
• s u p e r n a t u r a l •

@messyhaircas / messyhaircas.tumblr.com

• 17 • she • bi • destiel trash • general trash • sometimes I write but most of the time I just cry over my otp

I am in awe of Aubrey Plaza, Mara Wilson, and so many more bi women who are risking their very public careers to come out. They are so brave to do what they’ve done, and so strong to have survived long enough to make it here. My heart is bursting. I am so proud. Bi women deserve the world.


sometimes cockles makes you feel like a surly old detective who’s been working this case for twenty years, and too often you have to tell your wife you can’t come to bed because you think you got a break in the case, and she just sighs like she always does and says ‘okay just don’t stay up too late you’ve got to work tomorrow’ and you tell her you love her and you mean it because she’s been putting up with your shit for as long as this case has been hounding you, but one of these days you’re gonna be done with it, as soon as you solve this thing, you’re hanging up your police badge and moving to a beach somewhere, but you’ve been saying the same thing for so long you can’t even remember when you started. Your wife smiles at you, a small thing, sad but affectionate. Just like every other night, you’re reminded of how much better she deserves.


I think you meant to say WHILE MISHA SPRAWLS BETWEEN JENSEN’S THIGHS or something like that





Also Jensen is petting his belly. That’s very relaxing, you know.

…Are we currently bearing witness to Jensen giving Misha a belly rub?? We all knew Misha was a kitten but now it seems like Jensen is Chief Tummy Tickles.




“I know you’re awake. I can tell when you’re watching me.”

Dean opens his eye more than the crack he’d been sneaking his thousandth glance at Cas through.

“I can’t believe you’re driving my car,” Dean mutters sleepily. It’s nearing three a.m. and they’ve been on the road a long time. Sam’s been asleep in the back seat since eleven. Giving up and handing the wheel over to Cas and letting the guy who doesn’t sleep drive had seemed like a good idea.

Cas glances over and frowns at him before quickly looking back at the miles of empty, straight road stretching ahead of them, still driving like a dork, Dean thinks. “If you’re worried about me crashing the car, I won’t,” he says grumpily. “The next town is still at least two hours away, but I could wake Sam and let him drive.”

“’S not that,” Dean mutters, sinking lower in the passenger seat and shifting around to try and get comfortable, dancing on the edge of sleep. He closes his eyes again, hoping to trick himself into sleeping.

“Then what is it?” Cas asks, still sounding resentful about his driving being so closely monitored.

Dean cracks his eyelids apart before he can help himself, and stares across the front seat to Cas behind the wheel. It shouldn’t have been a big deal but it really is; watching Cas resolutely watching the empty road, both hands on the wheel, determined to bear them safely on their way with all his usual intensity, to the point of absurdity about how seriously he’s taking the task, and there’s just something about him being the one driving Dean’s car…

All drugged up with the kind of tiredness from hitting the road in a kind of driven-out-of-town-after-a hunt-way and then driving non-stop for twelve hours, followed by two more hours drifting right on the cusp of sleeping if not for watching Cas, Dean isn’t really paying much attention to his own mouth.

“S’ kinda hot.”

There’s one of the heaviest silences in his life as Dean slowly registers what he said and he jerks awake like he’d been slapped.

At least, he thinks somewhat hysterically as he meets a gaze boggling at him in shock, he finally made Cas take his eyes off the road for more than a second.

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