

@keurimjanee / keurimjanee.tumblr.com

If God doesn't love you, I will.
Anonymous asked:

Is that an 'Armor Fati' reference? Or just, you know... not?

you mean “if god doesn’t love you, i will”? if so yes, yes it is. that song is everything 


when will people use the anon function to send passionate, homosexual anonymous love letters

reblog if you want a passionate, homosexual anonymous love letter


Every single white lesbian who has spent years complaining about the lack of lesbians on screen had better support The CW’s Black Lightning. 

Anissa Pierce (portrayed by Nafessa Williams):

is a canon lesbian with superpowers (who goes by the name Thunder) who has, among other abilities, the power to make herself invulnerable (this means she’s essentially unkillable-although she can be hurt/injured!)

Her comic-canon girlfriend Grace Choi (Chantal Thuy) has already been cast:

Grace is half-Amazon, and has superhuman durability and rapid healing abilities-which also help to make her relatively invincible!

Also, they’re really cute in the comics:

So basically-support this lesbian, interracial, basically invulnerable couple on the CW’s Black Lightning-airing January 16th, 2017!!!!!

everything I wanted

Don’t support the show if it is bad quality.

Make them make these things wonderful.

God, this is going to be fucking cringe, isn’t it?  Like, trying way too hard.


>both characters are basically invulnerable

So what you’re saying is they’re boring.  At least Superman had kryptonite.  Which, if you payed attention to during the heyday of Smallville, became basically a weekly occurrence for Clark because there was no other way of making an otherwise invulnerable superhero vulnerable.

Literally the only thing I’ve seen about this series is how the characters are gay and/or that they aren’t white.  Which is a pretty good indicator that the series has nothing else to offer and will be a load of ideological garbage.

When will these dipshits learn that skin color or sexuality does not make your character interesting.  At all.  And the people who you pander to with this shit don’t consume your product.

Make a good story and good characters first.  For fuck’s sake.  You want a kick ass LGBT series?  Fine, but if that’s all you have going for it, it’ll be shit.  

And before anyone claims comic book fans hate LGBT characters:

  • Apollo and Midnighter
  • Batwoman and Question
  • Constantine
  • Daken
  • Northstar
  • Mystique
  • Wiccan and Hulkling
  • Karolina Dean
  • Moondragon
  • Shatterstar
  • Deadpool

Yeah, a lot of those are C-and-D-listers, but Deadpool is a huge name, Mystique and Batwoman are major characters, and Wonder Woman is one of DC’s Big Three and one of the most iconic comic characters of all time.

And that’s the thing: the whole “Comic books are for straight white men who get all mad the second their straight white male power fantasy is interrupted by having POC / LGBT / strong female characters” narrative is straight-up bullshit.  Comic book fans want compelling characters in interesting stories, and news flash: being brown-skinned or gay does not automatically make you interesting or make your stories compelling.

Ok, noted, but who said ANYTHING about it being interesting JUST because they’re gay and not white? Nobody said that. They essentially said if you’re lesbian and not PoC don’t ignore it just because they’re not white. Make sure to see it, and support it IF you like it, that’s up to you.

And maybe that’s all you’ve heard about it because its worth mentioning, and what catches people’s attention? I’m sure there is more to it that y'all ignored in the articles online anyway. Of course, to some white ppl any show that doesn’t fit specific standards or have some level of white&hetero mixed in is ‘pandering to an audience’. Why whenever there’s a post highlighting a book or movie with good representation theres some saltine dimwits shouting “JUST BECAUSE ITS [insert races and/or sexualities] DOESN’T MAKE IT GOOD! IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT THEN DON’T SUPPORT IT!” Like… Ok? We fucking know that. Both of y'all just sound like you’re whining about nothing.

Making your characters white and straight doesn’t make them interesting either. And we all know there’s a fuckton of that in media. God forbid they don’t have any of it in one show, the horror.

Good to see you missed the entire point of the post.

  • People are demanding that gay women see this because it has gay women in it.  That’s tribalism and it’s stupid because it assumes that because it has gay women in it, lesbians will find it interesting. That’s shallow and, frankly, insulting.
  • If it’s the only thing worth mentioning, as that’s all we’ve been hearing about, then that’s a red flag about how the show will be garbage. When the most interesting thing about your product is race and sexuality it means it’s boring.  Just like if the most interesting thing about YOU is your race or sexuality, it means YOU are boring.
  • This applies to any and all races and sexual preferences.  Black, white, gay, straight.

Garbage is garbage.  I don’t care if it has lesbians in it.  I adored Legend of Korra because of the characters, the concepts, the aesthetics, the story (more so the last 2 seasons than the first 2).  Not the fact that the two main female characters hook up in the end.

I loved Rucka’s Batwoman because the characters were more than just their sexuality and race.  Because that’s what is important.  

I liked the new Prey because it was a good game.  The fact that it had lesbians in it or mostly non-white people in it is fucking irrelevant.  

The diversity is not a selling point and it should NOT be a selling point. What should be the selling point is the characters, the story, the special effects, the adaption or the star power behind it.

This is why so many “diversity” concepts for comics, video games and movies fucking tank. All you have to do is look at America Chavez to prove that.  A super diverse cast starring a gay Latina?  It’s a sack of garbage with a super diverse cast and starring a one dimensional, one note, uninteresting Mary Sue.

If you put diversity first, your product will likely be shit.  And if the most interesting thing about your product is the character’s race or sexuality?  That’s red flag that you want to put diversity first.

Sorry.  Black Lightning has all the red flags of being a stupid, awful show and no amount of bitching from you about “diversity” and “omg whites stop complaining” will not change that.  

And until you and dipshits like you and executives who share your thought process get it through your head that you are making shitty, pandering products that will FAIL, people like me are going to continue to say that.

And how much you want to bet this idiot assumed my race and/or sexuality while making this post?

Can y’all have this conversation elsewhere? 

We get it, you don’t want to watch this groundbreaking show that features an all Black main cast, with an almost all-Black writer’s room, determined to tell the story of Black people in urban areas in an authentic manner, that’s not attached to the current Arrowverse (wonderful) and features a never before seen on TV Black lesbian superhero (and her Asian bisexual girlfriend), that’s received nothing but praise from everyone who has seen the screener episodes. 

You are really going out of your way here to discredit a show that hasn’t even aired yet. All the initial post asked was that you give it a chance. If you don’t want to, great, fine, nobody needs your commentary ad nasuem. 

Representation is important and matters, so it’s important that the show actually be good, but its just as important that those shows be diverse. A show isn’t good if the cast is just a bunch of white people.


A show isn’t good if it casts a bunch of white people.  But you seem to fail to grasp that the same is true if it casts a bunch of black people.

If all you can do is crow about the race and sexuality of the characters, then you’re already scrambling to find good things about the series.

Sorry.  I won’t automatically shill out for a series exclusively because of “diversity”.  I have more integrity than that.  I could care less about the sexuality and race of those involved.

If you think that my commentary alone can discredit this show, then you have no faith in it, clearly.  You’re so concerned about “diversity” that you’re paranoid about anyone who preaches that diversity should not come before story, should not be what defines a show.

And nothing about your original post said “give it a chance”.  You flat out demanded that lesbians support it because you’re tribalist.  Because you want lesbians to support it, even if it is a hot piece of garbage because to you that’s more important than it being good.

Your initial post made it clear.  You value the diversity aspect more than you do the good storytelling aspect.  And that’s why shit like America Chavez, Sunset, Mass Effect Andromeda and All Female Ghostbusters bombed.  

That’s why things like Overwatch, GTAV, Pacific Rim, and Orange is the New Black  succeed.

Maybe it’s time to admit your mode of thinking is not only wrong, but also inherent untenable.  It is tribalistic, it leads to bad storytelling and, as we’ve seen time and time again, it causes loss of profit.

Forgot to mention, this line of thinking is explicitly why people gave @keyhollow so much shit over her post on Black Panther.



This reminds me of the show that had a black female baseball player on a male baseball team.

It’s canceled after one season. 

I’m gonna skip this show. It sounds hella boring and the only hype is “GAY/BLACK WIF ALL BLACK CAST AND WRITERS”. 

Every time they do this “diversity” shit instead of actually making a good story and/or a well-rounded character:

Having seen the first episode, here’s a better description of what’s going on in it:

Dude retires as a vigilante for the sake of his family after a suicide attempt, becomes a principal and is badass enough to have a standing agreement with local gangs to keep ‘em out of his school. Then some punk breaks that agreement and kidnaps his daughters, so he’s gotta suit back up and get back to beatin’ everybody down. Also it turns out his daughter has powers of her own.

Having missed the part where I stated in this post that the show would revolve around Anissa and Grace’s story, I fail to see what the point of your addition is.

Their presence on the show is still majorly important for representation of a sorely underrepresented group.

Go make your own posts, its actually not difficult.

y’all white gay are really the worst. go back to crying over supergirl if it’s really that deep. if you really can’t handle seeing BLACK people lead a fire ass show cuz your racist mind won’t allow it then go. we’ll show up for us like we always do.



I just looked this up and it turned out it was about a production of “cat on a hot tin roof”, a play which famously features a closeted gay lead character. a member of the audience was catcalling female actresses and shouting homophobic abuse when actor john lacy, who played the character big daddy, paused his performance and called him out. the heckler replied “what are you going to do about it?” to which lacy responded by leaping down into the audience and knocking him to the ground.

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