
Gym and Motivation: #1 Fitness Motivation Site!

@gymandmotivation / gymandmotivation.tumblr.com

Wherever you're from, been, or going; Do everything with passion, pride, strength, perseverance, consistency, patience, and rage. This is the only way to achieve. <!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7364655260901440"; /* blend2 */ google_ad_slot = "3644268333"; google_ad_width = 200; google_ad_height = 200; //--> <!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7364655260901440"; /* side1 */ google_ad_slot = "7125278516"; google_ad_width = 200; google_ad_height = 200; //--> <!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7364655260901440"; /* side1 */ google_ad_slot = "7125278516"; google_ad_width = 200; google_ad_height = 200; //-->
Anonymous asked:

I have been so depressed lately and I just feel like I will never get fit. If I'm not eating too much then I don't eat at all. I want to get my shit together but I dont know where to begin. What should I do?

Brah if you really want it. You will go to no ends to get it. I believe you must solve the issues surrounding you that are the root cause of the loss of motivation. Once you cleared the path stopping you from your goals, then you can be on your way. I believe you can do it man :)

Anonymous asked:

I can't seem to find the motivation or discipline to workout and eat healthy anymore. I used to do this daily but with my sudden life changes I just stopped... Any pointers?

Don't feel rushed. The gains are forever there. Get out of this down time properly and find what motivates you again. On your own time. Anything forced in this world does not come out as you wish. That applies to occupation, relationships, goals, etc. There is no magical source of motivation, figure out what's stopping you and fix it patiently. Then I truly believe your motivation to get fit will come in as second nature as it once did in your past. Best of luck

Anonymous asked:

How do you know when it's time to move on to a new protein brand?

Honestly brah they're more or less the same. Don't overspend on protein powders when the real focus is on whole foods. Let's put it in this perspective: you take protein 1 for a year and you take protein 2 for a year. Will there truly be a significant difference? Will it be noticable ? Probably not. You'll probably have the same improvements. I personally wouldn't fret on something as small as protein brands. The main focus is on supreme diet. That's when you'll see real improvements. Just my opinion

Anonymous asked:

Please help! I've joined the gym for a second time (I failed the first time) but since I've returned to school I'm struggling to find the energy to train! I either fall asleep when I come home or I feel very drained both emotionally and physically . I feel helpless and don't know what to do! Any advice?

Do what is logical. 

if you can't allocate your focus and energy to both things, do the intelligent thing and focus all of your energy into one goal for now. Which would be school. No one is running after you with a deadline to be in top shape. 

Work on school and if you have time, run into a gym and get a workout in. All in the meanwhile try and eat healthy.

We forget that fitness is a luxury. School/occupation is mandatory to build the specific future you desire


do you have any advice on finding the timeand motivation to work out with a flat out bust lifestyle?


What is a flat out bust lifestyle? I'm assuming you're busy? If that's the case I advise u to sit down and look at your schedule and seriously set goals. Do this weekly. Every sunday make the exact plan for the week coming.

Anonymous asked:

What/who got you into lifting/working out? :)

A break up tbh. But that soon faded and I propelled myself because I loved the improvements

Anonymous asked:

Is it wrong for me to want to get aesthetic as fuck so that on the off chance I bump into a girl I was really into and who rejected me, I can walk off knowing that I can now do better?

Use it as motivation bruh, not as a purpose.

revenge in any form leaves a man empty and with less than he started with. Good luck


Dude i made a tumblr just to follow you. You're fucking amazing! Thank you.


Hey dude! Thanks a bunch, good luck on the journey!


Been gone for a while!

Hey guys I've been gone for a while, you can ask me anything you like regarding any topic.

I have to spend more time connecting with my followers and getting to know them better. Hit up the ask button: http://gymandmotivation.tumblr.com/ask

and I'll answer as many as I can!!

Anonymous asked:

How to get bigger boobs any advice?

3 sets of logic x 8-12 reps4 sets of common sense (until failure)


Honestly I just wanted to say thanks. As a recovering bulimic you have posted things that make me feel so much better.




Follow me on insta!!

Follow me @ kdekis I really want to see what my followers are up to!!


When you gf makes you choose between her or the gym because you spent valentines day making love to the gains


when you and your friend forget your protein at home after a workout and the gains timer is slowly ticking away and you question your gainsitance.

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