
@wwahaz-blog / wwahaz-blog.tumblr.com

you know what to do

Hey! I wanted to make a resource that provided you guys with a guide to studying, the different ways to study and learning how to study as it can be quite difficult to find a way of studying that suits you! 

Different Types of Learners

It’s import to learn what type of learner you are so you can studying in a style that suits that learning type. 

  • Visual Learners - studying is aided by visual stimulus, like diagrams, images, drawings, mind-maps. Learn better when seeing something being taught to them. Find more on visual learning here!
  • Auditory Learners - studying is aided by listening, watching videos with sound, reading out loud. Learns better when something is explained to them verbally. Learn more about auditory learning here
  • Kinesthetic Learner - studying is aided by actually doing an activity, writing out notes while in a lecture, doodling while listening, doing experiments or practical work. Learns better when doing experiments and writing things out. Learn more about kinesthetic learning here!
  • Mixed Learner - when someone is a mix of 2 or more of these learning  styles. They work best by combining the two methods that they are.

I’d recommend trying Multiple Quizzes to Determine Your Learning Type

There’s a list of Study Methods for the Learning Type here!

Taking Notes

Taking notes is probably the most popular ways of studying but there are several ways to do it and it’s important you find a way that’s best for you and the subjects you’re studying. I have a post full of resources for studying that you can find here

Question Based Notes - These are probably the best resources for science based subjects or for exams that require a lot of recalling learner off material.  This form of note-taking is easiest to following using the Cornell Note-Taking System as in the margin made you can write out your question and then write out the answer on the other side. To revise your notes you can cover the answer and test yourself. 

Summary Notes - Works best for English Lit, history and other arts subjects. Summarise main events, with key words and brief explanations. It works well if you use it with Flashcards or Mind-Maps to Revise.

Outline Method - This method consists of main points + details which are then followed by examples. This works well with lots of facts or case studies, for subjects like geography and maths.

 Flashcards - Excellent for summaries, languages, and testing yourself. 

Mind Maps - Work well for revision of topics, connecting ideas and quick notes when studying. Works well with for languages, and Arts subjects.  I have a post all about Mind-Maps here

Other Ways to Study

There are few other ways to study, which can help if you struggle with learning from notes. 

Image-word association – This study method associates words with images. It works well for visual learners. Associate unknown concepts with things you already know. 

Acronyms and mnemonic devices – An acronym is a combination of letters that can be used to help you memorize a term or concept. It works really well if you need to learn something in an order and things like chemicals for Sciences.  Mnemonic devices assist the memory, using a system of rhymes, rules, phrases, diagrams that are like the thing you’re trying to remember. 

Analogy – An analogy is the comparison of two or more things. You can use analogies to compare and contrast specific terms or ideas and help you remember them. 

Teach Others - This is proven as one of the best ways to study. Teach others the topics you’re studying, it’ll help you remember the information. 

Scheduling Study

Other Posts:

Instagram: elkstudies Snapchat: elkstudies


okay guys! this is just part ONE of my follow forever bc I have so many mutuals that it’s taking me way too damn long to get every URL. I’ll finish the other parts when I have time. but anywAYS welcome to my third follow forever!!!

whether you have been with me for years or months or days I appreciate all of you, immensely, for sticking with my ranting and raving and my weird blogging schedule that’s occurred over the last several months. I love all of you, and I hope you have had a great holiday, whatever it may have been. 💖 (this is also put of order bc I’m overwhelmed, sorry!!)





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yes this is long af. which is why I have to do the rest later. but thanks again to all of you 💖💖

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