
Forbidden Area Of Campus (The Realm Of The Angels)

@haveyoumetmythief / haveyoumetmythief.tumblr.com

I do art sometimes. 28 (Years), Scorpio (Standard), Lesbian (Proficient), Alchemist (Bad)

sometimes u will be the only person fagging it up. sometimes it'll be hard. but u gotta do it. u gotta show all the fags that fagging it up is the way. u must strive to fag it as much as possible. u have a limited time. fag it up and dyke it out


My deepest darkest fantasy is that I collapse on the street and I am rushed to the hospital. They perform a bunch of tests and find out I am severely deficient in some kind of vitamin. Then I start taking the vitamin and I become the happiest cleverest person alive because all my problems were caused by this one deficiency


Moreover, everyone gathers around to be tremulously compassionate and discreetly admiring: all this time, you lacked the Vitamin? And yet you persevered?

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