
Hello you bastards!


Independent Monokuma RP Blog || Multiship (buT WHOD DATE THIS DOUCHEBAG LAUGHS) || OC friendly || NOTE: No art is muns unless stated otherwise!

Upupupupupupu... Thought you little bastards could lock me out? Nice try!!! Upupupupupupu!!!!



This mun defends all friends/fellow bloggers. If I see a bully anon I am inclined to say something to refute the cruel words.

Do not tell people to kill themselves

Do not make light of another’s issues

Do not tell someone they are a horrible writer

Do not tell someone they are worthless

Do not tell someone to leave Tumblr

Do not tell someone to leave a fandom

Do not bully.

Unfollow is always an option if you dislike how someone runs their blog/what they post. Simply click the button and leave them be. There is a difference in constructive criticism and flat-out cruelty. Choose words carefully, as they are very powerful tools.

Thank you for reading this, and even more if you also follow these principles.


[text]:I have a tab of a google image search of onion rings open and it is making me so happy.

[text-dead singing kid]: ( ̄(エ) ̄) I could give less off a shit about your happiness, upupupupu... Do you not realize this?

Texts from Last Night inspired text starters [nsfw and sfw]

[text]: I'm doing this for my boobs. They miss him.
[text]: We're bowling witha frozen turkey in the hallway...ur missing out
[text]: I'm sitting on our balcony drunk. And in my underwear. Our relationship with our neighbors may improve.
[text]: two words: fractured penis. two more: emergency room.
[text]: I feel like captain Morgan put his peg leg up my ass
[text]: Because i love you. And people show love by not letting their friends shit themselves.
[text]: According to google history I spent most of last night trying to buy an elephant.
[text]: You were yelling at the cops across the street saying they were at the wrong party
[text]: I'm going to CVS to meet the Craigslist guy who is going to buy my underwear. If I don't text you within the next hour, plz assume that I have been abducted by a stranger with an underwear fetish.
[text]: What's Spanish for "I shouldn't have worn these underwear to work?"
[text]: Also if i get drunk and start crying about the elephants you all have my permission to abandon me.
[text]: Hey, it's not my fault that you had a shitty bed frame that couldn't handle the rough sex you're into.
[text]: I have a tab of a google image search of onion rings open and it is making me so happy.
[text]: I just wrote the Drag Queen from Saturday Night on FB and apologized for licking her. Weirdest thing I have ever typed...
[text]: You couldn't even walk but you came into the kitchen with the funnel and begged me to put beer in it
[text]: I genuinely attribute some of my blowjob skills to playing saxophone in highschool
[text]: I still don't know his name but his ass is spectacular. Like he should never wear pants.
[text]: Woke up with an e-cig stuck in my asshole. Explain.
[text]: A surplus of mistakes were made and I don't know what 89% of them were.
[text]: Come over. Bring cocaine. And my t shirt with the dolphin on it.
[text]: Your drunk naked friend is roaming the living room. Started roaming my room. Please come retrieve him
[text]: I do feel like I owe you an apology for trying to fuck your dad last night but in my defense everyone knows I shouldn't drink tequila.
[text]: I want my tombstone to read "making poor life decisions since 1993"
[text]: Called Apple, my penis pics are safe.
[text]: I just bought a bottle of lube for my car.
[text]: Kid got so high from the brownies he forgot his own name. Welcome to college.
[text]: I just remember lots of butts and something about ranch dressing.
[text]: When you licked the fourth stranger's cheek the bar tender pretty much ordered us to get you out.
[text]: Drinking from the bottle. In bed. Making dinosaur noises. Oh man.
[text]: i mean hes a break dancing puerto rican, how do you think the sex was?
[text]: That tampon felt like a stick in my vagina, I am never making a drunken tampon choice again. Friends don't let friends choose tampons drunk.
[text]: I thought I would be a proper lady and put my spare panties in a ziplock
[text]: I have a terrible feeling that I made out with a fraternity last night
[text]: Wall of shame with a backpack full of beer bottles, cowboy hat in hand, and a handlebar mustache. I was applauded by a passing car
[text]: I know the wedding is going to be a good time, I don't have to wear a bra with my dress
[text]: Can you get snapchat back so I can show you all the places I threw up in/on last night?
[text]: Woke up eating a pickle on the bathroom floor this morning in some random guys sweat pants.
[text]: I know you saw me get knocked out after I stepped on that rake why did you leave me there
[text]: She definitely peed in a bucket in their closet last night. We should warn them about that, right?
[text]: We fired a shoe out of a medieval cannon. I know not where we got either one.
[text]: So my booty call knows your bf. Apparently they were in jail together
[text]: That's a lot of judgement coming from a man wearing a dress made from a bedsheet.
[text]: I fell into a manhole last night, so there's that
[text]: Well.. If you trust a test that only costs a dollar, I'm not pregnant
[text]: Woke up in bushes at UT didn't know I was Austin last night
[text]: I wouldn't know what to do. You never really mentally prepare for a cactus getting thrown at your face.
[text]: Turns out the dorm toilet can't take a punch. Gonna be a long year without Mexican food.
[text]: I have an interview tomorrow and listed you as a reference. If they call you, please don't tell them about the time I smuggled a Chalupa out of Taco Bell in my underwear.
[text]: How do you get kicked out of 3 different Subways in one night..
[text]: Mom told me you snuck booze into a concert in a cheez its box...I have never been prouder to be related to you
[text]: I straight up told your dad I've slept with a majority of your family
[text]: You kept whispering to me that the guy making your burrito was an angel.
Anonymous asked:

Kyubey,Saionji,Souda and Gundam


"I don't touch girls that look like they should be in pre-K, so, goodbye Saionji. Hmmm... The majority of this group is shit, but I suppose the Animal Breeder is less shit, upupupuu..."

"Marry? Since I don't condone student-teacher relationships at all, truthfully, the only one I could be slightly interested in is Kyubey. Though I heard she was a lot like Junko-chan, so~"

"Upupupupu, my BEARY favorite question! Souda, obviously. It's kill or be killed, and that bastards too much of a weenie to actually do it. Besides, making his execution would be fun..."

"As the last option, it'd be Saionji... Though I don't believe either of us would truthfully enjoy the affectionate gesture."


Mikan, peko, chiaki, celces


"Hmmm.... Pekoyama-chan or the Queen of Liars? Upupupupu... It'd be fun to watch Pekoyama's 'master' flip their shit over the fact that their principle fucked their lifelong friend, upupupupupupu..."

"Hmm... Celes-san is most like Junko-chan, is she not? But then again, Mikan is a loyal devotee to Junko-chans cause...I suppose Mikan, then."

"Chiaki, hands down. Upupupupu... Fuck the Hope Foundation. Upupupupupupupu... Lets see what those bastards do without their precious AI!"

"Since they are both the last ones left, cuddle would be for Celes-san."

Anonymous asked:

Junko, Monomi, Komaeda, Kyubey


"Well, for fuck, since Monobears too much of a weenie to say this one, it'd be Kyubey."

"Ahem, while I don't exactly condone a worker-boss relationship, I suppose it would be nice to ahem... Marry Junko."

"Kill? Upupupupupu... It's either the bastard turned on by hope or my stupid sister. Well, since I've already killed her once, I suppose it'd be fun to pull out Komaeda's execution... Upupupupupu..."

"Monomi's the only one left, I guess..."

Wow that distaste in his voice was pretty rude.


"Okay, Monobear-Mun, I have two questions... 1) Why are there 2 Monobears?! 2) Why does one look kinda like a shorter version of my despairing self?!"



//ok so idk if ur talking about the ma or the two different sprites bc-- well ill answer the latter part

//the reason theres two sprites is bc muns shit at art

//and imma like 'monobear' answer the other half and the second question

"Hmm? Oh, you're asking why there's two principles, huh. Well, it's a simple answer, really. A magic anon decided to split our original body into two different parts- the positive aspects, and the negative ones."

"Also, on that second bit... Perhaps it's just a bit of luck, no? Upupupupu... Please, inform your headmaster on which one looks like you?"

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