
alright, evans?

@dracvmalfoy / dracvmalfoy.tumblr.com

permanent hiatus// it was possible that there were two gods in this church

Tarot Readings

Do you have questions about your future? About your decisions? Need a pulse on what the universe has in store for you? My cards and I can help!

I am offering tarot readings in a few different forms using the 21 Major Arcana cards - priced and stated below. Message me here on tumblr! Once I have learned a little about you, you will be invoiced using PayPal USD for the reading; payment must be received before you are read. Once cards are pulled you will receive a photo of your spread along with each meaning. Please feel free to contact me with any questions!

Please also feel free to follow my witchy blog @lunawitchery​. I have been practicing tarot off and on for 8 years and have been told many times my readings are very accurate.

3 Card Spreads - $5 each. Choose from the following: 1. Fears, how to fight them, and likely outcome 2. Today, tomorrow, day after 3. Their feelings, your feelings, reconciliation 4. Thoughts, feelings, action 5. Mind, body, spirit 6. Pro, con, best choice 7. Meanings of dreams 8. Simple past, present, future

7 Card Spread - $10 each. Choose from the following: 1. Past, present, future. 2 past cards, 3 present cards, 2 future cards. A good pick for a generic reading. 2. Horeshoe. 1 card each for: past, present, future, you, attitude of others, what to do, likely outcome. Good pick if dealing with a specific situation. 3. Pentagram. 1 card each for: you, earth, air, fire, water, spirit. Good to choose if you have a specific question or situation you are trying to figure out. 4. This Week. 1 card for each day of the week. Can be ordered on Friday/Saturday only for accurate reading.

10+ Card Spread - $15 1. 10 Cards - Celtic Cross. 1 card each for: self, opposing forces, background, recent past, near future, higher power, issues & fears, allies, advice, and outcome. Good pick for specific situations or overall reading. 2. 12 Cards - Olympian Spread. Found @spreads-of-tarot​. 1 card each representing 12 factors in your life based on a Greek god or goddess and what they stand for. Good pick for an overall general reading of yourself.

Signal boost reblogs greatly appreciated.


She did mine she good throw money at the nice witch lady all will be revealed

shes good at this help her out!


you’ve gotta stat romanticizing your life. you gotta start believing that your morning commute is cute and fun, that every cup of coffee is the best you’ve ever had, that even the smallest and most mundane things are exciting and new. you have to, because that’s when you start truly living. that’s when you look forward to every day. 


w.h. auden wrote this poem as WW2 was breaking out / years later he edited the last line to “we must love one another and die.”


One of the perks of getting older is getting to have a say in the family gossip


your acquaintance from highschool that is elbows deep in a pyramid scheme: #girlboss


Liking a villain character is cool but it also sucks ass cause there’s always ppl that are like ‘aw no precious baby did nothing wrong UWUWUUWUW’ like no asshole they’re bad that’s why I love them leave me alone


Hey, do you know that feeling of hitching up a long skirt so you don’t fall on your face when walking upstairs, and then you immediately become a wretched yet resolute Jane Austen character? It’s a universal thing, right?

It’s like resting a laundry basket against your hip and suddenly you’re a long-suffering peasant woman, wondering if you’ll survive the winter.


history fucked me up

oxford was built and operational as a college before the rise of the mayans and cleopatra lived in a time nearer to pizza hut’s invention than to the pyramids being built

I need a noncomprehensive history book that covers Known World History in time periods, like “in this century, all this shit was happening concurrently” and not just all spread out so I have to piece it together like some unpaid uneducated scholar

Mongols were fighting Samurai in Japan and Knights in Europe at the same time. 

Star Wars a New Hope came out the same year as the last execution in France by Guillotine. 

Abraham Lincoln and Edgar Allen Poe were friends in their early 20′s. 

When the Great Pyramids were being built there were areas that still had Woolly Mammoths roaming. 


Harvard University didn’t teach calculus in its first few years after being established because calculus wasn’t invented yet.

Nintendo was founded two years after the Eiffel Tower was constructed


This is the book you want: The Timetables of History - going year by year (or in the earlier sections, at least century by century) and showing you what was going on in various parts of the world in several categories (e.g. Politics, Literature, Science, etc.)  Super useful for visualizing what events were happening at the same time.


illiterate dairy maid in 1750, hundreds of years before germ theory was even thought of: because of my exposure to cowpox, im immune to smallpox. if we expose people to cowpox, they won’t die of smallpox

upper middle class college educated mother with internet living in the year of our lord 2018: vaccines are the devils handiwork and a conspiracy i’d rather my child die of polio than be the autism


Welcome to The Durmstrang Institute 

Welcome to the Durmstrang Institute is an introductory film for prospective students who wish to apply to any of the five faculties. The film features an overview of the program of study, facilities, student life, societies and organizations and athletics. 
Durmstrang is one of the most prestigious schools in the wizarding world, a centre for development and research. The Institute currently celebrates over nine centuries of academic excellence, teaching young witches and wizards from all over the globe. Only at Durmstrang will you find your true potential for greatness. 

when my friend found out her boyfriend of three years was cheating on her she went through his phone, took pictures of every interaction he had with another girl, printed them out, wrote down where she had been at every instance and what lies he had told her about where he would be, and put them in a folder. when she confronted him and he denied everything she pulled out this big ass folder and just said “lets review” and Honestly, that is the most iconic thing anyone has ever done.


ok so there’s a post circulating on my dash that’s about people not receiving asks when they reblog ask games, and so i just want to say: if you see someone reblog an ask game, please send them an ask. it honestly takes like ten seconds. and those ten seconds will most likely brighten up their day. even if you don’t know the person well, you’ll get to know something new about them! whether you use the anon feature or not, please do send them an ask, especially if you’re reblogging it for your own blog ♡


Minerva Mcgongall pulled out her notebook and turned to the page that listed the names and details of that years Gryffindor Quidditch team. Her heart swelling with pride she jotted down the name “Harry Potter” next to the position “Seeker” before closing the book and opening a second drawer. She took out a small, wooden box and rummaged in it for a few seconds before withdrawing a worn out envelope, inside of which was a short letter and a photograph.

“Dearest Minnie,

Hope you’re doing well! I’m the same of course, driving Lily up the wall as usual, she sends you her love by the way!

Now I know I told you that you’ll never find a chaser as good as me ever again, but it just goes to show that even the brilliant are sometimes mistaken. I’ve found you (made you!) a replacement who will one day outshine his old man by leagues! Enclosed is a photograph of your new Quidditch prodigy so that you may assess his skills for yourself. We have him chasing the cat for practice. He’ll be unbeatable by the time he starts at Hogwarts! The youngest Quidditch player in a century!

I guarantee it, Minnie. And you know I’m never wrong, though you’ll never admit it!

Missing you and Hogwarts terribly,

Lots of love,


P.S. Sirius says his marriage proposal still stands.”

Wiping away a single tear that ran down her cheek and chuckling to herself, she smiled down at the photograph of a small, gleeful, black haired boy zooming along in a toy broom, a pair of legs chasing after him and a young woman laughing hysterically in a corner.

“Right again, Mr. Potter.”

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