
@clarevoyances / clarevoyances.tumblr.com

Natalia, 19, I'm great
what she says: i'm fine
what she means: carl grimes is a symbol of hope, survival and rebirth. he is more than just rick's son. he's supposed to beat this world. he's survived being shot twice, shooting his mother and shane, watching sophia be revealed as a walker, watching numerous people that he loves be killed in front of him, being sexually assaulted, ptsd and being permanently disabled. carl has survived more than nearly everyone on the entire show. for him to be killed off is heartless and unfair but if chandler wanted to leave, i don't blame him, considering that gimple doesn't give a single fuck about carl and doesn't understand his importance. carl found his humanity again after having so much taken away from him. he cares so much about the people he loves and would do anything to protect them. his relationships with women are the foundation of so much of his strength and kindness. he believes that there's still good in the world and that we always have hope. his character arc is so inspiring and empowering. carl grimes deserves better.

what is it about capybaras that attracts groups of small animals to them? Its not just mammals either its like birds and turtles and frogs too

look at this shit

They radiate peace

capybaras are friend shaped


I love this post


This is actually a cool thing I know about!

In the wild capybaras live in large groups so naturally a female capybara will take care of not only her own offspring, but all of the other offspring in the group. So capybaras are super great mothers who will adopt pretty much anything and take care of it.

Lots of places that rescue different animals will give a group of baby animals to a capybara to raise if they have one.

Like puppies




They are just super calm animals so they’re naturally great at mothering or just existing in a group!

mom shaped


i witnessed the most fascinating thing today imo…my 4th grade art class were talking while they did their work and one of them was like “if you work hard all your life…….it means NOTHING” and their response was to all crack up and start running with this bit like. “you work all your life on an oil painting. the mayor comes in. he says ‘i didn’t even ask you to do that painting.’” they kept going giving examples of nothing mattering and laughing hysterically. they’re 9. like, we think OUR humor is depressing or w/e, how are THEY going to be

Millennials are depressed but the Gen Z kids are straight up nihilists

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