

@frozenwho11 / frozenwho11.tumblr.com

Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog, a place where I like to get out my dislike for Frozen.

So I saw Moana Saturday and it was so good. Although, I would say the lobster scene was, as the nostalgia critic would say, a big-lipped alligator moment but every thing else was beautiful.


Okay but the mona soundtrack makes the frozen soundtrack sound more basic than it already is.


Yes it does. I have been listening to We Know The Way non-stop

Anonymous asked:

How do you feel about people getting mad about Moana getting merchandise ? For me it's dumb . Of course Moana is going to get merchandise like other Disney Princess movies.

I found that odd. Disney has a formula when it comes to new releases. New movie, advertise and market it to the heavens and makes enough merch to fill a kiddie pool. It’s not new. Disney is giving Moana that exposure that it needs since the movie is coming out in 2 months. Disney wants that money.   


Sorry for being M.I.A for about 2 weeks. My computer died :/, I started college :// and I was dealing with some mental issues so I wanted to take a break from tumblr but I’m feeling better. I will try to use the mobile app but I heard that it’s the devil


Me: I can’t wait for Finn and Rey to get married, save the galaxy and have beautiful children :)

Reylos: Don’t you mean Kylo-- I mean, Ben and Rey?

Me: Anyways, I can’t wait for Finn and Rey to get married, save the galaxy, have beautiful children and launch Katach Rollo into the sun :) 


I heard that Elena and Moana won’t be added to the Disney Princess line because it was already full but in fact be their own franchise if they become popular. How do you guys feel about that? Maybe this could be the start of a Disney Heroine line and other ladies will be added 

Anonymous asked:

REYLO DICTIONARY: "I'm not saying that Han and Leia were abusive parents but"= "yeah, I'm saying it"~~"why Luke need to be perfect? The history will be more interesting if he is more human"= "I want to see Luke making shit and that way Kylo will be a hero"~~ "Kylo is abandoned like Rey" = "I'm trying to make you think that they have something in common. Actually I don't care about Rey"~~"there is history to be told" = "I have no more excuses for Kylo's actions"~~ +

Don’t forget “How am I racist if I ship stormpilot?”= “I’m using a gay ship to deflect from the fact that I would see Rey with Kayola Ron then with someone she has an actual connection with.”


I like how Hans, who wanted to be king and didn’t want to wait because he is 13th in line for his own throne, decided to go after Anna who is second in line for the throne after he heard that Elsa was cold and standoffish. He didn’t even try to court her, he just went with the choice that would require more work.

“Ok, since I can’t get with Elsa because I heard that that she was cold even though I wouldn’t try to court her to see if this is true, I will after her sister instead. Then we marry and then I will kill her sister and hide any evidences that it was me and then I will be become king.”  


Explaining Pokemon Go to my mom is an experience I wish not to go through again.  

Anonymous asked:

Hey I saw you on a reylo 'antis to block list' just thought you would want to know

I’m popping the biggest bottles right now

Anonymous asked:

That anon was so fake and very obviously not a reylo shipper. Lol it's either your "friends" sending it to you or you sending it to yourself so you could use that reaction gif. Grow up.

No one on the anti side needs to send these kind of messages when the Reylo’s have shown time and time again their racist side. The anti’s are not pulling this “let’s make the reylos look racist!” out of thin air when the reylo make themselves racist. From cropping John from photos he had with Daisy and replacing him with Adam, calling him “monkey” and “coal boy”, this list of receipts here http://stopreylo2k4ever.tumblr.com/post/143648341400/define-what-you-mean-by-racism-cause-finn-is to calling Poe a “beaner” http://vivelareysistance.tumblr.com/post/147968578817/why-is-it-racist-to-want-rey-with-a-white-guy. Why would me or any other of the anti want to make reylos look racist when they do this on a daily basis?  

Anonymous asked:

I'm sorry but the couple that is going to save the universe is Reylo!! Not Finnrey!!! Finnrey is horrible and racist. Disney would never pair up the beautiful Rey with a middle-aged piece of coal! REYLO IS ENDGAME!1


I just found out that there is a reylo fic about Kiwi and Rey at a blm rally and Kale saves Finn from being shot by the cops and becomes some sort of white savior. Why are they like this?


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