

@alittlewhos-this / alittlewhos-this.tumblr.com

Charlie. 30. She/they femme lesbian. Will fight 4 Thomas Barrow.

AN: I haven’t written a fic in 84 years but I’m meant to be writing a novel so obviously now is the time to pick it up again. I love you, wife, for being a bad influence. Summary: A meditation-style ficlet about Richard Ellis

Richard buys them at pawn shops every so often, little trinkets he can keep ferreted about himself. How often he visits depends entirely on how good of a time he’s been having, how much His Majesty & Co have been travelling, and what exactly Lady Luck has to say for Richard. 

It isn’t a bad trip up to Yorkshire, into the presence of a gormless, impeccably handsome butler. He’s rarely seen a butler so stately and it’s enough to make him think, maybe, he could retire to some old estate and do the same thing as Barrow. Welcome visitors with open arms, and all that. It’s not a bad life. 

And it isn’t a bad shout, either, when Richard hangs back with his mum long enough that he’s only a bystander as he realises what, exactly, has happened to the club that night. He stands across the street, smoking in an alley, and watches the men all be carted off. Poor buggers. There but for the Grace of God, he thinks, though there is also the undercurrent of Serves them right.

Richard’s never been caught with his trousers down, metaphorically or otherwise. Even when he writes letters to men he’s been with, there’s nothing in them like what a lover would say. If they send him something back with that sort of thing in, he ignores that part of the reply and burns the letter; they get the gist. And there’s never initials on anything he leaves. Not his initials, anyway.

He doesn’t do it to be unkind, quite the opposite. Like a bugger’s private charity: there’s always a little bit of hope. But he lets the trinkets do much more of the talking, because his mouth has been known to lie to make people smile – and maybe the trinkets do, too, but at least without specific words tied to them. 

There isn’t much thought behind it when Richard decides to spring Barrow, other than that their meeting might be made to raise a few eyebrows with their colleagues if it comes out. He doesn’t really think Thomas would do time, because of his position and not being caught doing much, but his name in the paper would be enough to make a right balls up of his life. Hardly seems fair, especially not when Thomas was meant to be waiting for him. 

Then again, if he’d stayed waiting - 

But Richard isn’t one for grudges. He isn’t one for debts, either, and so doesn’t question if it’s in gratitude or desire that Thomas goes down on his knees in front of him. It isn’t one he gets often; a little gormless, maybe, but naïveté certainly isn’t a trait he’d ascribe Thomas. 

The next morning, with Thomas’s eyes sweet as sugar looking at him, he’s pretty glad it’s the last morning. He likes him, he does, but he isn’t sure he’d ever trust Thomas to take care of either of them. And he kisses him before he leaves, their first, with the door open so they’re necessarily cut off, so Thomas doesn’t say anything he’d regret saying while he’s still a little cockstruck. 

He hands him his token like a knight and a maiden in reverse, his second to last one on this tour, and promises to write.

And he does. 

They write for months, about little and big things, their work and families, gossip, but Thomas never quite gets the hints rest do. It’s like half the time he’s a normal, sensible bloke and the rest of the letter is written in heart’s blood and hairpins. 

He feels a little bad about lying to him about being engaged (God, imagine - his mother’d die of shock twice), but it isn’t enough to stop him from writing the letter with a steady hand. He can’t have someone like that attached to him, can’t really afford it. He doesn’t think anyone could. 

What was it he gave to Thomas? A watch fob with something on it. But it doesn’t really matter; no one would know where it had come from.  

Underneath the bright silvery light / You'll be feeling better soon / Pick up your hat / Close up your flat / Get out, get under the moon

Anonymous asked:

You are 34. It is time to act like an adult, not some cringe-ass loser counting on mama to pay the bills.

Um? My wage pays for two households actually, thanks TERF. How are you doing? Wanna compare incomes? Bc the value capitalism places on us is a dumb way to measure worth, but if you truly wanna go down that route, I guarantee my non-binary ass makes more than you. 🥰


anon, just FYI, this indicates the sort of pattern of behaviour you’re not going to feel good about when you’re dying (presumably alone and discontented, based, again, on your pattern of behaviour)


Now, i love max brown, he is a peach and a babe. but imagine pretending hes a better actor than dominic west just because you think he’s prettier

have you seen sister boniface?? because i have.

i have.

Anonymous asked:

babe that anon is v obviously one of those downton stans you were arguing with the other day trying to start shit with you again. just block them next time they send you an ask or they'll never fucking stop lbr. anyway, fun game to shake things up: what hollywood star does guy first introduce thomas to when they arrive in america?

You’re probably right tbh!

Also: passing this to my wife @guy-sexter who has old Hollywood autism (actually, we’re both autistic, don’t @ me for ableism!), as I know very few old timey movie names!


Fellowes said he based him on Ronald Colman and basing Guy's career on that fact alone, maybe Vilma Banky with whom he'd starred in a couple of films! She was about to retire with the coming talkies, because she was Hungarian, and she wanted to settle and be happily wed to her husband, actor Rod la Rocque.

But before that, she was a beautiful romantic actress who worked with Valentino (pre the film, obvs, because he was dead by then) and that might be a novelty to talk about someone SO famous with someone still glamorous and beautiful but who mostly just wants to settle down with their husband (like Thomas!)

At some point, for novelty's sake, he's definitely introducing him to Tallulah Bankhead, herself a queer icon with heaps of bitchiness and a love of gay men. She's just the sort he'd get on with.

Anonymous asked:

so you're saying you don't support homosexuality? you don't think solely same-sex attracted people exist? you think lesbians should be equally welcoming to penis as vaginas, and that gay men should enjoy pussy as much as cock?

reported your blog for pushing corrective rape rhetoric and conversion therapy. it's 2022 ffs what is wrong with you? keep your nasty rightwing beliefs away from actual gay people

Lmao nothing amuses me more than TERFs trying to twist trans inclusivity into ‘right wing beliefs’ while claiming the only thing that makes a woman a woman is her VAGINA and the only thing that makes a man a man is a PENIS. So progressive, such feminist.

I’m a lesbian married to a woman. I’ve never dated a man. Would I date a trans woman? If I wasn’t married, yes I would! Because I am interested in so MUCH more about women than their vaginas, which are incidental to the whole package of what I love — which, to be really extra gay about it in case you don’t understand, is women’s souls, hearts and minds.

The only people who should be reported for ‘pushing corrective therapy’ are TERFs like you who want to prevent trans people from getting the healthcare they need and deserve to live their best, happiest lives as the gender they are. 🥰

If you want to talk about this further, reply to me off anon and I’ll reply to you privately so my lovely trans friends don’t have to see your filth on their timelines, thanks!


this person took a wrong turn at Albaqueerque and ended up supporting fascism woopsiedoodle


Anyway I’m cleansing the tag by holding a vote for the ship name what is it

1. Thexter (weird)

2. Guymas (weirder)

3. Barrowbotham (hilarious, but tenuous)

4. ????? Make suggestions here I’m really struggling

Thuy (said Tie) - erotic, fashionable

Quomas - sounds like a type of cancer, not great

Thuentin - like an even Frencher TinTin

Or, another direction:

My Guy Barrow - Like My Man Godrey??? Get it???? (please laugh)

Show People - reference to a v fun film starring our boy Billy Haines

Anonymous asked:

tbh i get the feeling a lot of the Very Angry Fans™ haven't even seen the film, they're just working off second-hand biased opinions and out of context clips. the jumps of logic some of them are making are insane and directly contradict things we saw in canon. i feel like i'm going mad.

I think you're right, and ALSO get the impression that a lot of these folks are coming into this as Max Brown fans. (Which: Tsk, you guys - Max Brown is a peach and would NEVER)

Like, I love Charlie Cox, but I'm not gonna fucking burn the world because he never came back. I liked Richard, I like Guy! I like Thomas/Happy Ending most of all.


Honestly, I was a big Thomas fan until I saw the way people started behaving when they didn’t get their way. I made a post (my first for a while because I am literally terrified of of upsetting people on this website) about how I felt Guy was a better fit for Thomas based on what he himself had expressed he was looking for in a relationship, and all these accusatory posts have made me feel very attacked even though I know that only like three people saw it. As an Autist who naturally struggles to communicate effectively, I think we should all be more understanding of the fact that certain members of our community might not know best how to word things in a way that is very coherent and stop attacking each other over minor differences in preference of the romantic relationships of a fictional character. 


As a fellow person with autism, I am disgusted you would use your neurodivergency as an excuse for being so unbelievably rude as to call other people’s ships *homophobic*. That goes way beyond “minor differences in preference”. You made a post that completely tore down a character and a ship that a lot of people love. And now you say *you* feel attacked. Well, guess what: that’s what tends to happen when you attack people: they attack back.

Maybe in future you should think before you post. And, please, quit playing the victim when you fuck up.

As a fellow person with autism — don’t be so disgusting. Stating that you find a piece of JULIAN FELLOWES’ writing homophobic, in the reasoned way that @apoliciavs did, is no more rude than anyone on this godforsaken site accusing a canonically gay character of being a SEX TRAFFICKER because they don’t like that their pretty boy pairing got written out. Screaming all over the tag about how their pretty Richard being written out is evidence of homophobia, Thomas being whisked away to Hollywood is evidence of homophobia, shipping him with Guy is homophobic — have you been attacking them, too? I imagine not, so don’t pretend this is anything more noble than you being angry your ship ended and taking it out on everyone else in this small fandom.

Your reblog is so unnecessarily aggressive and unkind. I REALLY hope you sit with yourself for a long time later on when you’ve calmed the fuck down and think about whether it was necessary to come for someone this hard for trying to politely remind people that not everyone can express themselves well.

You call it a reasoned way, I call it an extremely biased and uninformed way. We are talking here about a scene that got a standing ovation at the premiere. That got the movie nominated for a GLAAD award. Are you really trying to tell me the people at GLAAD, an organisation dedicated to lgbtqia+ representation in media, wouldn’t know homophobia when they saw it?

I’ve not seen any posts about Guy Dexter being a sex trafficker - which is so ludicrous, I doubt they even exist. But I’ve also not seen anyone who posted anti-Dexter or pro-Barris stuff excuse their behaviour by the take of “I’m autistic so you should let me say whatever I want without consequence”. *That* is the thing that prompted me to comment. You’ll notice I didn’t comment on the original post. Because I couldn’t have cared less about the dumb posts of someone who clearly has barely even seen DA1.

But I do care about cowards who can’t take responsibility for their own fucked up takes. Very deeply so, as you may have noticed by my tone.

  1. I try not to defer all of my opinions, as a lesbian, to Big Gay. Thats probably what most people do, rather than checking GLAAD’s takes before making their own.
  2. Its literally fucking absurd you’d even tell a queer person to sit down over their own opinions on queer media content. Major bootlick vibes tbh.
  3. That post does exist, so take a seat
  4. Youre not some knight in shining armour come to protect the fandom, even if you see clearly see it that way. An asshole by another name still smells like an asshole.
  5. Go find a hobby that isnt shouting down queer autists, you utter bell-end

I am a queer autist. So number 5 right back at you, you utter hypocrite.

Yeah, so am I. I just choose to have people's backs when they're being personally attacked for posting their fucking mild ass opinion in the Thomas Barrow tag, which full of opinions. Why you chose to single out this one person, I don't know - is it because they're also autistic? And was that offensive because they were autistic for the wrong side and not for what you thought was right??

This thread is fucking lousy with queer autists and you're the only here who deserves being called out for coming as Richard Ellis's knight in cunting armour to bully someone online over their opinion on the writing of a straight man for a piece of media.

Get your priorities in order, mate


Honestly, I was a big Thomas fan until I saw the way people started behaving when they didn’t get their way. I made a post (my first for a while because I am literally terrified of of upsetting people on this website) about how I felt Guy was a better fit for Thomas based on what he himself had expressed he was looking for in a relationship, and all these accusatory posts have made me feel very attacked even though I know that only like three people saw it. As an Autist who naturally struggles to communicate effectively, I think we should all be more understanding of the fact that certain members of our community might not know best how to word things in a way that is very coherent and stop attacking each other over minor differences in preference of the romantic relationships of a fictional character. 


As a fellow person with autism, I am disgusted you would use your neurodivergency as an excuse for being so unbelievably rude as to call other people’s ships *homophobic*. That goes way beyond “minor differences in preference”. You made a post that completely tore down a character and a ship that a lot of people love. And now you say *you* feel attacked. Well, guess what: that’s what tends to happen when you attack people: they attack back.

Maybe in future you should think before you post. And, please, quit playing the victim when you fuck up.

As a fellow person with autism — don’t be so disgusting. Stating that you find a piece of JULIAN FELLOWES’ writing homophobic, in the reasoned way that @apoliciavs did, is no more rude than anyone on this godforsaken site accusing a canonically gay character of being a SEX TRAFFICKER because they don’t like that their pretty boy pairing got written out. Screaming all over the tag about how their pretty Richard being written out is evidence of homophobia, Thomas being whisked away to Hollywood is evidence of homophobia, shipping him with Guy is homophobic — have you been attacking them, too? I imagine not, so don’t pretend this is anything more noble than you being angry your ship ended and taking it out on everyone else in this small fandom.

Your reblog is so unnecessarily aggressive and unkind. I REALLY hope you sit with yourself for a long time later on when you’ve calmed the fuck down and think about whether it was necessary to come for someone this hard for trying to politely remind people that not everyone can express themselves well.

You call it a reasoned way, I call it an extremely biased and uninformed way. We are talking here about a scene that got a standing ovation at the premiere. That got the movie nominated for a GLAAD award. Are you really trying to tell me the people at GLAAD, an organisation dedicated to lgbtqia+ representation in media, wouldn’t know homophobia when they saw it?

I’ve not seen any posts about Guy Dexter being a sex trafficker - which is so ludicrous, I doubt they even exist. But I’ve also not seen anyone who posted anti-Dexter or pro-Barris stuff excuse their behaviour by the take of “I’m autistic so you should let me say whatever I want without consequence”. *That* is the thing that prompted me to comment. You’ll notice I didn’t comment on the original post. Because I couldn’t have cared less about the dumb posts of someone who clearly has barely even seen DA1.

But I do care about cowards who can’t take responsibility for their own fucked up takes. Very deeply so, as you may have noticed by my tone.

  1. I try not to defer all of my opinions, as a lesbian, to Big Gay. Thats probably what most people do, rather than checking GLAAD’s takes before making their own.
  2. Its literally fucking absurd you’d even tell a queer person to sit down over their own opinions on queer media content. Major bootlick vibes tbh.
  3. That post does exist, so take a seat
  4. Youre not some knight in shining armour come to protect the fandom, even if you see clearly see it that way. An asshole by another name still smells like an asshole.
  5. Go find a hobby that isnt shouting down queer autists, you utter bell-end
Anonymous asked:

Tbh anyone headcanoning a random gay man (who has canonically been nothing but nice!) as a ~predatory sex trafficking creep~ is a homophobe. Like there is a reason these people loved the chaste relationship between Richard and Thomas, living hundreds of miles apart and corresponding by carefully worded letters, but are all having tantrums over Thomas sharing a life and home and bed with a man. They'll deny it but it's so very obvious what is happening here.


this is the exact same discourse that went on for the duke, but at least he was canonically a dick to thomas at least once! It always rubbed me the wrong way, though, that the only other queer in Downton (at that time) was made into this arch-villain

now we have 4 canonically queer characters and half of them are monsters, but dont worry its not the traditionally beautiful (or just, like, in his 50s, which i guess is bad??) ones


also: why do these people think thomas is constantly on the verge of being a sex slave

write your kink fics on ao3, loves, it isnt discourse


Now, come on, in fairness, we do all know that highly trained professional men in their mid forties are the highest risk group for 1920s sex slavery.

cant believe Thomas is gonna be the Black Dahlia how could Guy do this

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