
insert witty title

@harmonscorner / harmonscorner.tumblr.com

Harmon | ♋ | INFP-T | HUN/ENG | she/they  uhhhhh?????

For those who aren’t getting the brilliance- this couple (?) is streaming World of Warcraft and I think are dressed up as their characters. Two normal sized people, one of whom is playing a dwarf. And who takes it upon himself to pretend to be too short to just get off his chair and then, aware that his SO also has her camera going, proceeds to walk across the frame on his knees to give the illusion that he’s actually that short.


When I tell you I snorted!











This post is like getting pelted with marshmallows shot out of a tennis ball launcher


bless this

Sacred thread

Szerintem tekinteném


Ehhez már jobban illene az, hogy 

A PéniszGyűrű Szövetsége


Dutch longsword fencer Tosca Beuming

Photographed by Martin Philippo and Andress Kools

Happy International Working Women’s Day!

Remember to check out  A Guide to Starting a Liberation Martial Arts Gym as it may be useful on your martial arts journey.

Worth checking out are this blogs tags on pedagogy and teaching for other related useful posts.

Art reference go brrrrrr


hello! just a lil smth, please don’t scroll!

tw // anti-asian violence

there’s been a fuck ton of aapi hate since the beginning of the pandemic and especially lately, with the georgia shootings today, and even the grammys last sunday

all this said i just wanted to share a few resources (none mine!):

- anti-asian violence resources (this resource is also linked in my pinned, it contains information, petitions, places to donate and a lot more)

- stop asian hate (contains petitions, places to donate, ways to spread the word and more)

- sites to donate to and share (if you have a twitter please consider retweeting)

- a cumulative twitter thread with a little bit of everything and more than i explained

+ asian american resource center (an atlanta based foundation focused on housing and civil classes)

if you have any resources you wanna share reply and/or reblog and i’ll add it, and with that please share this with the same tags <3 sending love to my fellow aapi, please stay safe all of you and don’t be fucking racist :]


the shooting in Atlanta of 8 massage parlour workers by a white man was a white supremacist hate crime and the latest in a series of attacks on Asians in the US. however, it’s also extremely important to note that the group he targeted are a community that is already more vulnerable to state violence than many, in form of police raids, deportations, and systematised stigmatisation. this is an industry that’s often conflated with and overlapping with sex work, and the industry has faced decades of criminalisation and dehumanisation, with a long history of being targeted by cops and systemic injustice along with racialised misogyny and fetishisation. they are also often excluded from conversations about the latest rise of anti-asian racism in the US, since many do not fulfill the “american” part of asian-american. 

if can donate, also consider donating to red canary song, butterfly, and swan, grassroots organisations and activists that fight for migrant and labour justice for migrant workers and sex workers.


i know anti asian discrimination is on the rise and it’s been in the back of my mind ever since my dad warned me about going out on my own bc he knew some friends of his had got beaten up and so i try to be careful.

but now these shootings in atlanta make it so very real and in my face. i live pretty close there and it’s like my aunt who’s a nail tech goes there pretty often for supplies. idk i just need everyone to be aware of how bad this is getting.

lately i just see ppl completely brushing aside anti asian racism. you have no idea how many comments i’ve seen saying that asian ppl are basically white... it’s laughable bc we have never been treated as such. especially for me being a tan SE asian. it’s like ppl forget about SE and south asians who are very much being targeted as well. i don’t even know where i’m going w this! it’s just frustrating. idk do what you can maybe donate or smth especially since you guys heavily consume asian media like show up for us too not just for our culture


White supremacy and colonization really forced that male/female binary forced onto so many communities, lands, and cultures, huh?


I’m noticing that trend ☝🏾...a lot of cultures historically recognized more than the binary system that they’ve been shoving down our throats for centuries. Because they came and pushed their beliefs on everyone and made them assimilate. Come to find out that they were wrong...about a lot of things. But the irreparable damage they’ve caused 🤧.


Children in the pro shipper community are in danger and need to be helped

Dont fucking ignore this post. Children in the proship community are in a community of pedophiles and enablers. We need to extend them a hand and try to get them out of there, because if not, they just might have irreversible damage done to them, if they haven’t already.


Pedophilia is bad should not be a radical statement.

No really, please reblog this if you can, because this site in general, but fandom spaces especially bad for this, to the point where people are genuinely afraid of harassment they may face for saying ‘Pedophilia is a bad thing and you probably should not encourage it’ or for calling it what it is. Fandom spaces are also especially bad for screaming about how it’s ‘just fiction’ when we know damn well that fiction impacts reality.

In case anyone feels like continuing to argue this post, I have multiple real actual pedophiles telling me to ‘deal with’ their attraction to children and being allowed to produce content with it for said children to read so like, this is a serious problem.

I mean you can find them in the notes. Real pedo’s are comfortable in fandom spaces because they know y’all will defend them now with ‘but that’s just fictional, they would never do it in real life!!’

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