
Smuggler Of Dong

@gatewinks / gatewinks.tumblr.com

Wow holy fuck my blog looks bad but I'm too lazy to change it

i havent been on here in years, i probably won’t come back again, and goddamn i was a shitter when i was but im a girl now just in case anyone was wondering


when Gordon Ramsay is in town so I try the restaurant he’s at & he comes into the dining room saying “ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention for one minute”


dio&pucci are so funny they spend their whole lives committing atrocities and then are like “we are going to heaven right”


Ok but damn you gotto give it to him, dude actually did it.

Bullshit.  He didn’t. He’s pulling a PR stunt right now.

  1. From a quick googling, national testicle association doesn’t exist anywhere. Most hits track back to news articles to this subject matter, but there is NO actual association with that exact name (Did all these fucks who created their clickbait articles around the web even bother to check…?)
  2. “Sincerely, Dick N bawls”? Lol seriously tumblr are you this gullible
  3. everyone can take a picture of them wearing a oxygen tube, especially if it doesn’t seem to connect to anywhere (= normally a oxygen device or similar  should be next to his bed). They can be detached to the main tube, leaving only the piece that wraps around your your ears/head, that’s exactly how that photo looks like. I should have taken a pic like that last time I was in the hospital just to bullshit people on social media lmao

Also this:

Where’s that Testicle Association you’re speaking of?


and then Prince used Chappelle’s image on the cover of his single 

Chappelle’s reaction makes it even better:

In June 2014, Chappelle appeared on Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show and discussed the use of his image on Prince’s single: “That’s a Prince judo move right there. You make fun of Prince in a sketch and he’ll just use you in his album cover. What am I going to do, sue him for using a picture of me dressed up like him? That’s checkmate right there.”


-“mommy, the kids at school are mean to me!”


Stay away from children for the rest of your lives please

The people who hate this are probably the ones traumatizing their children

this is a show for 3 - 6 year olds what is WRONG with these monsters???

Fun fact, sesame street was created to fill the gap in education for children whose families could not afford to send them to preschool. Sesame street taught basic math and phonics as well as interpersonal skills so that children below the poverty line weren’t starting elementary school behind their more privileged classmates.

Here sesame street is trying to fill a gap where supportive adults should be. Where there should be a teacher or a family member or a counselor to help, for whatever reason, there isn’t, so Sesame Street is stepping in.

This breed of person has always hated Sesame Street. They hated it for showing black and white children playing together. They hated it for giving children of color the head start that rich white families were paying for. They hated it for Bert and Ernie for showing two MEN who LIVED TOGETHER, for the married black nurse who lived on sesame street when it was first released, and for them explaining death. I feel like there was a pregnancy at some point in its early days and they would have REALLY hated that.

These days they don’t (usually) say “I’m not letting my kid watch anything with black kids in it” but they sure throw a tantrum in the youtube comments when Sesame Street DARES to show an autistic girl playing with non-autistic children and being treated like shes anyone else. They lose their shit when Sesame Street has to explain incarceration to 5 year olds. And the muppet in south africa with HIV? Hoo boy.

They hate everything Sesame Street stands for and tries to provide. They always have. We just have to ignore them and keep supporting the show. Or tell them to shut the fuck up and keep supporting the show. Either way Sesame Street will outlive them.

Sesame Street will outlive them.

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