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@pansexuallardo / pansexuallardo.tumblr.com

This blog is definitely not run by shitty B. Knight
If I follow you it's through the blog Kagemm
Bitty: I used to work out 293994 hours a day when I was figure skating I could do Anything I was a God
Jack: so do you want to go run or not
Bitty: I’ll have you know I’d rather die

the omgcp fandom really has trouble fathoming the fact that jack spent the entirety of his time at samwell deeply in the closet. he wasn’t out to anyone. he wasnt out to shitty or any of his teammates, or bitty. jack zimmermann went through all 4 years of college surrounded by his favorite people in the world, completely aware of his own sexuality, and told absolutely none of them that he was queer. 

this isn’t a story about a private man who prefers to keep his private business to himself. this is a narrative about a terrified, world-renowned athlete who grew up in a homophobic environment and has been conditioned to tell as few people about his attraction to men as possible. it’s about a young, queer addict who’s burdened with an anxiety disorder, who was planning to go the rest of his life without telling another living soul that he liked men. and i firmly believe that if he hadn’t met and fallen in love with bitty, he would have gone through with that plan.

It really got to me that Shitty didn’t know, and that Jack didn’t seem even a little rattled by his drunken confrontation. (We only get one panel of his face in that scene, but I’ve always read Bitty’s anxiety and uncertainty about their relationship stemming partly from how seemingly easy it is for Jack to pretend like it doesn’t exist even in front of people who are really close.)


sometimes i lie down and think about how we have check, please and the foxhole court and adam/ronan and wylan/jesper and rhy/alucard and the captive prince trilogy and yet I cannot name a single f/f ship or f/f oriented property on even close to the same level of popularity as any of those and get real sad. I’m always saying to myself “i want to read more f/f YA” but what I REALLY want is for f/f to be as ubiquitous and loved and fangirled over. we deserve that.

Good NurseyDex: hey we have our differences but we actually really like and respect each other and wanna date
99% of NurseyDex: Dex lives in a dumpster behind Faber. Nursey throws rocks at him. Dex teaches Nursey about oppression, and Nursey is shocked to realize that poverty exists. Dex obliterates decades of systemic racism with one, perfect argument. Nursey climbs into the dumpster. All is well.

n: gives us dynamic, interesting, diverse characters with different traits and backgrounds to focus our time and energy on

some of you guys: 80 different fry guy meta posts, 20 white oc’s to ship with other white background characters, 60k fics about characters who have been in three (3) panels

Interviewer: So they say that Eric Bittle has the softest hands in the college game. Your thoughts?
Jack: *Thinks about holding Bitty's hand*
Jack: Haha yeah.

suzanne bittle definitely used to gossip over the phone with her toddler son eric richard bittle nearby not realizing hes listening to the whole conversation until he repeats “mama said helens a floozy” in the middle of a family dinner



Actually, This is how the webcam was invented. 

At Cambridge University, they were sick of checking the coffee pot level, so Quentin Stafford-Frasier wrote client software for a greyscale 128x128 camera hooked up to an acorn archemedes computer.  Paul Jardetzky wrote the server program.

Technology always comes full circle.

Necessity is the mother of invention.


Bitty so fucking deliberately filmed his vlog in the kitchen to show off those roses like he could have gone in his room like he usually does his intros or literally anywhere else

“Well, enough about the team, let’s get to baking… Oh, goodness, I’m going to have to clear off a space on this counter, aren’t I? Gracious, I just don’t know where to put all of these vases… Okay, here I’ve got all my ingredients lined up, let me get my pan out and put some parchment paper on it - oh, would you look at that, there’s no room to set the pan down.”


Bob: Sweetheart would you leave me for Harrison Ford Alicia: Yea would u Bob: ya just checking that we’re on the same page Jack: could you not text this in the family group chat Bob: no

Bob: Eric, would you ever consider leaving Jack for Harrison Ford Bitty: no?? Bob: Oh Bob: Really? Bob: Are you sure Bitty: Yes I’m sure Jack: can you please leave my husband alone


Bitty: thank you for asking but Mr Ford is a little outside my preferred age limit

Alicia: would you leave Jack for Diego Luna?

Bitty: …


holster: so like, how do u tell ur best bro u wanna jack him off, but u also wanna like.... jack off his heart?
bitty: adam birkholtz get OUT of my kitchen
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