
As the Earth Lurches

@astheearthlurches / astheearthlurches.tumblr.com

“The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun"
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

“What’s up guys, its yo girl Pandora. In this episode, we’re gonna do an unboxing. Please remember to like and subscribe and hit that notification bell!”


fireproof by one direction but it’s just “i think i’m gonna lose my mind” and then the song ends


what makes you beautiful by one direction but it’s just “you’re insecure” and then the song ends


alive by one direction but it's just "my mother told me i should go and get some therapy" and then the song ends


i love to do intense research on things that have zero impact on my life and have no correlation whatsoever to my general interests. i know a lot about combustion engines 


I was thrilled to pieces when I saw this scene. Disney could have written Gideon off like some bully character who never really amounted to anything, or got what was coming to him like a lot of those characters do in their movies.  Gideon made something of himself. He’s a pastry chef, something that’s not traditionally a job for men in media. And as soon as Judy speaks to him, he immediately apologizes to her. He doesn’t try to shrug it off as no big deal, or say that it was just boys being boys or whatever; he knows he hurt her, and he owns up to it. And Judy immediately forgives him. 

Well done, Disney. 

Also the language that he used is not something that he would have most likely grown up hearing/using. Describing his failings as self-doubt that manifested into “unchecked rage and aggression” sounds SO MUCH like therapy speak. So he’s either gotten counseling to help him with some of his problems, or sought out literature to help himself. A++ disney :)

This movie is a treasure.


I don’t have to shave my legs because I’m like a prepubescent teenager. I haven’t grown hair on my legs yet.


Ya'll be like "Shang was having a bi freak out, realizing he was into Ping". NO HE WASN'T. He already knew he was into men. His bisexual freak out was when he realized Ping was Mulan and hey maybe he's into girls too whatdoya know?

Legit you think a bi man who has always been in such a male-dominated space like the army hadn't already figured out that he liked men? Come oooonnnn... It's women he has rarely had contact with and has no idea how to talk to or flirt with (you fight good) I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL.

In "A Girl Worth Fighting For" Shang has zero lines I REST MY FUCKING CASE.

I am Looking at these tags my guy

[ID: Screenshot of tags that read:

ppl don’t like to imagine bi ppl coming to terms with being bi after identifying as gay bc they think that’s a downgrade lol. That’s why there’s like 100000 stories about cishets realizing they were bi and like 2 of gay ppl realizing they were bi.



if youve never physically been in the presence of like, a real live wolf, and you probably wont get the chance to, heres some stuff about them you should know

  • a wolf’s fur is so unbelievably thick that you can get like, your whole hand into it while petting. and then you can keep going
  • wolves are a lot bigger than you think they are. think about how big you think a wolf is then just like double that
  • they dont really smell like dog but they DO smell and youre not going to be able to figure out if its a good smell or not
  • a wolf really wants to lick the inside of your mouth. he will not stop trying to lick the inside of your mouth at any cost, and generally speaking you need to press your lips together kind of tightly when he approaches your face so that he doesnt worm his damn tongue in there to give you what he thinks is an appropriate greeting
  • a wolf doesnt really want to look at you while you pet him but he wants you to pet him. hes embarrassed
  • if a grown ass wolf decides to lay down on you, you just have to deal with it and thats your life now
  • young wolves, much like young dogs, are overwhelmingly goofy and stupid. a teenage wolf will see your very fragile, very human shoulder and go “i can probably step on that with my full weight” and then he will do it
  • letting a wolf eat out of your hand is actually not remotely frightening, and youll want to do it all day

I wanna know who did this research.

well, i did!

in the interest of science, have tested & can confirm

people surprised we domesticated wolves apperantly dont realize we were made for each other, like two halves of one larger dork organism

I can back all of this up, wolves are in fact Fucking Dorks and will not hesitate to try and stick their tongue in your mouth. Also, you know when you go to your friend’s house and their Big Fucking Dog jumps and puts their paws on your shoulders? Yep, wolves do that too. Except they’re twice the size. They will push you over excitedly and then get confused as to whomst the fuck pushed you over.

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