

@artyfartymama / artyfartymama.tumblr.com

Love to paint. Patrick Stump and Fall Out Boy fan. Got a deep love for James Spader too. Instagram www.instagram/lesleyroberts.art www.facebook.com/LesleyRoberts.HelfordArt

Ah, insider anon. You heard me! Thank you for responding. I couldn’t publish your last pre-finale note because by the time I redacted everything you wanted me to redact I was left with one sentence about the original title for 8.21 (Neville Townsend) that was already known thanks to the promo pics. But I certainly wondered how much NBC got involved/pulled the strings in the end with this non-answer disaster.

If II’m understanding you correctly, it sounds like there was a plan (and a version filmed?) where Liz (and we) got some more concrete actual answers but NBC pulled it back in the end? I understand you may not be able to say more, but curiosity abounds.

I wish we could have seen the Bokenkamp cut.


Fandom Etiquette

I’ve been around for a really long time in various fandoms, and no one ever writes this stuff down. I’ll start. Please add to the list. We can’t expect people to follow “rules” they don’t know exist. 

written with the help of @unbreakablejemmasimmons


  • if you like something, reblog it. Help the artist get their work out there in front of more people. Share the joy that it brought you. 
  • if you want more of it, support it. This can be via commissions, reblogs, recommending the artist to other people, shouting in the tags, or sending the artist asks/messages. 
  • if you hate it, keep scrolling. Keep the hate in a message window with a friend, not in the artist’s notes. 
  • if you want to use it, ask permission. Artwork is beautiful and you want to show it off. But please ask the artist before you throw it into your header or your icon. 
  • if you use it, give credit. And not just a post where you say “Do you like my new icon? X made it!”. Put it in your blog description, that way when someone rolls around your blog three months from now, they also know where your icon/header came from. 
  • if you appreciate it, don’t repost it. Reblog the artist’s post instead of making one of your own. Let them see all of the excited tags in the reblogs and replies or commentary that people add on. If you come across something on a google image search, try to trace it back to the owner. If someone tells you who the artist is, credit them - but also try to find and reblog their original post.


  • if you like something, reblog it. Help the author get their work out there in front of more people. Share the joy that it brought you.
  • if you want more of it, support it. Kudos are great, but if you want more of the thing you like, you should comment. Subscribe to the story or the author. Send them a message about how much you like what they wrote. 
  • if you read it, kudos it. Or give it a thumbs up. If you want the author to write more things like that, let them know - even if you can’t comment! 
  • don’t demand content. Be patient. Stories take time. You can encourage without being demanding. Show your love for what’s there without telling them to post more often. 
  • be gentle with criticism. Some people want it and some people run away from it. If you don’t know what type of person the author is, it’s best not to go there. “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.”


  • ship and let ship. You love your ship and other people love theirs. No one needs to “win” when we’re all going to end up in tears anyway. 
  • if you hate it, stay out of the tag. This has two meanings: 1) don’t deliberately put hateful commentary in a tag and 2) if you  hate a tag, don’t go and read through that tag just to make yourself angry
  • if someone makes you something, appreciate it. Read and comment the fic. Like and reblog the artwork. Pimp it out and tell them how much you loved it. It’s a gift, treat it like one. 
  • if it’s a gift, put some effort into it. You signed up for that exchange three months ago and now it’s a week before you have to send the gift and you don’t have the time or the inclination to do the thing. Well too bad. Someone out there has been working hard in your gift, so you should do the same for them. 
  • none of us are “better” than anyone else. We’re all trash for our particular show/film/book/ship/artist/what-have-you. My fave is no better than yours and yours is no better than mine. 
  • actors are not their characters. They are people. Treat them like people. 

[ request ] young james spader icons

  • like/reblog if you save, thanks!
  • photo credits: pinterest

hey everyone, sorry that i’ve been absent this past month, tumblr was being a bit weird and wouldn’t let me log in, and when it did i couldn’t post. i hope that you all understand but it’s great to be back! <3


Glen was…so many different things. A son, a civil servant, a proud member of the Spare Me bowling team. Two-time runner-up at the Southern Regional Tournament and a great, a truly great, tracker. But he was…oh, brother, he was a lot more than that. Glen was infuriating, insulting, just so maddening. He was a hedonist, a chauvinist, a liar and a cheat. But there was one thing Glen was not, and that’s afraid. Glen was not afraid. He wasn’t afraid of judgment, of being wrong, he wasn’t afraid of friendship or romance, a bad joke, a good laugh. He was never afraid of a good time, or bad timing, or consequences, or of an impossible task, or any kind of danger. And he certainly wasn’t afraid of me. Ever. No matter how hard or unfair life was to Glen, Glen loved life back. He embraced it without reservation, regret or remorse and that is…rare. I wish…I wish more people were unafraid like Glen. It’s the thing about him I’ll miss the most. And I hope it’ll be some time before all my memories of him start to fade.


I wasn’t tagged to do this directly, but these are a few of my fan art pieces of my favourite actor James Spader and my favourite programme The Blacklist.

rules: it’s time to love yourself. choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. tag as many writers/artists/etc. you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!

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