
Amourshipping & Contestshipping

@skeletalbutterfliees / skeletalbutterfliees.tumblr.com

Percabeth & Solangelo are Life. Halfblood, Tribute, Divergent, Runner, Selected, Pokémon Trainer, Gryffindor, Oncer, Caster, etc.

I can now reveal the full illustration I contributed to “Animal Crossing-Seasons”, by @catstealers-zines My theme is of course, Fall.

Edit: Of most forgot! The villagers in this art piece are actually in my game currently.(I hope nobody left my town because I hadn’t play in, like, ten months…)

I can’t wait to received my copy of the zine! I had so much fun drawing this picture. Speaking of AC, my Pocket Camp fanart is currently being feature on Tumblr’s log-in page! 


Before anyone calls Eren “Evil” or “coldblooded” I just want to remind everyone a passage in this chapter that i’m surprised not a lot of people are talking about.

The moment Eren entered into Marely his whole worldview on the people he thought were his enemies changed completely. He had to eat, sleep, and live in the same roof as the enemy and learned that there wasn’t that much difference between him and them. He saw them as people and could empathize with their situation. Because he had to live in those situations and the environment that came with it.

He realized that there were actually good people like Falco who resided in Marely, people who were just living day by day trying to survive and make the best out of what was given to them. He started to realize that the people living there weren’t evil or monsters, but eldians like him who were forced into internment camps, forced to become cannon fodder for their government who treat them like caged animals, and treated like they were something lower than human.

There wasn’t any difference between the lives lived inside the walls, and in Marely. Eren could empathize with their situation because it wasn’t any different to how he lived inside the walls. How could he hate people who were forced to live the life that was decided for them by a higher power? How could he not empathize with them? 

Eren finally understood the bigger picture.

He could finally understand how Reiner must have felt when he entered the walls to destroy wall maria. How that must have done to him emotionally and psychologically. This is a huge contrast to how Eren reacted after he fought Reiner in the clash of the titans arc. Where he lashed out at him when he found out that he was suffering from an mental disorder for the things that he done. He didn’t even consider how Reiner might have felt, and just cursed him to death. Again, this is a huge development for Eren.

So i don’t want to hear people going “ EREN THE GENOCIDAL MANIAC IS OUT FOR REVENGE” because you completely miss the point of this chapter and the empathetic nature that Eren always had inside him even way back in the earlier chapter.


Watching anime

Me: *looks away for 0.02 seconds*

Anime: *the protagonist is dead, the best friend is the villain, 2 arcs have passed and 52947381947 new characters are battling*

Me : WTF!

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