
Real Life Band Nerd

@cimmamintoastcrunch / cimmamintoastcrunch.tumblr.com

get dunked.

Someone Should Talk To This Principal

My school used to do this

Fuck them

Our school used to ask children who were late questions about maths, but those that they can’t answer yet. And then they made kids write down that they don’t know math. My 11yo classmate (who was always great at math) was crying after this.

Oh god, my elementary school was hell.

I remember this one music teacher who, for some reason, REALLY fucking hated autistic kids. I would know, because everyone in my weird therapy group was targeted while everyone else was ignored.

I saw her physically drag a kid out and threaten to get him suspended because he was to scared to dance solo in front of his peers. 

There was also “lunch detention,” and they didn’t fuck around with that. They didn’t isolate the students like that, they fucking shoved them in a separate room and forbade them from sitting together or talking. They slowly brought in several teachers and eventually the principal, and they all, one by one, told us that we were horrible, reprehensible people who would never be successful. 

And you wanna know HOW you got lunch detention? Not finishing your work on time, even if it was a one-time thing. 

State sanctioned child abuse

‘Child abuse’ 

Y’all are insane. 

It may not be child abuse but honestly, some of this shit is fucking insane and harmful to the students than it is helpful. 

I mean.

It is abuse.

Emotional Abuse is a thing


i really needed this today, so for anyone else who might

Thanks I needed this also. I’ll pass it on

Just the Rock blessing your feed

Gotta have the boulder bless my feed.


Denzel Washington blasts journalists everywhere for promoting fake news.

Last week on the red carpet for his new movie “Fences”, Denzel Washington was asked about the hot issue of these days - fake news, in particular a fake story that he appeared to be involved in. Not only did he nail the answer, he gave journalists everywhere a very important lesson. 

“Anything you practice you’ll get good at. Including BS.”



Three years ago, my dog went viral on Imgur and Reddit, thanks to this picture I took right after she’d yanked down a post from the front of our house with her bare strength.

But like the image above says, this is not a good post.

That dog above, the one that made so many people laugh, her name is Eva, and she’s my 7-year-old lab. She was just diagnosed with canine lymphoma.

Without chemo, she only has 3 months left with us. But her oncologist has given her a good prognosis with chemotherapy. She could live to see her 9th, 10th, and even 11th birthday.

Which means more years of this happy, ridiculous puppy.

The price to extend her life? $8500.

I nearly died when I saw the number. I’m paying off 4 student loans right now, and my parents are in insurmountable debt. I thought, this is it, we’re screwed. In between crying spells and anxiety attacks, I realized what my choices were: give up and let Eva go in the next 3 months, or crowdfund my ass off.

Internet: you’ve done it before, now I’m begging you, do it again. Spread Eva like wildfire. She deserves a second chance. She deserves the extra time, and all the fun and happiness she’ll have in that time.

Any amount you can donate will help tremendously. Please, help Eva.

Eva has raised over $3,000 in one week!!! Part of that is because of many tumblr users who have donated, thanks to so many of you reblogging this. Please keep sharing. Tag people you know who have lots of followers. Post it on your facebook. On reddit. On twitter. Everywhere!! I have 17 weeks to come up with $5,000 more for this fantastic pupper.

New tactic for week 2: anyone who reblogs this post will get an automatic follow from me. You don’t have to follow me back! If it gets more people to reblog this post, I’ll do whatever it takes.


fuck man

In case you weren’t convinced that hating yourself is a learned behavior

Physical shame comes from parents, teachers, media, and peers. It’s not something you’re born with. You were born naked, wonderful, and gorgeous, and no one should make another being feel as if that wasn’t, and isn’t true.

This made me cry


we gotta kill that “dress how you want to be treated” mindset

As silly as this sounds, people should be respected no matter what they are wearing


we need conversion therapy to be illegal. we need parents to go to jail for doing this to their children. we need providers of conversion therapy to go to jail for offering a service that abuses and kills lgbt people. conversion therapy is a hate crime.


My coworkers complain when we can’t assign homework over Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. As if somehow this interferes with their ability to teach their classes.

My coworkers complain that our Muslim students get to leave class to pray Salat at noon. Like, we have maybe one Muslim student every two or three years - thus far, all extraordinarily respectful and lovely kids! - and they slip quietly out of class to pray.

My coworkers find all this infuriating. “Imagine,” they cry, “If a Christian kid asked to do that.”

I calmly explain, every single time, that a Christian kid would never HAVE to do that, because every single Christian holy day is a day off school. Good Friday. Easter Sunday. Christmas day. Our entire country interrupts its financial and educational systems - schedules its WEEKS - around the Christian prayer customs and seasons.

God forbid we temporarily unclip the rope barrier and leave an opening for someone whose religious traditions vary from our own.


It won’t get better for LGBT youth of color until we identify and dismantle the ways we’ve normalized racism. Gabe hits it on the head:

I want all my white mutuals to watch this immediately! And I’ll reblog this everyday until you guys fully understand.

Source: youtube.com
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