You & Me. Bat & Cat. In the dark. Making sparks.

@fyeahbatcat /

Dedicated to DC Comics' most purr-fect pair. Celebrating 80 years of Batman and Catwoman in nearly every version and derivative form.

Signing Off

Hi everyone,

I’m just writing to say that this blog is officially going on indefinite hiatus. You may (or maybe not) have noticed that I have been posting and creating less content with increasingly less frequency over the years. It has long been my intention to fade away from the Tumblr scene and time has only given me more reasons to do so.

I’m grateful for the Batman community here on Tumblr and this has been the place of my best and most positive fandom experiences. If you’ve enjoyed anything that I contributed to the fandom for the last nearly 8 years then it was worth it.  A combination of deep and increasing dissatisfaction with the creative direction and decisions at DC Comics and the drastic drop in traffic to the site which has profoundly impacted the presence of the batcat fandom here on Tumblr have led me to believe that the time has come to make it official. The writing’s been on the wall for a long time now but @staff 's latest changes (along with many, MANY others over the years) have made staying on this site untenable and I don’t see it as worth it to jump through the hoops required of maintaining a blog of this kind here. 

I may pop back in from time to time if anything major in the fandom happens, but I truly believe that my best work is behind me. Here are some of my favorite original posts from over the years (assuming links still work on this site). Enjoy!

Some of the best discussions have also come through my inbox. I’d recommend going through the ask tag to see some of the great discussions that have come up over the years. I’ve learned so much from all of you and I thank every single person that has reached out with questions, topics, or just a kind message over the years.

Bye for now.

-FYBC (Britt)

Anonymous asked:

Recently I've noticed the Selina tags often have posts stating that she doesn't like children or want a family.

I'm not going to pretend to be an expert by any means, however I have read several titles with her in it. I'd personally say she definitely likes children and having a family. She regularly unofficially adopts kids, she's regularly in a relationship with Bruce who has a bunch of kids, and no matter her and Bruce's relationship status - she's continuously been part of the Batkids lives, and the most importantly: Helena. I could be completely wrong, but the relatively small amount of comics I've read, I'd say it's more Batfamily fanon that's suddenly become popular.

What's your opinion?

I don't see how anyone can make the argument that Selina doesn't want/like kids when she has had her own children in both main canon and alternate universes before lmao. She also definitely has a soft spot for kids, even ones that are not her own. I honestly think it really comes down to how Selina gets so stereotyped, and people just don't think she's the "type" of woman who would ever have kids, get married etc , and they hide that under the guise of “concern” for her independence. It's a pretty regressive point of view.

There's a huge difference between being independent and being isolated. Being independent doesn’t mean that you’re completely deprived of interpersonal relationships. I think some people truly don’t understand this, at least as it relates to Selina. I've written about this in depth a couple of times, so you can read my complete responses here and here.

The tldr version is this: Selina is an orphan. In the comics she has expressed grief at having lost her family at young age and missing out on that stability growing up. Even when she had parents her household has often been portrayed as turbulent and at times violent. It's not a stretch to think that perhaps her not having had a stable family unit growing up, would actually make her more inclined to desire that. There’s also a difference between needs and wants, and I think this is something that she would want. She has said so herself, even in recent comics.

This is from the "I am Suicide" arc, and Selina is talking about seeing a picture of Bruce with his parents and imagining being part of their family as a child.

There’s also a difference between being independent and being a loner. One being a positive attribute and the other being (in Selina’s case) the result of trauma, and I think some people don’t understand the difference. When I say I love that Selina is independent I mean I love that she’s self-sufficient, resilient, confident, able to take care of herself, she has her own adventures, makes her own decisions, and is interesting in her own right. Having a family doesn’t stop you from being able to be or do any of those things. That’s just silly. When people say that Selina wouldn’t want a family because she’s “independent” what they really mean is they just think she should be alone. Considering Selina’s childhood I don’t know why that is something they would want for her, but whatever.

Selina being a loner stems from her being forced to become self reliant at a premature age in order to survive because there was literally no one there to take care of her growing up. She pushes people away, avoids getting emotionally involved, and keeps her circle small because she is afraid of losing people or them leaving her. That isn't independence. That isn’t just her being cool and aloof; it's a trauma response. She had a  full on breakdown when Holly left Gotham. Bruce is also a loner, arguably even more so than Selina, and no one ever says he wouldn’t want a family 🙃. There’s a lot of subtext within her books that suggests that she may suffer from abandonment issues to some degree. You see a lot of this play out in Catwoman's third series. Suggesting that Selina needs to be alone in order to be strong or independent is romanticizing her trauma.


Just wanted to add; I get a lot of this stuff is open to interpretation but I find it *interesting* that so many people claim that Selina would never want to have a children/a family and subscribe to this idea as though it were a fact, when she has actually said/implied that she does many times.

The Brave and the Bold #197

Catwoman v2 #39

Gotham City Sirens #2

Batman v3 #10

Anonymous asked:

Batcat/BrucexSelina finally getting married does not make me happy nor makes me feel pleased, I wonder if they will ever have a decent story when they end up getting married. I'm tired of Tm Kng, thanks to him I stopped buying comics after the wedding fiasco and if it wasn't for Facebook I wouldn't have known Bruce and Selina got married.

Hello! Thanks for reaching out to me. I love hearing from you all! Please note that as of 2018 I no longer read or keep up with DC Comics and cannot answer questions about recent comic events, including the Batman/Catwoman 2021 mini-series. I will not be responding to questions regarding the series at this time. Thank you for understanding.

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