
Things I Like Hearing The Barefoot Contessa Say

  • Plum crunch
  • Fabulous
  • Chocolate


The moment you become an adult: when purchasing cinnamon flavored gum makes sense.


What will we tell them of our age, if not Gilded and Centuried

We moved into our apartment and tried to make it sweet by sitting on flattened card board boxes while we ate dinner and split a six pack. He would dance for me, sometimes stripping to Def Leopard while I ate my dinner. It was weird and funny and sad, because he was a giant man, and I was sitting on the floor eating noodles, and we somehow came to the conclusion that this was our life together. 

  He got the dog that spring, after a mildly rough winter where we were both thinking, maybe not so much about our relationship. The dog’s name was Roger. And he was a boxy creature. I don’t know how you say no to a dog or to a man that overrides your no. But mostly to the dog who needs a home. 

  He sometimes calls and says that he misses me. That he loves me. 

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