

@deansass / deansass.tumblr.com

Arts & thoughts 💭
main blog is @daminwayne. 26

i know we talk about this all the time but the early supernatural seasons are sooooo pretty. gorgeous. shot on film. the lighting. the camera work. kim manners my beloved. every shot is breathtaking and interesting and dynamic. they truly do not make television that looks like this anymore and i miss it so much.


low key embarrassed by the white feminists rising from the graves to defend Taylor Swift for whatever reaction she had at the GG while being dead silent about the literal murder of WOC around the world or the women who don’t have access to hygienic products or the ones being killed by airstrikes while pregnant or

Anonymous asked:

Whatc do you do in Instagram edits photos or draw? Why don't you post here on Tumblr?

More of my friends & family are on insta so I’ve been naturally using it more 😭 I’m ancient on tumblr I feel like everyone I knew on here has moved on


CHLOE DECKER "Is This Really How It's Going To End?!" | 5.15


gonna be vulnerable on here for a min

I haven’t been able to wear my favourite go to necklace in 3 weeks because it has the Palestine flag painted on it.

I wear the hijab.

My neighbourhood has been filled with police cars to protect the Israel-supporters since the pro-Palestinian protests started, even though we never did anything but chant in peace.

I literally don’t feel safe.

Free speech and support human rights and be progressive… until it doesn’t fit your western narratives, am I right?

Anonymous asked:

Your art is so beautiful, thank you for creating and for sharing and for existing❤️🇵🇸

Thank you so much 😭🇵🇸♥️ existing as a Palestinian seriously is resistance

Anonymous asked:

It's no shade but you could've known about waititi's stances for a long time, esp the way he disregarded black peoples critique of his little cutesy pirateshow glazing over slave ownership etc.

I honestly haven’t seen any of that, I’ve been off tumblr / out of fandom for a while and so I’ve been a bit disconnected from it. I saw him siding with Amy Schumer and was surprised.

I’ll look into what you’re mentioning! Thanks for letting me know.


Taika Waititi standing with Israel is disappointing fr

Amy Schumer shared a petition signed by various celebrities. The headline is innocent—they want to free hostages. However, in this petition they don’t mention a ceasefire or even address the innocent Palestinians killed. Instead, they’re sweeping it under the rug and using “Hamas” as a generic cover. Palestinians right now are being terrorized by Israel, no matter how much they want to pretend it’s not the truth. This is propaganda.

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