
To be the girl before her identity was just BPD

@being--borderline-blog / being--borderline-blog.tumblr.com

Sophie. London. 22. Borderline PD. Bipolar (Rapid Cycling) & Anxiety. In recovery. In psychotherapy.
Anonymous asked:

Good news about the PD unit but maaaaaaan is it gunna hit you hard when you release they won't take your shit šŸ˜‚ try ligaturing or headbanging and they'll be straight up telling you how moronic you're being! Those places don't take shit like that. They won't take acting out AT ALL. Can't believe you're stupid enough to want to learn the hard way. But good luck.

I need it to get my life back x

Anonymous asked:

I guess you can say goodbye to university this September then?

I'm going to hopefully do an online psychology degree x

Anonymous asked:

How do you feel about going to a PD unit?

I'm really happy about going tbh. I hope I can keep my Phone and TV in my room. I'm waiting for fast track funding xx

Anonymous asked:

How often would you say you consciously do things that you know will get you attention? Just curious cus I know it's something pretty much everyone with bpd does.

I don't really know tbh xx

Anonymous asked:

How was your day?

It never is great. They want me on section 3. I've been given a formal recommendation by the tribunal for a specialist personality disorder unit also CQC are on my side along with nursing staff. I'm only allowed out with my dad though. I'm going to be put on section 3 to go there x


Good and bad day

So I had my tribunal today. They've made a formal recommendation for a pd unit and the cpn is going to fast track the funding but they want me on section 3. I'm nowhere near getting unescorted leave or any leave. I've been here 4/5 weeks now. It's killing me! I've attempted twice tonight and headbanged. I hate myself so much!

Anonymous asked:

What are the other patients like? What kind of problems do they have?

There kind. I'm not really sure x

Anonymous asked:

How has your day been?

Awful, tribunal went well being sent to a bpd unit. Attempted suicide and I've been crying xx

Anonymous asked:

When does your section expire?xxx

No idea they want me on section 3 xx

Anonymous asked:

Hi. First a little background: I am 20 years old and from the US. I have been hospitalized 5 times. I have been on suicide watch. I have Schizoaffective disorder. I also run an anonymous blog with all names censored and no pictures. Not on Tumblr, though. Why am I writing? Honey, you don't need to go down this route. Don't ruin your life. You seem to be crying for help, but that doesn't mean you need to be hospitalized and posting pictures to prove you feel bad.

I feel awful. I'm sorry your unwell. I've been hospitalised 23 times. Hospitals are shit. I've been here 3 weeks now with 2 days leave x

Anonymous asked:

Why would you even want food supplements? They're for people who really need them. If you were that bad with food and eating, having those drinks would also be one of the most difficult things to challenge as it was for me. You clearly don't have anorexia like you claim, you don't even fit the criteria

I used to have anorexia but refused help


A lot of people have high functioning mental illness *rolls eyes* anyway what's tangle? I hope you are ok. Let me know if u want a visitor. X


A visit would be lovely right now if you can get here it's till 9 xx

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