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Uses of Moon Water

Moon water – water that has been charged by the moon – has several uses in Witchcraft and magick. Many people charge their moon water in the light of the full moon, but it can be created during other moon phases as well. Like with spellcasting and rituals, the full moon is often seen as the most powerful time to charge your moon water. However, you might also charge your water to fit correspondences of other moon phases, too! And of course, you might also try to time charging your moon water based on the time of year.

Below are some general ideas about how you might decide to use your moon water.

Uses of Moon Water:

  • Energising, cleansing, and charging crystals – moon water is great for cleansing and empowering crystals! You can place your crystals in a jar with some moon water, to help amplify their energy. Make sure to check your crystals can be placed in water, though! Some crystals aren’t safe in water.
  • Bathing and cleaning yourself – you can add some moon water to your bath, or use some moon water to wash your hands or face as a cleansing ritual, blessing, or bath magick.
  • Drinking moon water – take a couple of sips of moon water each day to empower yourself with the moon’s energy. If you choose to drink your moon water, make sure you use spring or distilled water when making your moon water and keep it in the fridge. You could even use some moon water in your coffee or tea!
  • Making potions, cleansing sprays etc. – utilise the power of the moon and its correspondences to enhance your potions, or use moon water to make a little cleansing spray to use in your room or home.
  • Watering your plants or adding some moon water to flower vases – you might decide to water your plants with moon water, as a way to enhance your connection with them. You could also add some moon water to your vase of flowers.
  • Making fragrances or perfumes – you could also use your moon water to make perfumes or fragrances, to amplify your intentions or as part of a glamour spell!
  • Representing the Goddess and/or your intentions and goals on your altar – you could place some moon water in a container and put this on your altar, as representation of the Goddess and/or your intentions and goals.
  • Diffusing moon water in your home – you could place some moon water in an aromatherapy diffuser with your choice of essential oils, to help clear the air and enhance the effects of the oils you use.

Thinking about moon phases and correspondences:

As I mentioned before, you might want to think about your intentions and timings of when you charged your moon water. For example, May’s Full Flower Moon is often associated with love, health, and romance. So, water charged under May’s full moon might be useful in empowering crystals associated with love or the heart chakra, or enhancing spells related to compassion, love, romance, healing, and self-acceptance. Similarly, you might think about the season you charged your moon water, and what kinds of associations this season has for you.

Remember – the important part of any ritual, spellwork, or magick is your intentions, and what this means for YOU. My list is non-exhaustive – there are so many possibilities of what you can do! The important thing is to do what feels right for you personally.

I hope you enjoyed this post!

Blessed be <3


7 simple water spells that use 2 ingredients or fewer

Not everyone has the time or money for a busy, involved spell. It takes practice, a quiet place to sit down, and often a lot of meditation or introspection before you can create a really POWERFUL spell. However, sometimes what you need isn’t power, but speed - these spells answer just that need combining water and no more than TWO other ingredients to create useful, flexible spells. They’re not the most powerful bits of magick you can perform, but they work fast, they don’t need a protective circle to cast them, and they can be re-performed easily and with almost no ingredient costs! 

  1. Fill a glass with water, and invoke the healing elements of Water and Earth. Pour healing energies into the water, and add a sprinkle of salt to cleanse out impure energy. Drink this water in one go for a fast and easy noticeable healing spell. Please note, however, that it is not a super-powerful spell! If you really need healing, perform a proper, strong spell after going to a doctor. 
  2. Dip your finger into a glass of saturated salty water, and use the water to draw a pentacle upon your table or altar. When the water evaporates it will leave the salt behind, creating a perfect salt pentacle perfect for keeping your altar free of harmful energies. This also means that it can be washed off in seconds with a damp paper towel or wash-cloth, making it easy to clean up and easy to dispose of in an instant if you are a secret or hidden Witch in an unfriendly environment.
  3. Mix sugar and a spice, such as vanilla* or cinnamon, into water and bless it under moonlight. Dedicate it to the moon and to the cycles of nature. Then, before the sun rises, pour the water out over any plants in your garden that need a little extra help staying healthy and strong.  *Please only use vanilla extract, vanilla paste, or vanilla bean for this! Vanilla essence is NOT real vanilla, and has never seen the inside of any herbs at all. Vanilla essence is a chemical called vanillin, which was created synthetically in a factory - it is NOT a real herb!
  4. Add rosemary and sage to a jug of cool water, and leave it to sit in the fridge for three days. Take the jug out and dip a paintbrush into this water, and then paint the potion upon the top of any doors in your house that face the outside. This will prevent negative spirits from entering your dwelling, and will help prevent you bringing stress in from the outside world with you too!
  5. Add together 3 parts dried rosemary (or 5 parts fresh), 6 parts water (8 if using fresh herb) and 2 parts salt, boil together in a pan for at least 10 minutes, then leave this to sit in a cool place away from as much sunlight as possible. Leave this potion to sit and infuse for at least 2 weeks, and then during your showers measure out about a quarter-cup (~60ml) of the potion. Apply this to your scalp and hair, massaging vigorously, and then after at least 1 minute of leaving it in wash it out with shampoo and water. This potion is extremely nourishing for the hair, and will help your hair stay stronger for longer. Soak your hands and feet in it for 10 minutes twice-daily as a nail strengthener, too! Keep refrigerated when not in use!
  6. Under a full moon, step out into nature and bless a bucket of water. Add a handful of salt, and command the salt to dispel all impurities and harmful energies in the water, and then use whatever incantation or wording you choose to tell the water that anything washed within it will be cleansed of foul energies and made new again. Then use the water to wash down any items in your house that might have negative energies attached; for example a necklace that was given to you by an abusive ex; a favourite toy from your childhood before you moved away and couldn’t play with it anymore; or perhaps a ritual tool that has not been cleansed in a long time and has energies built up inside it. This water will remove all the bad energies, and leave the good ones, allowing you to make the object’s energy “new” again and remove bad associations. 
  7. Fill a glass of water and dip your thumb into it, before pushing your Will into the water to infuse it with creativity, confidence, and innovation. Drink this water, or give it to someone you think needs it, and for a little while it will infuse them all the tools they need to be strong, confident, assertive and make their points well. Drink it before anything that requires these skills, such as a job interview, a presentation for school, or before asking your crush out on a date. It will fill you with confidence and help you get the job done right!

I hope this helps a lot of Witches who might be busy or secret or poor or forgetful, or maybe all of them together! Good luck my wonderful Witches, and may the Goddess bless you all!

– Juniper Wildwalk


For beginner witches ✨

Learn the phases of the moon and what each phase contributes for you. Also, search up “tonight’s moon phase” and it’ll tell you what moon is there that night and tell you when to expect other phases!

PHASE CORRESPONDENCES •full moon: love magick, charging, healing, banishing, cleansing, clarity •Waxing gibbous: motivation, attraction, success, good health •Dark/new moon: deconstructive magick, curses, banishing, soul searching, divination •waning crescent: balance, success, attaining wisdom, atonement, illness •last quarter: breaking bad habits, relinquishing, breaking curses, banishing •waning gibbous: relinquishing, undoing bindings, cleansing, undoing curses •Waxing crescent: constructive magick, attraction, wealth/success, luck & friendship

Use this for magick and making moon water. To make moon water you simply put some water under the moon, it’s okay if it’s cloudy, and you only need to put it out for an hour or more. Store it in a dark space.

Sun water: for ego, dignity, power, pride, self confidence and leader ship Just leave water under the sun and store in a light/open area.

Candles! : buy them from the dollar store , it’s much cheaper there. I have a few witchy shops in my city as well and candles can be 60 cents each! Here’s a post for candle colour correspondences:

What type of witch are you? : Here’s a master post and it’s HUGE on types of witches with a detailed description:

No material spells: Here’s a few one word spells to get you started! :

Secret witches master post:

Importance of salt in witchcraft:

How to cast a circle (many methods) :


Why the law of attraction is not working and how to fix it

First things first, the law of attraction is always working. Whenever you claim that the law of attraction is not working, you’re actually using this very law to convince yourself that indeed – it’s not working for you. And that, my friend, is a vicious cycle. 

However, you have to understand that there’s so much more to the law of attraction than those hyped steps: ask, believe, receive. It took me some time to fully comprehend the crucial principles, and now I’m going to share them with you.

So, why the law of attraction is ‘not working’?

  • You don’t practice detachment. Pretty often, people become too obsessed with their manifestations. They think about the thing they want to manifest 24/7 and complain about the lack of it. Wrong! Seriously, don’t you have better things to do? Whenever you put something on a high pedestal, you create resistance. Actually, an ocean of resistance. Learn how to detach and trust the Universe.
  • You don’t do shadow work. Take care of the quality of your canvas before you start painting. Oftentimes all of the past traumas and limiting subconscious beliefs are holding you back. Let go of them. Heal them and then move on. You can’t hold on to this kind of negative energy forever. 
  • You don’t express gratitude. If you’re not grateful for the things you already have, you’ll never be able to upgrade your life. Lack of gratitude keeps you entangled in the lower vibration. Gratitude is the magical frequency. The more you are thankful, the more you attract things to be thankful for.
  • You’re not specific. If you change your mind all the time, you send mixed signals and receive mixed results. Maybe for the first time in your life, ask yourself these questions: What do I really want? What does my ideal life look like? Vision boards and scripting can be very beneficial because they show the Universe your perfect blueprint.
  • You’re not living in the present moment. If you always think of the past or worry about the future, you lose all of the precious possibilities the present moment can offer. Now is the only existing time in this Universe, so learn how to be more conscious.
  • You don’t work on your vibration. Everything that surrounds you is in the vibrational alignment with your state of being. When your vibration is low, you attract more things vibrating at the same frequency. It’s super important to raise your vibration and to learn how to maintain the higher state of being.
  • You don’t nurture self-love. If you don’t love yourself, if you’re constantly criticizing yourself, it impacts your energy and your entire belief system. This self-hate is going to manifest in every aspect of your life. It’s almost impossible to create anything if you’re devoid of the most important thing: love. And love starts within you.

I would highly encourage you to try some of these strategies. They’ve had a profound impact on my own reality. One of my current goals is to manifest a book deal for the novel I’m working on, and thanks to these strategies, I’ve noticed a huge positive shift! I’ve started to attract the right people and circumstances into my life. It’s like having a magic wand!


being a witch is like:

• put this under my pillow

• put that in this jar

• stuff my pockets with rocks

• collect sticks ‘n branches

• candle wax everywhere 

• chat w the gods and the moon

• say the same sentence (affirmation) over and over like crazy


How To Send Dreams 💤

This post explains how to send a dream to another person. I’ve done this before many times and it’s always worked for me. I’m not here to boss anyone around, but it’s best to get permission to do it first. If not, that’s on you.

  • Read this post I made about energy work. (x) You’re going to want a little experience with energy work if you want to do this, otherwise it won’t work.
  • Print out a picture or pull up a picture on your phone of the person you wish to send the dream to.
  • Create a ball of energy in your hand. Infuse the ball of energy with images or words by thinking it, then imagining the thought or word going down your arm from your head, into the ball of energy.
  • Slowly push the ball of energy into the picture while imagining that you are in front of that person and physically putting it into their head. Do your best to feel yourself doing it.

Feel free to send me an ask on how it works for you or if you have any questions! :)

~ Eris

What a silly thought
to think that the point of a relationship
is to be forever.
I have had forevers last six months
and forevers last two years
and still they run through my veins
as lessons
as experiences
as growth.
Never minimize a relationship as a failure
just because it has completed its’ course
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