
mythic bitch

@annabethfell / annabethfell.tumblr.com

bridget | xix | she/her | lesbian

me as a juror


[ID: Marge from The Simpsons in a store thinking and then shrugging. The subtitles read “What you’re saying is so understandable. And really, your only crime was violating U.S. law.”]

in the US, if you as a juror believe that a defendant has done the right thing despite breaking the law and should not be punished, you can try to convince your fellow jurors to vote "not guilty" no matter how much evidence is stacked against them. it's called jury nullification and prosecutors don't want you to know about it, which is all the more reason to learn.

Anonymous asked:

Ok so I like boys and I might be a trans dude but I’m really attracted to the lesbian label idk why but aaa isnsuhsuwnsus Idk what to do what is wrong with me please help me

I have the same problem with the term ‘butch’, I really like it but I’m not a lesbian so I can’t exactly use it

so instead I just call myself a sparrow stag (meaning a sorta low-maintenance masculine nb)


Queer men (especially trans men) have been using the term butch for decades, and the movement to redefine butch and femme as lesbian exclusive terms is spearheaded by and beneficial to terfs.

If butch is the word that fits, then use it. Terfs don’t deserve to shape your life or our community.

Terfs don’t define us, and they certainly don’t define you.

is that true? Do you know where I could read more about it? The only things I could find just state that butch is a lesbian term

I’m on mobile right now, which is always hard on research, but I will collect you some sources tonight, no worries

Thank you so much!

Starting off simply, here’s a timeline of the history of “butch,” exploring its roots in working class queer women of color’s bars (remember, the word lesbian just meant “woman who has sex with women” until the 70s). The 80s is when the author first starts talking about the use of butch by queer men. Specifically, urban men of color.

And, while I hate to play the “defer to authority” card, when it comes to butch identity, there are few people who would know more about it than Butch Voices, the largest butch activist organization in the world. Which specifically refuses to exclude men, and more than that explicitly includes trans men.

Gay men often describe themselves (check out these personals ads), their partners or their friends in terms of being femme or butch, not just in casual contexts, but in research ones. That’s how deeply these identities are felt. Again and again, the term used to describe all queer masculinity is butch.

And while most definitions by queer organizations welcome and acknowledge the fact that butch was popularized in post-WWII women’s spaces, you’ll note an absence of gender limitations on the definitions themselves.

That’s because butch identity, by its very nature, is a violation of gender norms (one that some people say is outdated and antiquated, though I strongly disagree).

And so, too, are all forms of queerness ultimately a violation of gender normativity, of strict definition and categorization.

That’s why major butch authors, for example, hesitate to even use traditional gender pronouns such as “he” or “she” when writing about the hypothetical butch. Because a butch may be a woman, but womanhood is not a necessary component of butchness. And I do apologize for that link, I know it only shows scraps of the whole book, but it does at least include a couple of the more relevant essays about the complexity of trying to assign a gender to butch identity.

For all queer people–including the men–butch identity is an act of reclamation of masculine performance, in the same way that for all queer people–including the women–femme identity is a reclamation of feminine performance, ripping it out of the hands of the cisheteronormative hegemony and saying, hey, fuck you, you don’t get to decide who counts as what, who gets to do what, get fucked. And this can be fumbled, of course, but so can anything. Performance is what it is, and we all make missteps.

Now, as for the other half of my conclusion: that the constant claims about butch (and femme) being “lesbian exclusive” are TERF propaganda.

The following links require content warnings far in excess of just “these talk about queer history and the evolution of terminology.”

These are links to TERF news articles written and intended for non-TERF audiences. That means they present TERF talking points in positive language. Be careful when you approach them, be careful when you read them.

Since at least the 1980s, when masculinizing medical transition started becoming more accessible on a larger scale, trans-exclusionary feminists and trans-exclusionary lesbian separatists have been going out of their way to erase, shame, and punish their trans brothers and lovers for “betraying” them,.

A great many people who had previously identified as hard-butch lesbians because it was the only word they new moved into identifying as trans men. And because radical feminist, lesbian separatist theory had no place for any kind of men, the only way that kind of act could be frames was as treachery. The men who did so, some of whom had been stalwart feminists for decades, some of whom had even been powerful voices in second wave feminist movements, were suddenly treated as abusers, drug peddlers, and sexual criminals.

And that is why it is imperative that we refuse to let TERFs define who does and does not get to be butch. They never got to before, and they sure as hell don’t get to now.

thank you for the sources! This was all really interesting!

I’d also like to highlight that in the first link they also mention that butch is also been in use in the nonbinary community, which I think is very interesting

Les Feinberg and Stormé DeLarverie are just two famous nonbinary butches. It’s LONG been a thing for genderqueer/nonbinary people.


babe get ready for a night on the town, i just found an old Subway gift card and there’s still $9.45 left on it


“Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture. Mead said that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture was a femur (thighbone) that had been broken and then healed. Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, if you break your leg, you die. You cannot run from danger, get to the river for a drink or hunt for food. You are meat for prowling beasts. No animal survives a broken leg long enough for the bone to heal. ‘A broken femur that has healed is evidence that someone has taken time to stay with the one who fell, has bound up the wound, has carried the person to safety and has tended the person through recovery. Helping someone else through difficulty is where civilization starts’, Mead said. We are at our best when we serve others. Be civilized.”

–Ira Byock, The Best Care Possible: A Physician’s Quest to Transform Care Through the End of Life


do i excessively share my thoughts about the content that I consume on a very public platform? yes. do I also never ever want the creators of said content to be aware of or god forbid interact with said content? also yes.

the idea that people want to be observed by their favourite celebrities is incomprehensible to me. can you imagine being on a platform like twitter where creators directly judging you for your opinions is not only possible but culturally acceptable? unthinkable.

that's why i am on tumblr. this is a safe space. no self respecting celebrity would use this hellsite in an official capacity, and its lack of verified accounts and general anonymity would make it difficult anyway. the author might not be dead but the doors are barricaded.

in conclusion: parasocial relationships go both ways and i will not participate

@twinliches tags were very important to me


what is it about having anxiety that makes you so insane. like every time i go to my job where i work i expect someone to tell me to leave. like i walk in and im like well i bet im not supposed to be here. even though all signs point to me needing to be there

paperwork: you work here at this store

schedule: this is when you are going to be working 

my boss: see you later when youre working 

me, showing up to work: im not supposed to be here. this is so embarrassing. i dont even work here. is this the right store


sure. okay. jake paul fbi raid. why the hell not at this point

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