
@cursedwithinkblood / cursedwithinkblood.tumblr.com

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How do you like living in Port Pennant?


That being sAiD, however, I am hardly one to cOmPlAiN, given my position. Heehee.

While I feel that I know a gReAt deal about the city itself, and the sEcToR where I live and work, it is easy to fOrGeT just how vast it is.

For example, there are wHoLe sections of the city which I have not even vEnTuReD, simply because it is not within my usual rOuTeS.

I will aMeNd this one day.


From a very important desk...

PeRhApS I should have had someone else assist me with tHeSe invitations, rather than fumbling aRoUnD with clumsy claws.

Now, all that is needed is to sEnD them all out...

Anonymous asked:

how do you know Inkler?!

Whaaat, you think a guy like me can't have normal friends?

Izzy and I go WAY back. Turns out, he and I have a lot in common. We clicked right off the bat! Just like, uhhh, sawdust and gasoline! Or a bat and a headlight!!!! OR, or, spraypaint and ink! He'd hate that one, bahaha.

I wouldn't even ever try to steal from the guy. Honest.


I can, iNdEeD, attest to him not attempting to sTeAl from me~ I am quite pRoUd of him for that.

The fact that Nol and I sHaRe so many rare similarities in our ailments is astonishing on its own; taking into cOnSiDeRaTiOn the fact that we also get along absolutely splendidly, well, it only makes us all the more iMpReSsIvE of a duo, heehee.

#I’d go so far as to say he’s one of my closest friends

I would also have to aGrEe with that final sentiment. He is, without question, one of my cLoSeSt friends, as well. I tRuSt him far more than I do most others I know.


Oh, yes, how eVeR will I manage to pay for that wInDoW to be replaced.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! congratulations on surviving 5 years with all of us. Thank you for being here and making all of us smile every day, you are amazing. (This is the anon that read your whole blog, remember me?)

Oh goodness, such kind and sWeEt words. 

Thank you all for sTaYiNg here alongside me, as well. It mEaNs so much.


Hey happy birthday!!! I managed to put together a non-dangerous gift after much deliberation. Hope you like oven mitts... that are also bullet proof with high impact gel core -cough-


OH– Oh my, these are wOnDeRfUl. ♥ 

You can never be too careful in the kItChEn. If they are bulletproof, surely tHeY will be able to also withstand my nails pretty well, too.

I adore tHeM and look forward to using them. Thank you so mUcH.~

-gentle head pats- 

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