99. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. The Musketeers. Memes. More films, books, TV shows, games, and music than you can shake a stick at. Almost all posts are queued.

Just so nobody thinks a terrible fate has befallen me...

I am alive and (mostly) well! I think I have tumblr burnout though and it was stressing me out keeping up with my dash - my draft posts went from about 30 on average to nearly 3,000 🙈

So I'm taking a little hiatus until at least the end of March. I'm finding I suddenly have the time for reading books and watching films and all the other things I want to do - whoda thunk it?

Hope you're all doing okay and that the spam bots aren't getting you down ❤


Let's meet our contestants!

DO YOU LOVE THE COLOR OF THE WORM: A beauty, a legend, a classic, and one long boi - but will he be fast enough to beat out the competition? Will his length be a boon or a burden?

BE GAY DO CRIMES: He's fast, he's loud, and he's unapologetic; those bright colors are a warning not to mess with this worm! But how will he fare in a race?

WIGGLES THE FORBIDDEN ONE: The great and mighty space worm too powerful for tumblr's servers, will his uncontrollable power be enough to win him this race?

#VANILLAEXTRACTSWEEP: Strong, fragrant, and a favorite to win, does this worm have what it takes?

WYRM ON A STRING: When the going gets tough, this worm can take to the skies! Will this give him the edge he needs to win, or will he come up short?

Place your bets now!


we’ve gone from the yee haw agenda to the ye olde thot programme

Ah yes, those slutty slutty Landsknecht shorts:


The bare-legged / hot-pants look was fairly common, since the whole point about being a Landsknecht (or Reislaufer, their Swiss equivalent) was to look outrageous.

Most period illustrations of Landsknechts are black-and-white woodcuts…

…though in 1905 a book called „Geschichte des Kostüms“ - History of Costume - assembled a bunch of black-and-whites and added colour.

If they look excessively gaudy, they’re not, because these next prints were coloured in-period by an artist called Erhard Schön, and it’s fair to assume he was representing what he saw.

In short - or in shorts - those reenactor costumes are spot on. :->

Something mentioned nowhere in this post that I have just learned from googling: these guys were not Ye Olde Medieval Dandies. They were 15th-16th century mercenaries. Pretty hardcore, too. They were exempt from sumptuary laws (ie the rules that said you couldn’t wear certain colours or cloth or styles) and apparently their response to that was technicolour thotpants.



I’d like to add these recreations by bathoree on instagram, and the blog post on making one of them!


High contrast can be just as inaccessible as low contrast and as someone who had to turn the contrast down on his work computer because their stupid high contrast 'accessible' system gave me headaches, I don't think this is acknowledged enough


a small list of organizations you can safely donate to in the wake of the horrific earthquake that struck our brothers in sisters in turkey and syria:

  • turkish red crescent: part of the international red cross and red crescent - currently opening mobile crisis centers, passing out tents and blankets, operating multiple catering vehicles and mobile kitchens
  • islamic relief: currently on the ground in turkey providing emergency food and shelter assistance and in syria providing health and medical supplies to local clinics and doctors and tents and provisions to those made homeless
  • MSF: doctors without borders is currently helping process the injured and the dead, as well as sending supply kits to local medical authorities in syria and beyond
  • the turkish embassy: in an official statement released by the embassies in many countries, they are accepting in person drop offs of supplies that will be sent to turkey and distributed. they have asked for the following: blankets, tents, sleeping bags, pocket warmers or heaters, winter clothing, and over the counter meds for cold, flu, pain killers, etc
  • turkish government and non profit organizations like ahbap, afad, akut, and more are all accepting donations and some are asking for local volunteers
“There is nothing quite as lovely as after the winter solstice, the days getting longer, and the sun of spring wrapping a glove over the room. The room which is sometimes a kitchen, a classroom, a place to sleep. I can’t stop singing praises of this daily peace, this wash of visibility.”

— Yanyi, from “Lengthening, Rites,” in Dream of the Divided Field

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