
Growlchu Pokefusions!

@growlchu / growlchu.tumblr.com

Requests are: OPEN!!! :D Schedule: I usually post twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday, with an occasional special post on Saturdays. To see the fusions I've done before, feel free to check out my previous posts, or click the "browse" button above to see fusions by type, Pokemon, generation, or more! You can also click "The Griffin Behind the Blog" to learn more about the person who runs this blog (aka me!) :) My personal blog is Tigersaurusrex.tumblr.com. That's the name that pops up when I privately answer asks, so don't be scared if you see that name.

Hey guys! I did end up entering TSplicA's contest, but I didn't make it past the first round. It was fun though, and I wish the best of luck to those who made it through.

As a special treat to you, I'll be posting the three splices today that I made for the contest. Keep an eye out for them! And happy early Easter, to those who celebrate it.


Hey guys! I have a couple things I want to talk to you all about.

First, I want to update everyone on the Giveaway! I just realized I never told you guys who the winner was. It's instertsomethingwittyhere! We've been chatting about their prizes, and they've chosen the Pokemon Care Package and an animated gif fusion! I'll post some pictures of the package and it's contents before I send it to share with you guys, and once I finish the fusion I'll be posting that as well. :)

The second thing I want to talk to you about is the blog thatsplicingadventure. They are a splicing blog, kind of like mine, and many of you have probably heard of them. They recently lost one of their splicers and are looking to add a new member to their team. I was wondering what you would think if I applied to join them? You guys mean a lot to me, and your input would be greatly appreciated! They have a lot of followers (in the thousands!), and there's bound to be a lot of people applying so it's a slim chance I'll get in. If I did end up joining them, I would make sure to reblog all the splices I make to this blog so you'll still be able to see them if you don't follow their blog. And of course I'd still post the occasional fusion art and such on here. Thatsplicingadventure is one of my favorite splicing blogs, and I think it'd be fun to join their ranks, or to at least try. And of course if any of you guys like splicing, I encourage you to enter their contest as well!  

So, my question to you all is: Do you want me to try and join thatsplicingadventure, or would you rather I just stay on this blog? You can answer this post or send an ask if you want more space/want to be anon?


((Alright, guys! The giveaway is over, and I have picked the winner via RNG! I sent them an ask just a few minutes ago, so take a look at your inbox to see if it was you. :3 Thank you to everyone who entered, and I'll update you all once the winner responds and picks their prizes. Have a great day, everyone!))


Hey guys! Do you know what today is? (hint: it's February 20th)


That means I've been making fusions for a whole year now. That's insane! As a thank you to all my great followers, I'll be doing a giveaway! Here are the rules:

  1. You get one like and one reblog. You can technically reblog as many times as you want (as long as you don't spam your followers. be polite, please!), but it only shows up once in the notes so it will still only count as one reblog
  2. Have your ask box open, please! If you are the winner, you will have one week to respond to my ask or I will pick a new name.
  3. If you are rude/complacent/etc I have the right to pick a new winner. I'm doing this giveaway because I love you guys and I think this will be fun! I am not doing it so that I can be harassed.
  4. You don't have to be following me, but if you like Pokemon Fusions/splices, you can check out my blog.
  5. Do not like/reblog from multiple accounts. It's not fair for you to get more chances to win just because you run 20 blogs.

I will pick the winner when I wake up in the morning on Saturday, March 2. That gives you a little over a week to like and reblog. At that time I will pick the winner via random number generator and contact them. Once I receive a response back I'll announce who the winner is. At that point I'll talk to the winner about their prizes and everything! 

Speaking of prizes, the winner will get to pick TWO of the following THREE prizes:

  1. I will draw a fusion for you, similar to the Arcdoom above (original post). You can either choose a fusion I've done before, a fusion you've made yourself, or you can request a fusion and I will make it, and then draw it for you.
  2. A .gif fusion, similar to the Growlchu above (original post). You can choose two pokemon for the fusion, and you get to choose which one is the base.
  3. A Pokemon Care Package! It will include:
  • A full set of handmade pokeballs, like the ones above. It includes six little ones and one big one. You can see more about them here.
  • Over 100 pokemon cards, including holos, reverse foils, and lots of other great cards! You won't neccessarily get the cards in the photo, those were just the closest box of extras I could find.
  • A pokemon tin featuring one of the Gen V starters (you get to pick!)
  • A handwritten (apologies in advance if you can't read my handwriting!) letter from me, probably including things about how much I love pokemon, what silly things my dogs have done lately,  and what I think about your blog!
  • I'll include lots of other stuff, like doodles and maybe some cookies if you like them! The possibilities are endless!

I'm doing the prizes this way so if you really don't want to give out your address, you can still win if you want to.

If you choose the care package prize, you must be willing to give me your address so I can send it to you. PO boxes should be fine. I will pay for shipping in the US. If you live in another country, we can work out the details and if you chip in a bit for shipping we can make it work! :)

That's everything, guys. Thank you all for being the best followers in the world! If you have any questions about the giveaway, feel free to send me an ask about it.

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