

@vetobendover / vetobendover.tumblr.com

東方punk http://findyourway.kanyu.me/ & thedistantjourneytoyou.bandcamp.com/

inferno cop is the only good anime


John Madden Narrates Touhou: Hidden Star in Four Seasons Edition

Been a while since I made one of these, so I decided to do a four-parter.

“We’re back, Bob, and what an amazing third down we have here. Aya Shammymammy is no stranger to fans, but this is the first time we’ve seen her on the offensive line. She has the speed, and that’s gonna help her as she’s up against Lilywhite, who came outta retirement just for this game. Just a simple zigging and zagging and she should break on through!“

“I gotta say, Bob, I don’t know what kinda interference Kamminy On is trying to run here, but a star runner like Aya should have no problem with this. It’s a classic fade and roll maneuver. I mean what is this? Is the defense slacking? This should be a cakewalk for Aya.“

“It looks like I spoke too soon, Bob! The defense has unleashed the dreaded Curvy Lasers play! That’s a gut buster right there. A seasoned player like Aya should know how to run this: it’s a classic column maneuver. You can’t let yourself get dazzled. You gotta stay focused on the front line and use some nimble footwork. Although I gotta say the defense must be pretty rattled to break out a play this old and-“

“HOLY SMOKES BOB! THEY’RE RUNNING THE PHANTOM AGAIN! We haven’t seen this defense in MANY seasons now. It’s pandemonium in the stands, Bob, listen to that crowd roar! Good thing Aya knows what she’s doing here - you can’t fake her out that easy. She’s gonna have to see the holes as she gets to ‘em, but wow. Just WOW, Bob! If this is what the defense has been throwing out in the first half, we are set for an AMAZING second half. Back to you, Bob!




This is Staying In Your Own Lane 101

[internal dialogue] “What the- that guy’s got horns! That’s not normal. Well, not gonna ruin my day.”


actual role model

Honestly me

a classic



Fighter’s Block is the best writing app I’ve come across in a long time.

You type in the amount of words you want to write and as you write, your mini lil avatar fights a monster. Each word you write acts a hit towards your monster, and once you’ve hit your word count the monster is defeated!!!

How cute!!!!

Work quick though as how long you spent not writing decreases your avatar’s health. It’s a productive fight to the death against the clock!

Best things about this app:

  • You can PAUSE it!!!! Need go get a cup of tea? Need to sneeze? You can!!!!!
  • Settings are adjustable! You can change the monster’s speed and the attacks!
  • You can change the theme and font!
  • You can level up!!!!! The number of words you write equals your EXP. You can unlock one avatar thus far, but I believe there may be more in the future!
  • You can minimise the fight above if it serves as a distraction, and only show the decreasing green bar.
  • Best of all: If you don’t hit the target word count in time, YOUR WORK DOES NOT DISAPPEAR. In the past I’ve lost so much work because I wasn’t typing fast enough, or sneezed.I cannot express enough how thankful I am that it presents a challenge where the consequence is a knock of pride and not a fit of rage.

Honestly, I urge all writers out there to give this app a go. It’s my new favourite thing. 

I feel like this would be fun and cute and probably stressful as hell XD @saarebitch @osunism @soothseay @zora-zen

Oh my god, I want to try this!!!!


So help me knighted will be written, and we shall fight monsters to prove it


ok this looks like too much fun


Maria Notte Concept Design

Maria Notte the news reporter and and how FP2’s bats handle their life with realistic wings.

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