
Dead Mom Jokes

@deadmomjokes / deadmomjokes.tumblr.com

"T." she/her. Married, Ace, Parent, Attempted Author. Love, Support, Geekitude. And the occasional Dead Mom joke. (Your unofficial tumblr mom. Welcome home, kiddos!) Dedicated writeblr @themswritinwords

Hey fam, just an update:

I'm gonna be pretty much nonexistent on here for a while. We're about to move cross-country (again) in exactly 2 weeks. Between prep work, ongoing health stuff, and trying to help my almost-five-year-old from through the Big Feelings of leaving behind her friends and the only home she's ever known, I just don't have time for computer stuff that isn't related to must-do's and finding housing.

So I'll see y'all mid-June, probably, though I may occasionally pop on now and again just to post something to keep things looking active and whatnot. But don't expect fast responses to DMs or asks.

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any adventures of bean to share before you sign off for a bit? good luck with the move!

I wish I had more specific ones, but life is all blurring together at this point so I must settle for Tidbits: Moving Edition

  • She loves to pack stuff. I have no idea where it's coming from, but holy cow this kid. She's going to be the only reason we're completely packed and ready to go on time. Every morning, she hops in my bed and goes "Can we pack another box?" And any time we're not actively doing something, "Should we pack more boxes?" Her dad whispered to me earlier, understandably dumbfounded, "What is with the packing thing? Why is she so into this?" And she somehow heard it from the next room and merrily hopped in holding the roll of packing tape and said "I dunno, I just really like packing things." So... yeah. She's keeping us on task.
  • She has Plans for the drive. -First, we need to eat at Subway (she was very excited to learn she can, in fact, have Subway in moderation). -Second, we need to stay at one of the number hotels-- those being National 9, Super 8, and Motel 6. (She is bummed there's no 7 hotel.) -Third, if we successfully get a number hotel for one night, we also need to do a Red Roof Inn some other night. -Fourth, she wants to go inside a gas station and look at the maps. (She means the visitors guides and brochures that truck stops have when they're near-ish to state lines and/or tourist destinations.) -Finally, she wants to borrow my phone to take pictures. Unbeknownst to her, we are getting an old digital camera tuned up and outfitted with a child-proof case so she can have her own camera, because when she starts taking pictures it's an hours-long affair, and I kinda need my phone for GPS purposes. We're presenting her with said camera next weekend when we get the trailer, so hopefully she'll stay occupied while we do the part of packing she can't actually help with. But yeah, she knows how to set realistic, attainable goals, and I honestly think we can make these things happen for her.
  • She's been obsessively watching that Bluey special every day, and it Concerns me. See, she's generally quite media literate, and knows how to separate fiction from reality, and we had our big group cry about leaving our friends the first time we watched it. But. I am deeply worried that she's under the impression that we'll get all packed and ready to go and then do what Bluey's family did and decide to stay. I desperately hope not, but hoo boy, if that is the case, that's gonna be one heck of a 4-day drive. We've tried bringing it up and talking about it, but we still can't tell what's going on in that little noggin.
  • She is really, really sad about leaving her friends. I know that's not fun to hear, but honestly, I'm really impressed and proud of the way she's been handling it. She's come up with some great coping mechanisms all on her own: asking if we can get everyone's parents' Facebooks so we can do video calls, asking if we can do a party before she leaves so she can play with her school friends again (both yes, of course), and the one that truly floored me-- she asked if we can find "a new therapy place" when we get to where we're going. My four year old asked if she can go back to therapy, y'all. She's been 'graduated' since before Christmas, but she remembered that it helped when she was feeling anxious all the time and wants to do that again after we move. I just... Holy moly! I am so, SO proud of her for how she's so in tune with herself and her needs.
  • Her requests for our next housing situation have been few, but very specific. It has to let her get a pet, either a rabbit (maybe two so they can be friends), or a ball python, or both. It needs stairs so she can bumslide down them. It needs a pantry with a shelf she can reach for her snacks. And she'd really prefer if it had hard floors so we can get a fuzzy rug. We don't have it on lock yet (fingers crossed!), but the place that looks most likely meets all of these criteria.

That's all I've got for right now, because I need to go pre-plan what tomorrow morning's packing adventure is going to be so I don't have to think about it two minutes after opening my eyes.


Children's oppression and lack of humanization is one topic that makes my insides feel like they're rotting and I'll die on the hill of defending them and pointing out how fucking gross it is every single time people act like it's cool actually to hate a group of people who are the least able to defend themselves in any terrible situation

Y'all will scream "protect queer kids" "protect trans kids" "protect kids of color" then forget all that and proudly stand behind "well kids are fucking annoying in public actually so it's fine when I talk about wanting to have grocery stores and planes that are child free :)" individualism has killed humanity so deeply

There are child free spaces, it's just that some obnoxious parents for some fucking reason decide to bring their kids there with them.

I've never seen a child in a child free space. I've been to bars, clubs, sex shops, kink events, etc etc and I'm 32 and have never, ever seen a child in a child free space. If I have, for example, seen a child at a weed dispo, they were chill as hell and not bothering anyone. If a child isn't being chill in public, they're a fucking child with limited life experience. Sometimes parents also have limited life experience and limited resources and limited social nets to help them with their fucking kids. I'm an impoverished queer autistic whore with no family at all and the idea that I could have gotten pregnant and had a kid at some point and had another reason for the general public to hate me is fucked up. Yall are fucked up to parents and treat them like they're inherently in a different class of human than everyone else. There are places where abortion will get people put in prison and yall act like this to parents.

What do yall expect parents to do? Do yall think all parents have the ability to hire a babysitter or afford daycare? Do you think parents with children should be locked away from the general public too? What have you done to fight for social benefits to help parents get these sorts of care for their kids so you don't have to see them ever? Is it a leftist stance to see people as inherently obnoxious for having kids and having nowhere to put them aside for "with them"? Do you think kids should be left with strangers rather than be in spaces that make you uncomfortable? What happens when kids get left alone or with strangers because of stances like this? (In my experience as a neglected abused kid - more abuse esp sexual)

Google Right to Comfort. Please. And stop acting like people are horrible for having children. It's exhausting that this is 25% of all the replies on this post, just shitting on parents for having kids at all and daring to bring them in public without crushing any form of sound they make immediately for your benefit. That's not helping kids. Yall are the obnoxious ones for acting like this on a post about the most oppressed group of humans on the planet. Be better.


My mother was isolated for years because every possible social group or club or event she was interested in told her that she wasn't allowed to bring her children "unless they could behave." What this usually actually meant was, "teenagers are allowed, but only if they sit in the corner and don't make any noise."

When I was a teenager, she and I tried to join the SCA together, and some bitchy lady at the new member meetup straight-up asked us to leave, telling us it didn't seem like "the right environment" for us because my mom couldn't "control her children." What actually happened was that my sibling, who was a literal toddler at the time, wanted to run around in circles because he was bored and restless and there were no other kids to play with. The venue didn't have anywhere outside that I could take him to play while my mom stayed at the meeting, so we got told my sibling was "too loud" and asked to go home and not come back until we could hire a babysitter. I still don't know where this woman found the audacity, but she did, and my mom didn't have it in her to start a fight.

So we had to leave. And it was mortifying. I was furious because I really, really wanted to join the SCA, but I felt fucking horrible for my mother. I at least got to see friends at school, but this was the one thing my mom had tried to do in order to be social and get out of the house. It resulted in her getting shamed for having children who act like normal goddamn children instead of little dolls that can't speak or run around or make any noise.

We lived in poverty. She couldn't afford a sitter. We had just moved to the area and didn't know anyone who could help. My dad worked long hours because his paycheck was our only income. My mom had to quit her job because childcare was too expensive. I couldn't babysit very often, because I had to go to school. People insisting that children shouldn't be a "nuisance" in public kept my mother trapped in the house, to the point where she would hesitate just to get groceries because so many people would yell at her when one of the babies cried. She hit the point where she refused to go run errands at all unless someone could either come with her or stay home to babysit.

But because my dad was always at work and I was always at school? It made it hard to get groceries outside a very specific window. It's not like we could just get them delivered--that service didn't exist yet. Getting groceries was frequently a once-a-month affair, and this on top of the poverty had a direct impact on food availability in our home.

And to top it off, when my mother talked to her doctor about the amount of horrific stress and pain she was dealing with during this time? He told her "that's just what being a mom is like." She still tells this story, because it was such a horrific example of medical misogyny. She didn't diagnosed with her multiple chronic medical conditions for years, all because some doctor had it in his head that "moms are supposed to be isolated and exhausted."

Our society treats parents and children like utter shit, and it's appalling.


All those videos that are like “Why is this big area of this country uninhabited???” always have five reasons it might be.

  1. It’s really cold
  2. It’s really hot
  3. Big mountains are hard to build on
  4. No water and humans generally need that
  5. All four of the above all at once

“Why is the population of Spain almost all concentrated in these little areas?”

Well it’s probably the mountains innit

“Why does most of Russia live on the west side of the country?”

Well it’s probably the freezing cold winters and boiling hot summers innit

“Why does most of China live east of this line?”

Here there be water, my friends.

Many great societies have managed a living in some of the less habitable parts of the planet but they have generally been hardy and small in number while the rest of us have stuck to the mostly temperate river areas.

Yes there’s ways to get water in the Sahara desert and ways to get warm in the Arctic but most people generally prefer flat areas with livable temperatures and lots of water.

Like that’s why the American west was mostly sparsely populated until relatively recently. The fact that there’s so many of us there now is frankly a result of the hubristic technology that is the air conditioner.


"why does everyone live on the east coast of Australia and hardly anywhere else" it's the only place it rains mate.

Australia is like three habitable zones all surrounded by ocean on one side and a desert on the other. And I think there’s lizards somewhere around there as well.


As a child who always just had a smaller portion of my parents’ dinner I was shocked when I saw parents online preparing two or three different dinners for different age groups in the household.


Tips for writing those gala scenes, from someone who goes to them occasionally:

  • Generally you unbutton and re-button a suit coat when you sit down and stand up.
  • You’re supposed to hold wine or champagne glasses by the stem to avoid warming up the liquid inside. A character out of their depth might hold the glass around the sides instead.
  • When rich/important people forget your name and they’re drunk, they usually just tell you that they don’t remember or completely skip over any opportunity to use your name so they don’t look silly.
  • A good way to indicate you don’t want to shake someone’s hand at an event is to hold a drink in your right hand (and if you’re a woman, a purse in the other so you definitely can’t shift the glass to another hand and then shake)
  • Americans who still kiss cheeks as a welcome generally don’t press lips to cheeks, it’s more of a touch of cheek to cheek or even a hover (these days, mostly to avoid smudging a woman’s makeup)
  • The distinctions between dress codes (black tie, cocktail, etc) are very intricate but obvious to those who know how to look. If you wear a short skirt to a black tie event for example, people would clock that instantly even if the dress itself was very formal. Same thing goes for certain articles of men’s clothing.
  • Open bars / cash bars at events usually carry limited options. They’re meant to serve lots of people very quickly, so nobody is getting a cosmo or a Manhattan etc.
  • Members of the press generally aren’t allowed to freely circulate at nicer galas/events without a very good reason. When they do, they need to identify themselves before talking with someone.

As someone who spent over a decade catering luxury events, let me add some back of house info:

  • These events are almost always open bar. They're not trying to make their money back on alcohol. They want you to drink and eat and donate generously.
  • If there are cocktails, there will be at most two on offer, pre-made in large tubs. You cannot order a different version, it is what it is.
  • There are two types of events: cocktail style or seated. The first includes roaming hors d'oeuvres or a fancy buffet with tiny plates called a grazing station. For a long night, the roaming food will get a little bigger throughout the evening and have a 'main' at some point based around a protein.
  • A seated event will usually be more structured and may include multiple courses. Silver service is not in vogue anymore. You are likely to get either alternating meals brought to you like at a wedding, or served banquet style. A good caterer can get a plate to everyone in a 300 person event in about three minutes.
  • Drunk people are the same no matter how expensive their suits. They still laugh too loud, spill their drinks and slip on the dance floor. They are usually less embarrassed about doing coke in the bathrooms.
  • A full scale event that starts at 6pm will have staff arriving at noon to begin setup. Earlier if there's a light show or pyrotechnics. Typically venues don't just have 30 tables and three hundred chairs lying around, let alone table cloths, chair covers, etc. It's all rented and brought in on the day. Bands and DJs will be running audio tests in the background throughout.
  • Most heritage buildings that host these things, like museums and manor houses, aren't really designed for them. They might put down mats so you're not walking in stilettos over two hundred year old wooden floors, the kitchens are weirdly far away, and there are not enough taps. There is never anywhere for staff to sit, so if you open the wrong door you might find half a dozen waiters sitting on upturned milk crates in a room full of million dollar paintings, eating the left over bread.
  • Really old buildings don't have enough bathrooms, which means the staff will be sharing with the guests.
  • Clean up starts the second the event ends, if not sooner. Unattended glasses will start to disappear first, then table decorations. When the timer ticks over, the lights come back on and exhausted staff strip the tables, pack up dirty glasses and unopened wine bottles and have to Tetris it all into the back of a van. The venue is booked for that day only, so everything has to be gone before anyone can go home. A large event that finishes at midnight might take until 3am to be cleared away.
  • These are very long and physically demanding nights for anyone working them. The staff all get to know each other, and will absolutely notice someone trying to sneak in wearing a borrowed uniform. They are not being paid enough to care.

If only there were some sort of facility where teenagers could be taught new skills.

Anyway, here's a helpful diagram. When I was hit on the temple this was one of the harder things I had to reteach myself. Don't be shamed into not asking questions, and it's alright if it takes you a while to figure it out. Don't let someone make you feel bad for learning new things, or relearning old ones.

Sometimes, unfortunately, you have to teach yourself. YouTube is a valid option.

yeah okay ill reblog that :]


Don't laugh, this is not a joke, I swear. My 4 year old is into this series, and the clock episode explained it so much better and simpler than anyone who had the misfortune of trying to teach me how to read an analog clock as a child. It's silly and geared towards kids, yes, but it explains the WHY, and it's color coded, and it's honestly super helpful. (Also the "how long is a minute" song is both stressful and super useful for those of us with time blindness issues, just saying)


I've said this here before but if there is a food that is painful for you to eat or that is spicy to you but you have never heard anyone (except possibly family members) genuinely describe it that way, then you might be ⭐~ allergic ~⭐ to it.


people will hear you talk about struggling with mental illness and say “you can do anything if you just put your mind to it”. brother what part of the body does the mental illness happen in. what do you think is the problem

“Lift with your legs you idiot!”

“I have a BROKEN TIBIA! That needs support and time to recover!”

ADHD, also known as Can't Put Your Mind To Things Disease,

Don’t leave these in the tags


"I could look it up but it's more fun asking friends" gang


"there's probably an objective answer for this but let's see if someone has a rant locked and loaded" group chat


Sometimes adhd is like using a reminder app where you set a reminder to do or remember something but then when you save the reminder it just disappears and you can't see or edit it again until it goes off at a randomly appointed time in the future


children existing in public spaces is genuinely like. necessary for the continuation of society. it doesnt have to be your kids you dont have to volunteer at a daycare or whatever but you need to be able to tolerate the presence of someone who is learning how to exist as a human and interact with people


It’s literally that simple

Friend: “hey my son can’t concentrate on his homework. He chooses to do literally anything else everytime. He said his head doesn’t feel like it.”

Me: “Did you give him music?”

Friend: “No! No tech until he’s done! He doesn’t need more distracted.”



“k, bring me the child”

*Go to her house*

*points to the obviously ADHD boy struggling with his homework*

Me: “so your head doesn’t feel like doing homework?”

Son: “yeah. It would rather do ANYTHING else.”

Me: *unwrapping earbuds* here, listen to this for an hour while you do it.

French voice: 1hr later

Son: “k I’m done! :-)”

Friend: “wow, what’d you give him? Concentra, Adderall, Ritalin‽”

Me: “Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics” and some lo-fi.

I-I’m gonna try this for myself

Go for it! From what I’ve seen, everyone has a different genre but instrumental (no words) seems to be key. I guess Sweet Dreams words are so ethereal, ADHD just rolls with it????

For me, orchestral covers of songs I know work best since my ADHD is using the extra hyperfocus to remember and keep up with words. Have fun experimenting!!

I have some arrangements of songs I did that I just loop. Mind you, these are, like, 1-3 minutes long, but the drone really helps with focus

Y'all I just listen to Lana Del Rey. Would recommend because with instrumentals I tend to focus on where actual words would be but with Lana’s stuff her vocals sound like music but it’s words


really wish I could’ve done this when I was spending 4 hours on every page of math homework in the 90′s. Fast forward to my last year of college when I finally figured out I could just listen to Blackmill and blaze through an entire semester of college math like it was nothing.  Find the study methods that work for you!!! Help kids find the study methods that work for them!  


It takes me all day to do simple chores because i keep getting distracted. If i put in earbuds with upbeat music I’m done with everything in a couple hours AND i feel really good and probably danced a little i.e. exercised.

Try songs in another language - one you don’t speak. The idea is that since you don’t understand the words, your brain doesn’t go “Oh hey, someone is talking to me” and thus you can maintain your focus. Although, this is something probably  best suited to writing. But on the other hand, if it works, it works.  Personally, I like Opera. BUT, I advise against using Pandora’s Opera Station. At least in the free version, it either cycles through the same ten Singers/Albums or drifts off into instrumental covers.  On the other hand, it’s great for background noise when gaming. Just be sure you have an ad blocker running. You will also have to confirm that you are listening every hour or so. 

Followup on the lofi front: I recommend the following channels. Chillhop Music:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOxqgCwgOqC2lMqC5PYz_Dg

In particular, I recommend the relax/study livestream radio. Or just about any of their mixes. Fantasic Music:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZyyXrEF2WCZbI653PFNBbA Both the Chill and the Jazz playlists are excellent.  Jazzhop Cafe:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi8wqezBudeAiTdKOX571ug

Their ChillMix videos are the best.  Jazzhop Cafe Archive:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKbD–QKXKosHmSXarqYUeg Name is self-evident.  I believe ChilledCow also has a livestream, but I honestly prefer Chillhop. YMMV https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSJ4gkVC6NrvII8umztf0Ow

EDIT: Oh, Pandora’s Vitamin String Quartet IS good, but it tends to drift off into New Age type stuff. Adblocker thing still applies though. 

Here is my personal ADHD get shit done playlist. It’s mostly film and game soundtracks. 


I use orchestra covers of video game music and the LOTR soundtrack

I also find jazz, city pop, and vaporwave work well for this purpose too. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and Vivaldi’s Four Seasons also got me through many a college paper back in the day.

I use Pokemon music or Youtube readings of reddit stories to do my work. 

Pokemon works great for me too, i also have a couple other songs from video games i like to listen to

Headphones are essential for this, I’ve found. Don’t play the music through your speakers.

I love:

ADHD Relief Music: Polyrhythmic Music for Focus and Studying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXC6AUbY69A


A variation: I don’t know if I would get any chores done without audiobooks…


Yesterday I was flipping radio stations while waiting at a red light when I hear a deeply offended gasp from the back seat.

"No, don't switch it!! Turn it up!"

I do, in fact, turn it up, only to learn via the radio display that it's a song by Rage Against the Machine. (Note: I know exactly no songs by Rage Against the Machine, they're just not my cup of tea.) And my child-- my four year old child who, by her own choice that day, was wearing a fluffy pink flower skirt and sparkly cowboy boots-- takes in the screamy, guitar-smashy chaos, gives the most contented sigh of approval, and says,

"Awwww yeah, I LIKE this one!"

And starts head banging in her car seat.

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