

@rethelia / rethelia.tumblr.com

Roleplaying mood board for Rethelia Fallowtide, a World of Warcraft character on the Shadow Council server.

Fears and Joys

Italicize all that your muse fears

Bold any your muse dislikes

Do both to anything your muse is afraid, yet enjoys

Romantic feelings | Close relationships | Death | The Dark | Spiders | Dogs | Cats | The Unknown | The Future | Water | Deep Water | Heights | Intimate actions | Cuddling | Sickness  | Friendship | Loss of control | Pain | Allies | Betrayal | Emotions | Themselves  | Isolation  | Being abandoned | Cramped places | Their body | Getting close to others | Fire | Alcohol | Standstill | Their past | Fighting | Peace | War |  Murder | Invasive thoughts | Family | Blood | Numbness | Social interaction | Magic | Meat | Sex | Having a own Family | Poverty | Being touched | Unrequited love | Forgetting | Being Forgotten



((Written for Teng, Orc warlock, on the Shadow Council Server about a billion years ago as a part of a secret santa exchange. Reposting for nostalgia ))

When shadows steep in silted skies,

And morn to endless night is lost,

There demons with eyes eager wait

To grant him means, but at what cost?

The price cannot be writ in words

But in his coughing breath it’s spelled-

The weary lines, the ragged scars,

All tell of something dark upheld.

Who asks to walk in endless shroud,

From flesh and soul extract that fee?

One sworn to free a broken world

Whose argent dawn he’ll never see.


“Pissenlit” brodé sur tulle sur cerceau de broderie par Velvet Meadow.


Oh, these are lovely!  The sheer fabric really adds an ethereal touch, and the needlework is spot-on.  Brings back memories!


Q&A for Rethelia


What is your full name? “Rethelia Fallowtide” What do your friends call you? “Rethelia. Some like to shorten it to ‘Reth’. That nickname always sounds like a sigh to me.” What is your favorite animal? “I like resourceful creatures. Rats... cats. And stubborn creatures. Those that live when the world tries to deny them life.” Where were you born? “On the road- somewhere between Elwynn Forest and Westfall.” Do you have children? "No.” Is there a person/people you love? “Yes.” What is your favorite color? “I do not consider this often. If you judged by my clothing, you would think I like smokey grays. Browns. Dark greens. Muted lavenders.” What is your full occupation? “Warlock. Rogue scholar. Inscriptionist.” Are you good at physical fighting? She laughs quietly, her thin shoulders shaking. Which form are you best at? “Negotiation. I work to avoid physical confrontation.” What about magic? "I work to avoid magical confrontation as well. I do not like to cause needless harm.” Which type are you best at? “My training has always been focused on the nature of the living soul, but my first spell was a shadow ward. They do not teach the apprentices that spell any longer, I am told. Pity.” Craftsmanship? “I am fair with a needle and thread and more than fair with a pen. I combine the two when I can, to add inscription through embroidery to the lining of my travel clothes. I prefer subtle work that is not easily detected.” Any other skills? “I know how to go unseen, but not in the way a rogue or hunter moves. I know how to be unremarkable. Similarly, I have been known to pull stories from the strangers that I meet without inciting their own curiosity. I have served as a confessor more than once.” Are you an only child? “I am my parents’ only living child. I had two older brothers. They died in infancy, before I was born.” Where do you see yourself in five years? "Alive, and that is a small miracle. The rest will reveal itself in time.” Have you ever almost died? “Yes.” Do you have a secret, not just a secret, but like a really big secret hardly anyone knows? “Few people know me, and fewer still know my profession. I keep that, and a number of other smaller secrets.” Salty or sweet?

"I rarely eat food for the taste of it.” Do you like yourself? "I do not dislike myself. I’ll do.” Do you believe in the Old Gods? “I do not doubt their existence, but I do not worship them or any other power.” Are you religious? "Decidedly not. But I do admire the stars.” Do you carry prejudice with you? “Some beliefs are hard to shake.” What do you consider entertainment? "Listening to stories. Reading. People watching. Researching. Fishing.” Favorite drink? "Water. Dwarven stout.” Do you have any family traditions? “Yes. Small traditions- warm moments and practices that would not be interesting to anyone else, I suspect.” Are you a good person? She smiles, perhaps a bit wryly. "I try to be.”

Tagged by: Aelberyn, a billion years ago @ourcollectivefantasy


Iloam - Love Thing

Name: Iloam Blacksong

Nickname: Loam, Prince of Flaws, Red, “Pretty,” Father Gender: Male Romantic Orientation: Pansexual Preferred Pet Names: Red is the only one he doesn’t mind.  Relationship Status: Dating Aelberyn & Jericho Bloodsword. Dating Rethelia Fallowtide. Married to (but separated) from Kharris Dawndancer-Blacksong. @rethelia @kharrisdawndancer

Favorite Canon Ship: Iloam’s fave couple is Lysonde & Calanus Riverblade, performance dancers for The Succulent Tart. He started out as just a fan of theirs in the audience, but they introduced themselves to him one night after a show and they’ve been both friends and lovers ever since. They are both great people individually and as a couple. @stormofmercy @riverblade

Favorite Non-Canon Ship: They might be lovers, and he doesn’t know either way, but Iloam ships Raerys & Tris pretty consistently and would be chuffed to hear if those two just went for it. @raerys-songbrook @trisandrah 

Opinion on True Love:  “True Love are someone tha yeh can trust more’n yeh trust yerself. It aren’t someone yeh would die or kill fer, but someone yeh would stay alive forever fer.”

Opinion on Love at First Sight: “It depends. Tha’s usually jest yer cock, but t’ere are forces in t’e Universe tha we dunnae ken.”

How ‘Romantic’ are they?: “I aren’t really? Nae in a traditional sense like Blue. I try ta take notice o’ t’ings I ken t’ey like an put in extra effort ta show I took time fer t’em.”

Ideal Physical Traits: (Type 1 - F) Long dark hair, pale skin, gothy, thin or frail. (Type 2 - F) Blonde hair, athletic, long legs, perky nose. (Type 3 - M) Tall, extremely muscular, broad shoulders, big arms, highly masc, short beard/goatee. Prefers dark hair, but can also be “silver fox” or blonde. (In general) Tattoos, piercings, freckles, graceful hands, great ass, small tits, alto voices, plush mouths.

Ideal Personality Traits:  Highly Intelligent, confident, powerful. Prefers scientific, studious, or medically minded. Great sense of humor, sense of adventure, enjoys travel. Gravitates towards people with above average talent in whatever they pursue (sailors, dancers, musicians, artisans, etc). 

Unattractive Physical Traits: Bad teeth, protruding bones (tusks don’t count) or exposed rotting flesh, really bad hair cuts, unkempt/unclean, oily skin, unpleasant smell. Especially dislikes men with long, unclipped nails or nails with dirt under them. 

Ideal Date: Backstage passes to an indie concert at a small/mid-size venue to see a local punk band. Pre-game party before the show. Free flowing drugs & booze backstage. Blowjob in the balcony between sets. Sitting on the street after the show chain smoking thissle, drunk, and eating street vendor food at 2AM. Fucking in the back alley. Tumbling home and going for a few more rounds until the sun comes up.  

Do they have a type?: See above. 

Average Relationship Length: When actually committed? Either 1-3 years or it lasts forever. 

Preferred Non-Sexual Intimacy: Reading outloud to his partner, playing music and singing for them, comfortable silence while working but in each other’s company, letting his partner sleep or cuddle on him.

Commitment Level: Once a commitment is established, extremely high. Iloam has never been the one to break up from any partner. That said, he’s also not that commitment inclined? It takes a very special person/gut feeling to make him consider it as an option.

Opinion of Public Affection: In others, it doesn’t bother him at all. Fuck in front of him, he doesn’t care. For himself, he actually tends to not show much PDA. It’s usually the people he’s NOT standing next to or flirting with at a party that he’s actually fucking behind closed doors. He’s very private.

Past Relationships?: 

  • Very early relationship with Tylien Sunstorm. Youthful, optimistic, athletic blonde. Attempt to “be normal” and “fit in” - rejection of his sociopathy and serial killing urges. Failed on his side of things, broke her heart. She married a total jock hunter type pretty quickly after. 
  • A long and passionate affair with Ixinane Stormcren. Never official. On and off-again. HIGHLY tempestuous & violent. Shared a soul for a time - can still feel each other when near. She often dissapears from his life for long periods and shows up unexpectantly. Adopted-Mother to Halodante, his only victim to escape  @stormcren @halodante
  • An enemy-turned-lover dark love affair with Marquis Ythgar Vinguld. Captured, tortured, raped, broken and Stokholm-Syndrome gaslighted. Ashamed of latent homosexuality, Ythgar dumped Iloam and married his beard instead. Now estranged. Iloam secretly visits every Winter’s Viel to check on his health & well being.
  • Collared D/s relationship with Lain Duskhollow. Highly violent, indulgent in every self-destructive behavior possible. Murder team. Turned to power imbalance as Lain lost control to the void and sank into complete madness and loss of self. Iloam blames himself and carries tremendous guilt and self-hatred for death/disappearance of Lain’s brother, lovers, and unborn child - as well as what happened to Lain himself. @laindarkhilt 

Tagged by: @ellwelune


“You put up with my unkempt and unclean state often enough.” She offers a hint of a smile. 


TMIT: Who would be in her will and what would she leave them? Would there be any special instructions included? (For both K's!)


Khaeris doesn’t honestly have too much, so it wouldn’t be a long list:

Azryl - Sunny would need a new home, so it’d be back to the sweet monk for the panda. She would also gift him Pierce, her ram, because she knows he’d take care of the old ram for her. @azadzior

Iloam - Her vardo; he understands. @ourcollectivefantasy

The Shielded Mind would get her alchemy supplies. @theshieldedmind

Pollux would get whatever he wanted from her things first pick; he’s so practically minded though, she honestly wouldn’t know what he’d want. There would be instructions for care of the flower window boxes she’d put up at his apartment though. @polluxhale

Helal - Would get her alcohol, because, lets face it, if she dies, he’s gonna be plastered for at least a week in dramatic mourning. @helalthehallowed

Kharris has much more material goods.

The Barge and ATS would return to Iloam. The house in Bilgewater would also return fully to him.  @ourcollectivefantasy

Asarel would keep Farthing and their paintings. The painting he did of them for her would be the first thing listed in the will. @murmuring-shadows

Castien would get the rest of the animals. The pony, miniature deer, Pierce the ram, etc. He would also get Threadneedle @castien-storm

Ylaise would get any jewelry she wanted. @laceygreymist

Aelberyn would get her alchemy experiment logs and equipment. @ourcollectivefantasy

The Bloodsword Twins would get her personal fortune and library. @ourcollectivefantasy

Rethelia would get her traveling gear. @rethelia

This was a neat question, thanks @twosidedsana

Contre qui, rose, avez-vous adopte ces epines? Votre joie trop fine vous a-t-elle forcee de devenir cette chose armee? Mais de qui vous protege cette arme exageree? Combien d'ennemis vous ai-je enleves qui ne la craignaient point? Au contraire, d'ete en automne, vous blessez les soins qu'on vous donne. ___________________ Against whom, rose, have you assumed these thorns? Is it your too fragile joy that forced you to become this armed thing? But from whom does it protect you, this exaggerated defense? How many enemies have I lifted from you who did not fear it at all? On the contrary, from summer to autumn you wound the affection that is given you.

Contre Qui, Rose, Rainer Maria Rilke

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