
Egads! Words! Speech! Things!

@pretty-prince-lulu / pretty-prince-lulu.tumblr.com

stop the planet I want to leave

boutta make a generation of boomer dwarves

fortress's children will be fucking intolerable. you will not be able to take them out in public. they'll be having a meltdown demanding to see the manager and their children will be hiding in the booth hoping the family resemblance isn't so striking as to immediately tar you with the brush of noticeable bloodline. they'll bitch relentlessly for grandchildren and be denied partly out of spite and partly out of economic shackles. they'll insist their children are lazy and spoiled and over-gay while doing nothing but drinking the fortress's supply of plump helmet wine while steadfastly refusing to leave the tavern under absolutely any circumstances ever. their heirloom artifacts will be claimed upon their death for ungodly levels of debt their children and the fortress did not even realize they'd incurred. it'll be for stupid shit. like cruises.


you know how sometimes a character will mention a food they like and then the fandom will turn that into like 60% of their personality?

ax animorphs is the best character because he genuinely is just Like That in canon. he has repeatedly called the cinnamon bun one of humanity's greatest inventions. he gave a cinnamon bun to a girl he liked as a present. he keeps a framed picture of a cinnamon bun in his otherwise sparsely-decorated room. one time he ate an entire tray of cinnamon buns so quickly that he horrified bystanders and had to have the paramedics called. he later admitted to practicing eating cinnamon buns to prevent himself from going ballistic again. he begins promoting cinnabon as an andalite tourist destination after the war. literally all of these sound like silly headcanons you would read in a tumblr post but they're all real. the cinnamon bun lover of all time.


I tell you in about four hundred and fifty years I'm going to absolutely shit my pants

we waited until he unbuffaloed into a naked old man and beat him into paste with sticks

we're so fucking tough and cool and were absolutely not soiling ourselves behind barricaded doors while our outdoor leathermaking studio got made into shards of floating papyrus


if you're ever seeing me liveblog games please know I'm doing it in a contorted pretzel formation around five cats and a dog while being yelled at by multiple birds


I associate your blog with rimworld shenanigans. We honestly don't even remember why we actually followed you but at this point we have been here so long that we can't just unfollow cuz ur posts are vital to the ecosystem of our feed.

I don't even understand like 90% of what you share of your colonies but it's always the craziest shit I've seen from that game. And I've seen and written some pretty crazy stories about what my colonists have gotten up to.


Its a point of pride, having bullshit emerge even when I'm trying to run a normal colony/fortress/whatever it is I'm attempting at the time. And I've been a writer since I was a kid- shit like this is genuinely useful to that end as well. I like seeing characters/stories emerge and extrapolating on them with what follows.

unfortunately I am also biologically incapable of not fucking with shit until it explodes so I've actually only ever seen a colony survive to the end a single time.

at least with dwarf fortress it has so far MOSTLY my own pants on head choices leading to everything being made of fire


I'll walk off the anima tree with it's circulat area, I'll walk off the ritual spot with it's circular area and I'll build square buildings in the middle, oh I drew a cock, literally what happened in my last run lol


Im starting to fear that Architectural Cock is just inevitable and resisting it is futile. I don't even LIKE cock and it STILL happens


The Farming Annex Wasn't Meant to be a Cock: A Tragedy

(a part of the critically-acclaimed series 'Why am I Incapable of Not Constructing a Goddamn Penis Every Single Time')


got carded buying alcohol for the first time ever tonight

girl thought I was underage

no, love

I'm creeping up on 40

my tits are bigger than my head and the life and love has long since drained out of my eyes

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