
Instinct Is A Lie Told By A Fearful Body

@phantonium / phantonium.tumblr.com


I might've added the BG3 Art Book to my dnd assets stash

It' 100% does not have things like the 5e players' handbook + 5e’s character sheet, several gm guides, critical role's explorer's guide to wildmount, baldur's gate and waterdeep city encounters, 101 potions and their effects, volo's guide to monsters, both of xanathar's guides, a bunch of other encounters, one shots, and class builds

In no way are there any pdf’s relating to any wizard who may or may not be residing on any coast

(Edit that I’ve moved the folder to the new link above! So if you catch a different version of this post that link won’t work anymore!)


being an adult is just saying to yourself “this is the weekend i’ll clean my [x]” and then proceeding to not do that because it’s the weekend and you deserve to relax, goddamnit

why does this have 85K notes

because we reblogged it instead of cleaning our [x]


So this was originally a response to this post:



Which is about people wanting an AO3 app, but then it became large and way off topic, so here you go.

Nobody under the age of 20 knows how to use a computer or the internet. At all. They only know how to use apps. Their whole lives are in their phones or *maybe* a tablet/iPad if they're an artist. This is becoming a huge concern.

I'm a private tutor for middle- and high-school students, and since 2020 my business has been 100% virtual. Either the student's on a tablet, which comes with its own series of problems for screen-sharing and file access, or they're on mom's or dad's computer, and they have zero understanding of it.

They also don't know what the internet is, or even the absolute basics of how it works. You might not think that's an important thing to know, but stick with me.

Last week I accepted a new student. The first session is always about the tech -- I tell them this in advance, that they'll have to set up a few things, but once we're set up, we'll be good to go. They all say the same thing -- it won't be a problem because they're so "online" that they get technology easily.

I never laugh in their faces, but it's always a close thing. Because they are expecting an app. They are not expecting to be shown how little they actually know about tech.

I must say up front: this story is not an outlier. This is *every* student during their first session with me. Every single one. I go through this with each of them because most of them learn more, and more solidly, via discussion and discovery rather than direct instruction.

Once she logged in, I asked her to click on the icon for screen-sharing. I described the icon, then started with "Okay, move your mouse to the bottom right corner of the screen." She did the thing that those of us who are old enough to remember the beginnings of widespread home computers remember - picked up the mouse and moved it and then put it down. I explained she had to pull the mouse along the surface, and then click on the icon. She found this cumbersome. I asked if she was on a laptop or desktop computer. She didn't know what I meant. I asked if the computer screen was connected to the keyboard as one piece of machinery that you can open and close, or if there was a monitor - like a TV - and the keyboard was connected to another machine either by cord or by Bluetooth. Once we figured it out was a laptop, I asked her if she could use the touchpad, because it's similar (though not equivalent) to a phone screen in terms of touching clicking and dragging.

Once we got her using the touchpad, we tried screen-sharing again. We got it working, to an extent, but she was having trouble with... lots of things. I asked if she could email me a download or a photo of her homework instead, and we could both have a copy, and talk through it rather than put it on the screen, and we'd worry about learning more tech another day. She said she tried, but her email blocked her from sending anything to me.

This is because the only email address she has is for school, and she never uses email for any other purpose. I asked if her mom or dad could email it to me. They weren't home.

(Re: school email that blocks any emails not whitelisted by the school: that's great for kids as are all parental controls for young ones, but 16-year-olds really should be getting used to using an email that belongs to them, not an institution.)

I asked if the homework was on a paper handout, or in a book, or on the computer. She said it was on the computer. Great! I asked her where it was saved. She didn't know. I asked her to search for the name of the file. She said she already did that and now it was on her screen. Then, she said to me: "You can just search for it yourself - it's Chapter 5, page 11."

This is because homework is on the school's website, in her math class's homework section, which is where she searched. For her, that was "searching the internet."

Her concepts of "on my computer" "on the internet" or "on my school's website" are all the same thing. If something is displayed on the monitor, it's "on the internet" and "on my phone/tablet/computer" and "on the school's website."

She doesn't understand "upload" or "download," because she does her homework on the school's website and hits a "submit" button when she's done. I asked her how she shares photos and stuff with friends; she said she posts to Snapchat or TikTok, or she AirDrops. (She said she sometimes uses Insta, though she said Insta is more "for old people"). So in her world, there's a button for "post" or "share," and that's how you put things on "the internet".

She doesn't know how it works. None of it. And she doesn't know how to use it, either.

Also, none of them can type. Not a one. They don't want to learn how, because "everything is on my phone."

And you know, maybe that's where we're headed. Maybe one day, everything will be on "my phone" and computers as we know them will be a thing of the past. But for the time being, they're not. Students need to learn how to use computers. They need to learn how to type. No one is telling them this, because people think teenagers are "digital natives." And to an extent, they are, but the definition of that has changed radically in the last 20-30 years. Today it means "everything is on my phone."

we stopped having computer classes because 'everyone knows how to use a computer' and then we suddenly fucking didn't


i cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have gossipy bitchy littl pirvate group chats or discord servers with like 4 people in them whose stated purpose is posting “new kind of guy” or “this reddit post is so fuckin dumb” or “i got into a fight on twitter today look at this idiot’s reply” so your homies can still see it and laugh and back you up but more importantly, so you are not tempted to post these kind of things on main


# you can also practice just having self control in private in general # for example i do my best to never shit talk actual people ever # i can guarantee you that if you never form the habit of talking about anyone behind their back you will not do that.                                                                                                                                                

seriously, there really is no reason to gossip, the whole “everyone does it” rings hard like all those “everyone spanks their kids” bullshit. Yeah they do, and you still shouldn’t do that. Pick up a weird hobby like organizing bricks by color in minecraft like the rest of us. 


Mmmm, gonna back op on this one.

I kind of wonder what you’re picturing when you hear this, because what I’m picturing is stuff like critiquing the fanfic we read way more frankly than we ever would to an author’s face.

“Gossip” has a number of important social functions, and like any other social interaction it is a tool that can be used in good or bad ways.

We discuss positive and negative interactions we’ve had later and in private with our friend groups because this helps us process them. It can be a vibe check (“does it seem like this person was acting out of line towards me?”) or an analysis (“why do you think they did that? what do you think I should have done?”) or data compilation (“is this a pattern? has this happened to anyone else?”) or data sharing (“hey this alarming interaction happened, watch out”) or just venting to channel emotions into a place where they’re safe to have (“friend is processing bad thing and I’m upset on their behalf, so I need do my own processing somewhere else”).

If you can’t complain about your boss to your friends, how do you even figure out what bad boss behavior looks like?

And when some stranger’s being a dick on social media it is usually infinitely healthier and more constructive to go chat that argument out with your friends than to let yourself get sucked into fighting with someone very likely more interested in hurting people than listening.

Figuring out which social circles are the most beneficial places to have which discussions is a huge part of figuring out how to navigate the world and building yourself the support network you need.

“I never talk badly about anyone even in private!” cool high horse you’ve got there. I think you’re a liar though.

If you aren’t a liar now, time will make you one. You’ll eventually repress enough stupid little bullshits that you didn’t properly process for the back pressure to turn you into an asshole who thinks you’re justified. Worst kind of asshole, in my opinion.

Way better to be a bit of a dick in private with some friends about something annoying that you’re still able to remember is objectively Not That Serious than to be a chronic dick in general because you’ve repressed enough irritation that every new inconvenience feels like it’s a huge offense that’s pushing you over the edge.


This is a big part of it:

If you can’t complain about your boss to your friends, how do you even figure out what bad boss behavior looks like?

If you don’t gripe about “that bitch” with your friends, so they can gripe back about their own “that bitch” and you all agree that your complaints are mostly petty but they were annoying to you at the time… then you have no scale for noticing the difference between someone being a petty nuisance and someone being abusive.

Because a big part of the private friend group sharing complaints, is that sometimes one of them will say, “uh, that there? No. That is not normal and not okay. You should do something about that, not just complain to us that you don’t like her.”

Part of how you learn to recognize the difference between “unpleasant behavior” and “abuse” is by listening and sharing stories about behavior you don’t like. There is no nice sharp objective list of “XYZ behaviors are abusive and everything else is a matter of personal preference and you should just remove yourself from the situation if you don’t like it.”

Having a group of friends you can complain with is like having your own private AITA server. They can be supportive with “okay, you were sick and kinda overwhelmed by deadlines, but um, I think you’re a little overreacting here” or they can point out, “no, you’re right; that other person is totally unreasonable and it sucks that you have to put up with it” – or sometimes they can say “errr… do you know a good lawyer? Because this is a call-a-lawyer situation you’re in.”

You don’t have to be deliberately cruel and overtly vicious to find value in having a place to vent.

Also, like, you will have negative opinions about completely innocuous things for completely arbitrary reasons. Not everyone has the same tastes or tolerances, and that’s normal.

I have a very low tolerance for nasally-sounding voices and OOC moments in fanfic. There is nothing morally wrong with either of those things, nor is my opinion about them universal: I just don’t like them. And that means I can and will complain when I come across a nasally-sounding actor on one of my Broadway soundtracks, or when I come across a line in a fic that makes me immediately be like “He Would Not Fucking Say That”… with my husband, or one of my best friends, or a Discord chat of people I know, instead of, I don’t know, sending hate mail to Frances Ruffelle or bookmarking the fic with “extremely OOC and I didn’t like it.”

It is okay to not like things. It is okay to then talk about how you didn’t like it. It is better to do that privately with people who are not emotionally connected to the situation than it is to say it anywhere where it might get back to that person.

This. Apart from the benefits of venting, some gossip is *useful*.

I ended up in some quite toxic relationships in my youth for the sole reason that I was too idealistic to gossip.

When I was uncomfortable about someone’s behaviour I didn’t talk about it and assumed that if no one else told me it was wrong (surely they’d notice) then is was probably normal. I am the overly sensitive type after all.

And when months or years after I casually mentioned to friends “I don’t talk to N. anymore” it was usually met with an approving “great, good for you, they were walking all over you and I kept wondering why you allowed that”. Most of my friends are very tactful people and they didn’t want to impose their opinions if I didn’t ask.

And I didn’t ask. Because I was so damn idealistic.

So, yeah, it’s much better to vent and gossip.

This. Apart from the

benefits of venting, some

gossip is *useful*.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


Being a witch is not the highest paid job in the world.



I would kill for a companion piece to this, where she gets her hat..

Im sobbing.

no seriously why hasn’t any replied to this image with a picture of her in the pretty hat c’mon tumblr please

she bought the toad a pretty hat but not herself

;-; i’ll buy you the hat. don’t be sad *sobs*

Someone give her the hat, please. D:

Here you go. She got her hat as a gift from a lovely gentleman. :) Hope you all are happy now. 




    The little old witch walked down the street, her pet toad in hand. She had just come from a meeting at Gringott’s where she was told that her loan had been defaulted on and that her excessively low capacity vault was now locked out, leaving her penniless until she could somehow pay off the goblins and re-secure her funds. She didn’t have much in it, not for a long time anyway, but it was all that was left of her family’s wealth. It was unfortunate for her she never found the right warlock in her life. But she had managed on her own for most of her life. She had some friends, good ones that would stick by you no matter what. But this little old witch was a prideful one, and felt that to borrow and take from others made her seem uncaring, which she certainly wasn’t.

She was walking down Diagon Alley, the road mostly clear in the evening hours so she was alone for the most part except for the shop owners cleaning up, hoping for one last customer of the day. She looked down to her pet toad which gave a slow croak as if in acknowledgement and she managed a small smile. The large pug-puppy sized toad had a small, red witch’s hat on, which did make it rather adorable looking. This pet of hers had been her closest companion in many years. She looked up however from her small friend in sad silence of the thoughts plaguing her mind of how she was going to make it the next month. She couldn’t afford anything now, not even a small pumpkin cake.

As she passed by Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions, She stopped at a lit window of the store’s display. There was a beautiful, purple, classic witch’s hat, latest of the season and one of Madam Malkin’s finest works to go with her robes. She stared at the hat despondently. Her weary eyes drifted up to her own threadbare hat, that she’d had since she was young adult. She had taken such good care of it over the years, she’d even attended college with it. but the cloth showed it’s age now and looked as old as her now. Oh how she would have loved to buy the hat in the window. She stared at it longer than she had intended, for now is seemed to represent all she wanted and needed in life and the window of how all out of reach it was. She wanted to cry at the thought of it, of how her whole life had come up to this moment. Didn’t they say you were supposed to be happy in your old age? Well they apparently had no idea about how much loans you take out when your young will haunt you. A cold London breeze blew and she huddled over her toad some, bring it closer to keep it warm and pulled her shawl over her shoulders a bit tighter although it did not do much for the two. She started to turn to head home, perhaps to cry herself to sleep.

Then a voice cried out. “WAIT! PLEASE WAIT!!” She turned around at the loud voice with surprise for it had already been quiet in the now darkened alley, the sun mostly having set over England. She saw a young man run up to her and stopped bent over from having run over to her all the way from Gringott’s it had seemed. As she got a good look at him, she saw he had brown hair and a white hoodie on and had on glasses as well. He lifted up and looked down at her as he was a good head taller than her by far. “Forgive me for interrupting you miss. But, I couldn’t help but overhear your meeting with the head goblin earlier in Gringotts. I was at the table across the aisle from yours, waiting on another goblin to fill a deposit order.” The little witch looked up at him as she listened to him. “Again I apologize for eavesdropping, but it was very easy to listen to, and I was rather outraged by what I heard. Those goblins will rob you blind if you let them.” He fell silent for a moment to just look down at the lady before him and take a breath for his next sentence. “I know it wasn’t my place, you don’t seem to be the kind to take much from others to pay your debts, but I paid off your loan for you.”

Her eyes had widened at that and stared at him. Her loan was still in the hundreds of galleons range. For this young wizard to have just paid it off like it was nothing he had to be wealthy. And then the thought realized it wasn’t his to pay off and her pride swelled within her and again she felt like she was going to cry at having to pay back a total stranger. She opened her mouth to tell him off when he knelt and got eye level with her. “Please, here me out…I am usually not the kind of person who just gives out charity to those I don’t think deserve it. But in my line of work I have to be able to tell a lot from a little glance. And from what I saw of you…you’ve just been through so much, and I felt, she deserves some peace in her life. I can tell you didn’t want help, but i gave it anyway so you can eat and sleep in your home and be happy with your friends. I know what it’s like to be alone and afraid. I had to live a good portion of my youth like that. I had folkd who fed me, but they never cared much, which was no way of living.”

As she watched him, his face glowing in the light of the store window, a sense of familiarity dawned upon her. She had seen this face before somewhere. Then he had mused his hair in front of his head as if thinking of what else he could say to this witch. That’s when she saw it. The scar on his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt. She fell to her knees and her hand covered her wrinkled mouth and she sobbed. It was too overwhelming for her. Harry looked down and went to support her. “Oh please don’t cry, it’ll be alright.” Then she spoke for the first time since she had left the bank. “B-but, your so famous…your one of the best auror’s in existence. W-why would you bother with someone like me?” Harry blinked, once, then twice. Then he took his hand and tilted her wrinkled face up to his with a serious look on his face. “My fame and wealth means nothing if I can’t use it to help those less fortunate than me.” Then to her amazement he wept a tear.

They cried a bit more, there in Diagon alley on the paved street, his a bit more quieter than hers. After a short time they stood up and she was about to bid him goodbye when he turned to look in the window. “I saw you looking in here earlier. That is a rather nice looking hat. Would you like me to get it for you before you go? I think there is just enough time for me to go in and get it.” She wiped the tears from her old eyes and for once let go of her pride and nodded a yes. With a smile he dashed into the store and bought the hat in the window. She smiled and for what seemed like the first time in ages she felt a sense of relief. Harry came out and presented the beautiful purple hat to her. “Here you go miss. Madam Malkin said you lucked out, cause that this the only one of her size changing hats left. It will fit to whatever size the wearer’s is.” THe smiling witch beamed as she put it on and felt the years melt away as she felt beautiful and pretty again in that hat. “Thank you….Thank you so much Harry Potter.”

He said your welcome and the two exchanged contact information so that they could stay in touch. As The Boy Who Lived walked away to go tell his wife about this event, the little old witch smiled as she walked down the street to go tell her friends all about her night.


and hilariously that is not why it is called that.

It is the circle of the bears cause of ursa major and ursa minor, and the circle without bears cause ya'know opposite part of the sky.

We lucked right into that one....

#so what you’re saying is#the stars dictate whether bears do or do not exist in places

Astrology is real but only for predicting where bears will be

Bears do not travel to places they cannot see their gods


Oddly specific. Got a deposit for 6,837 today


fuck it, i never ever do those “reblog for X, this one really works!” posts, but this one doesn’t have any of that BS, this is just straight up wishing us good things; and then the comment doesn’t even say any of that either. Zero claims on this post, all positive vibes

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future you’ll love

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future you’ll love

I’m on my gifted kid to being a fucking idiot arc (I’m neurodivergent and chronically burnt out)


Welcome to the Protestant Work Ethic where if you are not working for 16 hours a day you are a Sinner that will Burn In Hell. Unless of course you are rich in which case you are Blessed by God and can go to Heaven without lifting a finger.

heard a story on a podcast that some Christian missionaries showed these rural Cambodian farmers how to double their crop yields. the missionaries came back a year later and were surprised the Cambodians had grown basically the same amount of crops but the farmers were like “yeah this is great, we got everything we need for the year and only had to do half as much work”

and if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the current North American work environment I don't know what will


Every 21st century piece of writing advice: Make us CARE about the character from page 1! Make us empathize with them! Make them interesting and different but still relatable and likable!

Every piece of classic literature: Hi. It's me. The bland everyman whose only purpose is to tell you this story. I have no actual personality. Here's the story of the time I encountered the worst people I ever met in my life. But first, ten pages of description about the place in which I met them.

Modern writing advice: Yes your protagonist should have flaws but ultimately we should root for them and like them from the beginning :)

Charles Dickens: Here is the worst ugliest rudest meanest nastiest bitch you’ve ever met in your life.

Modern writing advice: Make sure your POV character goes through a significant arc! Make sure they are changed by the narrative! Make sure they learn a lesson!

Narrators of every book of the 19th century: the lesson I learned is these people fucking suck, sayonara you freaks

Modern writing advice: It’s all about the character overcoming obstacles and learning! They learn their lesson so they can fix their mistakes and make good choices in the future! It’s a character arc! It’s called growth! Readers love it!

Everyone from ancient times through the 19th century: would you like to watch a Guy fuck up twenty times in a row


ok since i don't think i've seen any semi-comprehensive lists of the tumblr holidays for the reddit refugees, here it is.


  • Thursday the 20th
  • The Fifth of Wednesday
  • Sometime in June: That One Halloween Post Starts Circulating
  • Sometime in July: Dancing Pumpkin Man Video/Gif


  • Every Monday: El Muchacho Monday
  • Every Tuesday: Tuesday Again? No Problem...
  • Every Wednesday: Wet Beast Wednesday
  • Every Thursday: Out of Touch Thursday
  • Every Friday: Flat Fuck Friday
  • Every Saturday: Don't @ Me, I'm Chilling/Caturday
  • Every Sunday: Fingers In His Ass Sunday


  • January 16: Appreciate a Dragon Day
  • January 29: Threshold Day
  • All of February: Funguary
  • February 14: Aromantic/Asexual Day
  • March 9: Miku Day
  • March 10: Mario Day
  • March 14: Pi Day
  • March 15: Ides of March
  • March 23: Ever Given Got Stuck Today
  • April 1: Mishapocalypse
  • April 2: Dashcon Announcement Anniversary
  • April 3: Dannypocalypse
  • April 8: Rex Manning Day
  • April 13: Neil Banging Out The Tunes
  • ALSO April 13: Homestuck Day
  • April 20: haha 420 blaze it
  • April 25: The Perfect Date
  • April 28: Ed Balls Day
  • April 30: It's Gonna Be May
  • All of May: Mermay
  • May 3: Beginning of Dracula Daily
  • May 4: May the 4th Be With You
  • May 5: Revenge of the Fifth
  • May 25: The Glorious 25th of May
  • All of June: Pride Month
  • June 5: Barricade Day
  • June 16: Let Papyrus Say Fuck
  • July 20: Moon Landing
  • September 8: The Queen Is Dead and Sans Undertale Killed Her
  • September 21: DO YOU REMEMBER-
  • All of October: SKELETON WAR
  • ALSO All of October: Inktober
  • October 3: Mean Girls Day
  • ALSO October 3: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Day
  • October 20: Unnecessary Feelings Day
  • October 31: HALLOWEEN
  • November 5: honestly what didn't happen that day
  • November 19: Goncharov
  • All of December: Will the Gävle Goat Get Destroyed Again?
  • December 10: Please, It's Christmas

Some amendments (aka the bearotonin edition):


  • Existential Tuesday
  • Wet Beast Wednesday
  • Fat Bear Friday
  • Salmon Slammin Saturday
  • Polar Bear Sunday


  • Punday Monday (new) Thinky Thoughts Thursday


  • November 19: Invention of the word "bearotonin"
  • January 28: Bearotonin International Foundation Anniversary

stop fucking calling all lesbians dykes (ex. "an older dyke", "many of the awesome dykes"), especially if you're not a lesbian. "lesbian" is a label that exists and it's rude and disrespectful to use a slur to refer to a broad group of people who you don't personally know. that should honestly be obvious.


When I say ‘dykes’, I mean ‘dykes’. As in: people who identify as dykes. 

In the post you’re refering to I made it quite clear that I was writing about dykes I  know and when I speak of these dykes I won’t erase or sanitize their identities by using a mainstream, tame, deradicalized word that denies the words they specifically chose for themselves to emphasize their identities and their struggles as queer marganilized working class proudly-perverted revolutionary DYKES. 

Keep your fucking respectability politics to yourself. 


Hmmm. Interesting post!

Anyway, I’ve seen some of my followers reblog from this freak, and I think it’s worth stating that you should probably unfollow me if you agree with them.

did he really just say “proudly-perverted” 

Yeah, that makes no sense at all.

(to any people unfollowing me: please block me at the same time so I never have to deal with you again. bye and good riddance)


When did @comcastkills decide to become hot garbage to THIS degree like, damn. 

I forget the age range on this site runs only a little past the teens most of the time because nothing said here is in any way outside of LGBTQ history. 

But, you know, thats reactionary bullshit for you. Are discoursers all younger than 21 or something? Would that explain this nonsense?

The first person who welcomes me into the community as a sort of mentor proudly ID’d as a Dyke would insist that be used over lesbian or homosexual.


Comcastkills showing the same regard for people as the average school bully, I see.


It’s wild and depressing and wildly depressing for me to see this kind of stuff, because when I was a kid, any of us babygays would have literally killed to have an older queer mentor of any kind. Shockingly, there were few around, because, you know, AIDS. But now, the next generation, finally having what we lost, an older generation to teach them about their cultural history n shit… Just. Actively hates and in some cases even tries to kill them (I’ve seen kids on this hellsite try to cost grown-ass adults, sometimes parents, their jobs, kids, and lives). 

Like, I feel so old to be like “back in my day” or “when I was your age” but seriously. I always thought the younger generations would be better off for having what we lost. Instead: this. 

And we gotta call it by its name:

It’s not a generation gap. It’s not just ignorance (though that plays a part). It’s not just TERF manipulation against the word queer (though that plays a part).

We’re seeing a young generation of LGBT conservatism: kids who want their civil rights but who don’t want all the mess and scandalousness of actual liberation. Kids who want to hold on to what has been won for white middle class binary identified LG kids and don’t want to thing about what’s happening on the margins on the LGBT movement. Kids who want glamorous LGBT celebrities on tv, not homeless LGBT youth in their spaces. We have kids into gay nationalism. We have lesbians longing for the time when we didn’t include bisexuals and trans women in our communities. We have LGBT youth voting for Tories.

These kids aren’t shitting on their queer elders out of just ignorance, they actively reject our struggle against all oppression.

I’ve been thinking about this lately too.

The thing I created this blog to oppose is, ultimately, a right-wing reactionary movement, and if you scratch even a little bit at the veneer of leftism, you find bootstrap logic, xenophobia, militarism, anti-intellectualism, the veneration of retributive justice, disrespect for bodily autonomy, and other characteristics of right-wing politics underneath.

Let’s start calling it what it is.

I thought for the longest while that I was off-the-mark in mentally categorizing Tumblr Anti-X (anti ace/aro, anti kink, anti gender-fluidity/gender-spectrum, anti-labels-actual-queer-people-use, anti certain-kinds-of-fiction, etc)  Discoursers as the social conservatives of the future, but the above lines up incredibly well with my own observations.

Years ago, someone asked me to do a portrait of the social conservatism of decades to a century in the future and at the time I predicted highly limited and conditional acceptance of white, able-bodied, very gender-conforming, white-picket-fence, cis gay men and lesbians, who vote conservative. Maaaaaaybe also a limited acceptance of transgender people who medicalize and pathologize themselves out the wazoo, performing a constant show of ‘I’m just a good person who seeks the appropriate treatment for my medically-acknowledged condition, won’t you accept me, I promise not to rock the boat?’ and whose gender-presentation after transition is also very high in conformity to what the conservative mind thinks of as acceptable + again, support for conservative politics. 

Imagine how depressed I was when a large assortment of discoursers, transmedicalists and others along these lines basically confirmed a good deal of the above, here on Tumblr, decades before I thought it would ever become a thing! I started getting alarm bells in my head when I saw the vicious responses toward the concept of gender as a spectrum (and thus toward the existence of genderqueer / nonbinary, agender, genderfluid/genderfuck people), because after years of monitoring and seeking to understand social conservative communities, I knew that they consistently felt a deep, existential sense of threat from anything that challenged their rigid, binary views of gender. And here, on Tumblr, I was seeing young, so-called ‘progressives’ reacting in the same manner, as if threatened, by the concept that gender as a binary is a small and very reductive lens through which one can see the human experience. Whoever coined the phrase ‘conservatism with a gay hat’ couldn’t have been more apt.

And the thing is, this isn’t exactly something new for the community, the only thing that’s truly different is that an entire generation is now in the thrall of reactionary politics. Seeing sneers at queer people daring to (gasp!) describe ourselves as ‘proudly perverted’, as highly sexual beings, as kinky and unapologetic, reminds me what a massive impact radfems have had in shaping the Tumblr social environment and what a net contributor they’ve been to the aforementioned reactionary politics. Whenever I look at the notes of popular radfem posts, it’s always the same exceedingly telling image: usernames along the lines of ‘empress-vulvalini’ or ‘uter-person’ routinely interspersed with ‘tradcatholicnationalist’ or ‘jesus-is-my-savior’ (looking at the latter kind of blogs reveals that they’re Fundamentalist Christians to a one and I say this as a progressive Christian, lest someone accuse me of bigotry. It’s not the Christianity that’s my issue here, it’s the fundamentalism and the deep conservatism that comes with it). In the most darkly hilarious situations, I’ve found posts made by actual religious fundies (’sexual promiscuity and behavior characterized as ‘kink’ damages the inherent dignity of the person’, for one example) with the notes filled with radfems liking, reblogging and lauding the content.

It’s been noted ad-nauseam that radfems and conservative politicians have been good allies on several fronts, starting with the 1970s, but even something as simple as a Tumblr post can show how radfems share idea-space with fundamentalists. Radfems, in this case, have been the social-vector through which LGBT teens on Tumblr have been introduced to and influenced by fundamentalist thought, giving us the incredibly baffling sight of queer youngsters reacting with knee-jerky viciousness to non-normative sexual practices that hardly warranted the batting of an eye-lash in queer-dominated spaces, ten years ago.

Good additions - and, kind of off topic, but I actually teared up a little when I saw your URL in my notes, and got a case of happycry sniffles writing this, I’m just so glad you’re back. You always post with such depth of perspective and moral clarity and insight; a heartening light in the fog.


Friendly reminder that the infamous “bechdel” test comes from a comic titled: Dykes to Watch Out For 

The bechdel test was invented by a self-identified dyke. 

Also re: 

  • “youngsters reacting with knee-jerky viciousness to non-normative sexual practices that hardly warranted the batting of an eye-lash in queer-dominated spaces, ten years ago”

I’ve noticed it too but I didn’t realize this way of thinking was becoming so prevalent.

There was a trend a while back where any personal expression of appreciation of carnal sexual acts on this site was met with kidding-but-not-really-kidding “please go to church” comments from lemonfaced nineteen year olds. I don’t know if the trend actually stopped or if I just unfollowed the people perpetuating it.

A while back I saw people reblogging a post saying that fanfic authors need to stop putting rimming in their fic because it’s ‘ugh so gross’ and real gay people don’t really do rimming at all and they hardly ever do anal and it’s “pornifying” the gay community to imply that these behaviors are common.


Real people, of all orientations, do in fact do all those things, probably with a great deal more frequency than you want to imagine. I should know – I’m a bisexual with a vagina who’s had both a tongue and a dick up my asshole and liked it. I’ve also had a threesome. I didn’t have to find a special sex club to do these things. These acts happened with regular people I dated – people I met during conventional social interactions like sharing a college class or meeting on the dancefloor at a Latin club.

This kind of conservatism over “queer” sexual acts is the same kind of conservatism that, in the past, led to the reclamation of the word “pervert” in queer spaces. 

Ultraconservatives kept moving the goalposts of what constituted “perversion” to demonize perfectly normal sex acts real people do, insisting that any sexual act that wasn’t fully clothed tongueless kissing with the lights off was “perverted” and that anyone who participated in those acts was a “corrupting influence on the larger community.” 

Now the same conservative push is taking place here on tumblr.


Don’t forget radfems actively and knowingly working with fundamentalists and conservatives to attack porn, sex work and sex workers for decades doing huge damage to so many people but especially the women they pretended to be protecting with their ridiculous agenda.

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