

@misskitz / misskitz.tumblr.com

Random stuff

Four boys of the Bakr family were killed by a missile strike during last year’s incursion. Their surviving family members are still scarred from the attack.

More than anyone, children bear the brunt of regular Israeli military assaults on the Gaza Strip. During the 51-day war in the summer of 2014, 551 children were killed and 3,436 were injured. But these gruesome figures say little about the psychological state of the nearly 800,000 children who have survived the periodic bombing campaigns. After the final cease-fire that ended Israel’s Operation Protective Edge on August 26 of last year, UNICEF estimated that at least 425,000 Palestinian children in the besieged Gaza Strip require “immediate psychosocial and child protection support.”

The physical wounds of Gaza children might have healed, but they live with enduring psychological trauma ]


a reminder that israel is bulldozing graves and remains in a centuries-old palestinian cemetery as we speak, to make room for a biblical theme park. this is not the first time this has happened.

this has previously occurred many times - most notably when occupation forces desecrated another historic palestinian cemetery to build what they called the “museum of tolerance” on top of

the woman in the video is Ola Nababteh, who can be seen crying and clinging to the grave of her son. the cemetery is a source of pride and historical importance, and is home to the graves of many martyrs. it dates back to the Ayyubid dynasty and was constructed under the orders of Salahudin, the liberator of Jerusalem.

free palestine. end the occupation.


Books for beginners

L'Etranger - Albert Camus, 1942

Aujourd'hui, maman est morte. Ou peut-être hier, je ne sais pas. J'ai reçu un télégramme de l'asile : « Mère décédée. Enterrement demain. Sentiments distingués. » Cela ne veut rien dire. C'était peut-être hier. L'asile de vieillards est à Marengo, à quatre-vingts kilomètres d'Alger. Je prendrai l'autobus à deux heures et j'arriverai dans l'après-midi. Ainsi, je pourrai veiller et je rentrerai demain soir.


Le Petit Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, 1943

Lorsque j'avais six ans j'ai vu, une fois, une magnifique image, dans un livre sur la Forêt Vierge qui s'appelait "Histoires Vécues". Ça représentait un serpent boa qui avalait un fauve. Voilà la copie du dessin. On disait dans le livre :"Les serpents boas avalent leur proie tout entière, sans la mâcher. Ensuite ils ne peuvent plus bouger et ils dorment pendant les six mois de leur digestion."


Candide - Voltaire, 1759

Il y avait en Westphalie, dans le château de M. le baron de Thunder-ten-tronckh, un jeune garçon à qui la nature avait donné les mœurs les plus douces. Sa physionomie annonçait son âme. Il avait le jugement assez droit, avec l'esprit le plus simple; c'est, je crois, pour cette raison qu'on le nommait Candide. Les anciens domestiques de la maison soupçonnaient qu'il était fils de la sœur de monsieur le baron et d'un bon et honnête gentilhomme du voisinage, que cette demoiselle ne voulut jamais épouser parce qu'il n'avait pu prouver que soixante et onze quartiers, et que le reste de son arbre généalogique avait été perdu par l'injure du temps.


Sept jours pour une éternité - Marc Lévy, 2007 (slushy)

Allongé sur son lit, Lucas regarda la petite diode de son beeper qui clignotait frénétiquement. Il referma son livre et le posa juste à côté de lui, ravi. C'était la troisième fois en quarante-huit heures qu'il relisait cette histoire et de mémoire d'enfer aucune lecture ne l'avait autant régalé. Il caressa la couverture du bout du doigt. Ce dénommé Hilton était en passe de devenir son auteur culte.


La Belle et la Bête - Jeanne de Beaumont, 1757 (tale)

Il y avait une fois un marchand qui était extrêmement riche ; il avait six enfants, trois garçons et trois filles, et, comme ce marchand était un homme d’esprit, il n’épargna rien pour l’éducation de ses enfants et leur donna toutes sortes de maîtres. Ses filles étaient très belles, mais la cadette surtout se faisait admirer, et on ne l’appelait, quand elle était petite, que la Belle Enfant, en sorte que le nom lui en resta, ce qui donna beaucoup de jalousie à ses sœurs.


Barbe-bleue - Charles Perrault, 1697 (tale)

Il était une fois un homme qui avait de belles maisons à la ville et à la campagne, de la vaisselle d’or et d’argent, des meubles en broderie, des carrosses tout dorés. Mais, par malheur, cet homme avait la barbe bleue : cela le rendait si laid et si terrible, qu’il n’était ni femme ni fille qui ne s’enfuît de devant lui. Une de ses voisines, dame de qualité, avait deux filles parfaitement belles. Il lui en demanda une en mariage, en lui laissant le choix de celle qu’elle voudrait lui donner.


La Cantatrice chauve - Eugène Ionesco, 1950 (absurd)


Intérieur bourgeois anglais, avec des fauteuils anglais. Soirée anglaise. M. SMITH, Anglais, dans son fauteuil et ses pantoufles anglais, fume sa pipe anglaise et lit un journal anglais, près d’un feu anglais. Il a des lunettes anglaises, une petite moustache grise, anglaise. À côté de lui, dans un autre fauteuil anglais, Mme SMITH, Anglaise, raccommode des chaussettes anglaises. Un long moment de silence anglais. La pendule anglaise frappe dix-sept coups anglais.


Tiens, il est neuf heures. Nous avons mangé de la soupe, du poisson, des pommes de terre au lard, de la salade anglaise. Les enfants ont bu de l’eau anglaise. Nous avons bien mangé, ce soir. C’est parce que nous habitons dans les environs de Londres et que notre nom est SMITH.


bad news, professor, the sixty dollar book of short stories and poems that you "edited" for our english 101 class is out of stock from the school bookstore, the included texts are all available online, and I have constructed a google doc to share with the class.

Kids, if you are in an English 101 class and you have a textbook that costs more than twenty bucks you should check your syllabus and see if the assigned readings are available online.

English 101 professors fucking love stories that were originally published in the New Yorker or poems that are 100 years old.

Are you taking an English 101 class during the fall semester? I give it an 80% probability of including an Edgar Allan Poe short story and you DO NOT PAY for Edgar Allan Poe short stories you go to Gutenberg.org and you read for free. (my class is doing the cask of amontillado and i look forward to memeing with you in october.)

Anyway if you're in an English or Composition class and your professor has assigned the third edition of the Little Seagull handbook this site definitely does not include the entire text at the bottom of the page and you definitely should not save it from there. (i would not recommend trying to download the PDF, tho. Just copy the text.)

I had a scifi professor who had put together a textbook for us that was photocopied at the school printing center and included about a hundred out of print or hard-to-find-on-their-own scifi stories. That book cost twenty bucks and you had to put it in your own three ring binder.

There is no fucking way that I'm paying sixty goddamned dollars for The Most Dangerous Game, Young Goodman Brown, some fucking Hemingway, and Poe (it's more than that but not much; we only have 16 readings for the class).


Today we are learning that when The Atlantic or The New Yorker or Wired or Whatever says 'you have read all your free articles this month' we right-click on the link we want and select "open in a new container tab" to get more free articles because sometimes your homework assignment is on The Atlantic but you have already used your free clicks to read terrible opinion pieces.


Want some bestiary?

(Yeah, it's been a long time, I know, I know...)


Well my week has been exciting so far.

I had some other work to do this morning (Figuring out some algae stuff involving 1000 L mesocosm up a mountain) so mystery species has been sitting alone in the lab all morning…..

Made it up to the lab today to find this. It’s probably from the fridge defrosting and not the creepy “algae”.

June 13th Update.

According to a few colleagues it’s either a plant, an algae, or a fungi. So that’s been helpful.

After a day with some sunlight I think I might be seeing some chloroplasts.

It seems to like the nutrient solution I added yesterday though!


I for one welcome our new plant, algae, or fungi overlords.

I was about to say “in a sensible lab people wouldn’t waste time with this, they’d autoclave the bottles and move on” but on reflection I can’t think of a single bio lab I’ve been in that wouldn’t immediately go “ooh, mystery algae, that sounds like a fun challenge; let’s devote multiple hours to identifying it for no reason”.


I need updates tell me about the algae

The mystery algae/plant/fungi/alien is stuck in the university growth chamber. With everything going on I probably won’t get to check in on it until September, possibly not until 2021.


So by that time it will have developed what, writing?

God I hope so, then I can train it to write my thesis!

This entire post is the most on-brand biologist thing I have seen in my entire godforsaken life. The moment this pandemic is over these guys have another crisis ready for us.


Can we get an update cause this is crazy

Update: Due to the global pandemic, the algae has been left alone in a weird hidden growth chamber for a year and will likely stay there for another year. Enjoy that information!

Friday, August 13th, 2021: Yesterday I visited the algae. Today I am going to bring a preserved sample home.

I’m going to be in the field for the next 2 or 3 weeks but soon after that I hope to once again try to ID it.

Any botanists/mycologists who want to help out? I’m afraid if it’s not algae my ID skills are very rusty.

Here it is, in all it’s glory, after 2 years in isolation.



Knowledge :

Society :

Movies + tech :


Hi mom. Can you please explain why people put "en" before a verb?


Hello child,

  1. If the verb ends in -ant it’s a gerund: the subject is doing two actions at once (Il court en écoutant de la musique - He runs while listening to music).
  2. If it’s an infinitive or conjugated, the verb is probably reflexive, which means it comes with a pronoun: Il s’en souvient - He remembers, from the verb Se souvenir.
  3. And, of course, it can just be the pronoun En that refers to something that was just mentioned, to avoid repetitions: “Who wants some cake?” “J’en veux!

That’s all I can think of? Hope this helps! x

“First love does not mean best love. And best friends may not mean best friends forever. But they both mean at some point, somewhere, someone did care. And their memories still there.”

Crywank - Welcome To Castle Irwell


transphobes are on a different plane of existence than the rest of us how do you manage to come to these conclusions

???????????? genuinely how do these people think science works like do they still believe in bloodletting


This is a huge problem actually. Sometimes "scientific illiteracy" is not a creationist flat earther or whatever easy target, but an avid follower of the I Fucking Love Science Facebook page who says "Believe Scientists!". Either way they don't know what science is and treat it like a religious cosmology of ultimate truth to believe or disbelieve for which "scientists" are the divine vessels, instead of a process or communal enterprise.

The latter kind of people actually do sometimes "burn out" and by that i mean come into contact with a very typical uncertainty or debate among scientists for the first time & come to the conclusion that science is fake now.


some things that have happened since you stopped hearing about p/alestine after the “ceasefire” was declared

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