
Oh, you can't help that, we're all mad here!

@jevyan / jevyan.tumblr.com

Carlos Eduardo, 27 | Paulistano Tecnologia, contos, mistério, magia, fantasia, sorvete de limão, suco de laranja
Don't ruin my story with your logic

Kate and I’s movie nights are most often spent at home these days. It’s not because we’ve became lazy don’t enjoy date at the movies any more, but rather, just being totally comfortable and relax on the couch while munching on snacks and talking as loud as we want while watching a movie at home sometimes feels even better!

Source: tapastic.com

The Force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has it. You have that power, too. Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


get to know me meme - [16/25] films film franchises ↳ star wars: the original trilogy (1977 - 1983) dir. george lucas

“Yes, a Jedi’s strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression - the dark side of the Force, are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.”

“He’s been sent on a mission by the Resistance, and he ends up coming across [Finn] and their fates are forever intertwined.” (x)


John Boyega as Finn in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

↳“My name’s Finn, and I’m in charge now.”


@daisyridley: Don’t be fooled by my expression (I was trying to do like a kind of ‘cool’ face thing to go with my whole aesthetic and it didn’t really work).


It’s A Kind of Magic

Olly Moss, immense illustrateur Britannique et créateur d’affiches de films, notamment pour Mondo, est un peu une légende vivante dans le milieu du collectionneur de sérigraphies, un incontournable dont le travail se fait de plus en plus rare et demandé (il travaille en effet d’arrache-pied sur son nouveau projet, le jeu vidéo Firewatch). Il donc n’est pas vraiment étonnant qu’il ait été contacté par le site Pottermore pour travailler sur des couvertures pour les versions E-Book d’Harry Potter ! Et en pleine folie Star Wars, Internet a vibré la semaine dernière lorsque Pottermore a révélé lesdites couvertures… Un travail sublime, avec le fameux trait d’Olly toujours présent (des jeux visuels malins et graphiques), et un immense respect de l’univers de J.K. Rowling (Olly est un grand fan de la série). Ces couvertures, destinées aux e-books, mériteraient évidemment une sortie  » en vrai », et qui sait, on peut se prêter à espérer !

Olly Moss may well be on of the most talented moder alternative movie poster designers. This British artist always designed flawless and beautiful artworks, especially for Mondo. His work became rarest as he got more and more involved in video games and his project Firewatch, but he really never quit the movie poster world. It’s not a random choice from Pottermore to have contacted him to redesign the Harry Potter books covers for their ebook collection, and Olly as a big fan of the franchise, killed it again. Those covers are all gorgeous, respecting both the visual universe of J.K. Rowling and still screaming Olly’s style, minimalist and clever. Hopefully those beauties will be released as « real » book covers soon !


Se fácil fosse, fácil seria. Mas como não é, então não é. Para resumir, não tá bom não.


How Deadpool Spent Halloween…


Ao *principal* responsável por minha risada mais honesta, dedico a mais boba das piadas. E por ser preguiçoso quando eu também sou preguiça, a minha parceria para encarar o sorriso repressor de nossas mães hauhuahua. Por ser um grande traçador de mapas quando estou perdida, me inspirar todos os dias, ser silêncio quando eu grito e não gostar muito de queijo, a minha sincera e eterna gratidão. Te amo até quando você me segue pelo quarto, discretamente arrumando a minha bagunça. Desde a raiz dos cabelos - que você tem preguiça de cortar - até o excesso de limão em tudo, você é a melhor pessoa que eu conheço e celebrar sua vida tem sido minha coisa favorita. Desejo mais vida aos seus anos, meu amor, feliz aniversário. “Those three words are said too much, they’re not enough”.

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