@jelllal / jelllal.tumblr.com

Sarah | 17 | she/her | INFJ | August 18th | Multifandom | Married to poteredifata

after not being active for god knows how long (almost a year and a half i think?) i’ve decided to remake/move my blog so!! if you’d like to follow me my new blog is @luckedbug

i should also say since it’s been over a year my interests have changed a bit so the content on that blog will be a bit different than what was on this blog but i’m still going to tag everything and i’m still interested in a lot of the same stuff that i was interested in a year ago there were just some small changes tbh but yeah!! i missed a lot of you guys and i hope that i can catch up with those of you that i haven’t seen in a while and i hope you’re all having a wonderful 2019 so far <3


In a Heartbeat - Animated Short Film (2017)

A closeted boy runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.

© Beth David and Esteban Bravo 2017

It’s here! After a year and a half of hard work, we are both so excited to finally share our film with you. Thank you all for your support and encouragement - this film means the world to us, and your kindness and enthusiasm has made this journey all the more meaningful. It is our great pleasure to share with you this labor of love, and we hope with all our hearts that you enjoy watching it as much as we did making it.



Jellal complete!! 終於能畫畫了..話說回來補一下漫畫,結果快完結了,總感覺傑拉爾又要神隱到完結了 最近好奇圖搜一下我的圖,發現有被分享過O口O,要分享的話只要有作者就可以了,只要別其他用途就可以了ˊˇˋ

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