
Don't be raining misery, share the sunshine

@sunshinemaloo / sunshinemaloo.tumblr.com

23, female, Australian. Likes; Sherlock, Avengers, Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, GOT and other fun stuff :) Ask me things, *smaug voice* don't be shy

Is that so?

Women have been a leading force in sanitation strikes, calling for equal treatment and job security. This particular service industry has been the focus of multiple feminist manifestos and employment goals. Women fought long and hard to gain the right to work in sanitation, and they’re continuing that effort to open up the field more. This issue is so big that Parks and Rec even made an episode about it. 

Female sewer workers have repeatedly sued the DEP for unfair treatment, seeking to open up the industry and gain equal status with their male peers. Sewer work is often targeted for its biased hiring practices. Hundreds of female candidates fight for limited available positions, but most are turned away, despite having the necessary experience and skills. Feminist workers recognize that these women are willing and able to do the work, but aren’t getting the opportunity to gain employment here. 

Historically, coal mining is one of the most highly targeted careers for gender bias. Women have been petitioning for the opportunity to mine safely since the Industrial Revolution. This is actually one of the primary and best studied examples of women fighting to enter traditionally male fields. Lots of women, who both succeeded in the mines and didn’t, continue to petition for increased access to this field

And yeah, women want white collar jobs too. Go figure - A diverse population of women, with different abilities, interests and levels of education, are all fighting for the right to seek diverse forms of employment. Fighting for equality in one sphere doesn’t mean that we’ve forgotten about the others. 

Just because you aren’t paying attention to the feminist movement doesn’t mean that the feminist movement is nonexistent. 


“But you never see [oppressed group] demand [x]”

No, YOU never see it. Because you’re not looking.


they made an entire movie about sexism in the coal mining industry even????


This Village Without Roads Is Straight Out Of A Fairytale Book

The village Giethoorn known as the “Venice of the Netherlands” was founded in 1230 and resembles some of the most beautiful fairytale passages. The stunning oddity contains no roads or modern transportation. With the help of canals and 176 bridges, people are able to navigate through its wonders.


A philosophy I very much live my life by.

Yeah, too bad he was a Nazi.

was he? shit

I’m assuming by “he was a Nazi” you meant he played a PARODY of Hitler in a MOVIE and in that same movie he also plays a barber who disguises himself as said Hitler parody and delivers one of the greatest anti-fascist speeches of all time.

It’s okay. It’s an easy mistake to make.


Literally where does someone come up with the idea that a Polish immigrant with heavy leftist leanings is in any way a Nazi

In fact, Chaplin was harshly criticized by the American far right for being very anti-Nazi in the period leading up to America’s entry into World War 2, and many lambasted his film, “The Great Dictator,”–in which he parodied and ridiculed Hitler–as “anti-German” and “war-mongering.” The Nazis themselves, as well as the Nazi sympathizers and supporters of the American far right, hated him.

Chaplin’s films were banned in Nazi Germany, and Nazi propaganda smeared him constantly. (Part of the smear was claiming he was Jewish–which he was not, but calling someone Jewish in Nazi Germany was guaranteed to inflame public sentiment against them.)

Chaplin was concerned with social issues like homelessness, and was a liberal and an anti-Nazi at a time when to be either one (let along both) was to be accused of being a Communist–which at the time was pretty one of the worst things you could call someone–and indeed “anti-American.” (Because, again, American conservatives loved them some Nazis–right up until the time Hitler’s forces started invading other countries–and even then, the bulk of the US thought we shouldn’t “interfere” in what they saw as a strictly European affair.)

Even after the war, and even after the world realized the despicable things the Nazis had done, Chaplin couldn’t shake the “Communist” and “anti-American” accusations from conservative American “journalists,” politicians, and others on the far right, who were still angry with him for his pre-war anti-Nazi sentiments.

And when he refused to participate in the McCarthy’s “Red Scare” Communist witch-hunts of the early 1950s, he was banned from re-entering the United States, while on a trip to England.

In short, Chaplin’s ANTI-NAZI leanings made him so many enemies in the US that they set off a chain of events that eventually saw him kicked out of the country. Oh, sure, the US finally issued a formal apology and invited him back, but by that time, his response was pretty much, “Yeah, too little, too late.” And justifiably so.

Chaplin stood against everything the Nazis stood for, and was smeared and punished for it.

So don’t you fucking dare call Charlie Chaplin a Nazi. 

Dishonor on you. Dishonor on your family. Dishonor on your cow.


The Nazis hated Charlie Chaplin so much they listed him in their Big Book of Jewish Enemies, despite him being gentile. No, really: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1579971/Nazi-propaganda-book-targeted-Charlie-Chaplin.html

Today Harry James Potter is sitting at his desk, avoiding the date on the calendar as much as he can, each quill he holds breaks because he’s gripping it too tightly. 
Today Ginny Potter runs into work out of breathe because Harry forgot to wake her up and she is so late. She takes a second to situate herself and catch her breathe when the daily prophet lands with a thud on her desk and the date on the page nearly burns into her skin. 
Today Ron Weasley refuses to come into work. He spends the day kissing Rose and Hugo as often as they let him. He visits his Mum and his brother, because even if they say otherwise, he knows they need him.
Today Hermione Weasley-Granger keeps stoic as tiny disputes over land enter the court, it’s only during her lunch break does she go into a stall and sob for those who didn’t get to live to see what constitutes a “real issue” these days. 
Today Neville Longbottom visits his parents with Hannah by his side; he retells the story of what happened 18 years ago to them like he does every year. Alice squeezes his hand through every moment of it. 
Today Draco Malfoy watches Scorpius play outside with one of his dozens of brooms. He watches his child’s face light up as he smiles, racing to catch the snitch that is always just a bit out of reach. The scars on his chest twinge as he swears that he will never allow his son to make the same mistakes he did.
Today Luna Scamander is in the jungles of Brazil accompanied by her husband and two young sons. She watches as pixies jump from branch to branch, and her eyes sparkle with amusement as one of them lands on Lysander who giggles at her touch and tries to grab at the creature with his chubby fists. 
Today Dennis Creevey closes his shop for the day. He apparates to his home and looks at the picture of his brother laughing. Why he grew old and Colin didn’t he will never truly understand. 

Courtesy of Sincerely Tumblr on Twitter

This is the greatest post I have ever laid eyes upon.


When my future husband comes home from WORK and asks what’s for dinner


When it’s pussy for dinner yet again and you aint had a cooked meal in months


When the lady next door cooks actual food.

LMAOOOOO it got better

Lmao 😂😂😂😂

Ya gotta stop 😂😂😂😂


It just keeps getting better 😂


But her man found out about you “coming over for dinner”

Wait this made me laugh


Nooooooooooooo :(((( #crying

Oh god 😂😂😂

why does this post keep getting better and better lmao


^^^ really tho lol


When her and her bestie fake an alibi and he believes it


when you just got done killing yo husband and the side bitch next door cus they thought they was slick 



When you dont go to jail for a crime everyone knows you committed, still gettin dicked down and you still aint cookin for nobody

Now i can reblog it


Even better …. Keep adding on

lmao omg


1) Put four pills on each side. The heavier side has the pill. Take the four pills from the heavier side.

2) Put two of the potential pills on each side of the scale. The heavier side has the poison pill.

3) Take the two potential pills. Swallow one. If you survive, you are holding the poison pill. If you die, you have eaten the poisoned pill. Either way you will find out which one it is for sure

1) Weigh 6 of them, 3 on each side 2a) If both sides are equal, weigh the 2 you didn’t use before. 2b) If one side was heavier, pick 2 of the 3 and weigh them. Heavier one is poisoned. If they’re even, it’s the 3rd.

Well, all I can say is that we all have our methods and some of us are more willing to take a risk in the name of science

And here we see natural selection at work.

1) eat them all 2) wait for death

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