
the legend continues


seven/livvia comes at you with another blog. how many post limit blogs does she have? who even knows.

Are we going to talk about how Lin not having kids and getting married is because of her childhood and how it is mentioned that she had to starve for her mother’s attention? And that might be why she never wanted kids because she didn’t want them to go through what she did? 


Ok but the thing that really makes me sad about Lin is that everyone constantly gives her shit for being cold and bitter and untrusting but she has every reason to be.

She TRIED. In a family of runaways, Lin Beifong was the one that stayed. She was the one that tried to make her mother proud by being just like her, the one who dedicated her whole life to helping other people, the one that never left her hometown. In a lot of ways, I think Lin was the homebody of the family. She just wanted a home and a family to come back to.

But despite how hard she tried, everyone left. She wasn’t enough for Suyin, or for Toph or for Tenzin, and one by one they all left her behind. 

And the worst part is that after each of them abandoned her, they found what she had always wanted: family, happiness, peace. But not Lin, never Lin.

So yeah she is a bitch. Yeah she pops Naga’s toy and makes her niece cry, because she learned a long time ago that to let herself love was to be abandoned, to be disappointed, to be broken.


toph is probably fucking living underground with the badgermoles or some shit like a sleeping immortal earthbending god and she won’t come up to help with the equalists or end of the world or anything but she will AWAKEN AND EMERGE FROM THE EARTH AND KNOCK SOME HEADS TOGETHER IF SHE SEES HER MOTHERFUCKING DISRESPECTFUL KIDS ARGUING AGAIN SHUT THE HELL UP AND HUG IT OUT

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