
Trapped and Lost

@living-and-broken / living-and-broken.tumblr.com

I suffer from a number of different mental health problems. This blog is just a place for me to express myself. I do NOT promote self harm or ED, I just simply wish to express myself. *Trigger Warning*

Once again I'm here.

Here struggling to hold back the tears. Here using every bit of energy to not harm myself in some way. Here hiding the fact that I’m worse than people think. Here wanting to sleep forever. Here feeling like a bomb waiting to expose. Here reaching crisis point. Here at the bottom.

Once again, I find myself asking the same questions.. Will it ever end? Will I ever be truly better? And the biggest of all: What if..?

What if I die? What if things change? What if..? What if..? What if..?


The Changes of a BPD

1) Fear of abandonment: This intense feeling that overwhelms your whole body- tension

2) Sadness/ depression - uncontrollable sadness and crying 

3) Numb - Sitting for minutes/ hours at a time and just staring into space. Emptiness.

4)Admiration - That intense love and joy you get from someone who has shown you some positive attention. They become your idol.

5)Anger - self explanatory. Intense anger either at the self or someone else. Often followed by guilt.

6) Guilt - shame for something that you have done which can lead to sadness or anxiety

7) Joy/ Happiness - The switch from happiness into sadness or anger or numb is extremely distressing


Followers not in the UK,

Please help us, we have just got a new shitty Government and the country is going to be completely fucked. There’s protests currently, I doubt it will make any change, but anything is giving hope right now. Our last 5 years have been terrible from the Conservatives and they’ve been re-elected with only 37% of the entire UK’s population voting for them. Does that seem fair? 1/3 of the entire country want this to happen, but 63% do not want Conservative, but they win?


I might not agree with violence, but I also don’t agree with:

  • Privatised healthcare
  • Privatised education
  • Privatised railways 
  • Abolished human rights
  • Extremely biased news
  • Huge benefits cuts
  • Negligible pensions
  • High costs for care of the elderly
  • Tax evasion by the rich
  • Raised taxes for the poor
  • Bedroom tax
  • Houses built on flood plains
  • Barring immigrants from receiving support
  • Exams for 4 year-olds




April 22nd 2015.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. All birthdays I never wanted to see. Yet here I am today on my 20th birthday, still alive. I find myself wondering why.. Is it because I’m a complete failure and even ending everything is too hard? Is it punishment for me? Punishment for other people? Or is there a reason I’m still here? Perhaps for other people, to change the world, to make a difference. It’s a question I can’t answer, a question I may never be able to answer. I don’t want to be here today, I don’t want to see the rest of what my future may hold. But truth be told, it looks like I have no choice. Maybe that will change, maybe it won’t. But right now, I guess all that matters is, happy or not, i’m still here. I’m still alive.


hey, you there? please hold on, this will pass. you have made it so far and i'm proud of you. you've got this.


I don't know what to say. Sorry.

Help, I have done it again I have been here many times before Hurt myself again today And the worst part is there's no one else to blame

- Sia 'Breathe Me'


Unbearable sadness. I want to feel physical pain, instead of this emotional pain. I want to sleep, I'm so tired. I want to eat, but I shouldn't. I want to take pills. I want to get drunk. I want everything to just stop.


I won't even see the end of this year. I have no intentions at all of surviving that long, staying alive until the end of this month will be a damn achievement.

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