
Mad Girl with Green Eyes

@madchoices / madchoices.tumblr.com

Sorry, i'm mad. Italian / Girl / Gemini/Chaotic/True Neutral Love:anime,manga,series, movies,book, food,art. Writing is my passion (is this hironic?) i reblog what i like and funny things because i love laugh.

they should do an MMO where everyone is a shapeshifter and you can go live with animal herds in the wild if you want for a time but you are never entirely one of them, noting that the wild animal npcs partake in behaviors with or make calls to one another that you may not understand the logic of but can try to learn to repeat the musical cadence of. this is true of even the human npcs, whose musical language is the most intricate and complex to learn of all and who will ostracize you readily if you do not use it properly. other players are not marked as players and there is no chat feature. as an elk you may not know if the wolf chasing you is an npc or another player who does not know the same of you, and there is no chat. maybe the players would develop a sort of musical cadence to identify other shifters. no one would like this game and it would not be fun. but i would like it

were you a person? was i one? did it matter?


Yesterday the 12th of May was Fibromyalgia awareness day. I'm a little late uploading it, but spreading awareness is being done nonetheless. Lots of love for my chronic pain people!! <3

[Art description: An infographic titled, ‘I Have Fibromyalgia.’ consisting of several panels on light purple backgrounds with dark purple frames. Descriptions follow.

1. An uncoloured drawing of OP, a thin genderflui person with short hair, a NASA hoodie, and forearm crutches. Text floating around the person identifies him as ‘me’ and the crutches as ‘my babies „Jessie & James“.’ The title and subheading read, ‘I have Fibromyalgia. And since it’s Fibro-awareness day, I thought it’d inform on my disabling condition.’ 2. The panel title is, ‘What is Fibromyalgia and what are its symptoms?’ The art shows OP lying on its back with red coils drawn to show pain. An arrow points to the person with text that says, ‘His ass is (in all caps) not (end caps) getting out of bed.’ The panel text reads: The term „Fibromyalgia“ means „pain in muscles and fibrous tissues“ (tendons and ligaments etc.). The condition itself is chronic and causes widespread pain and stiffness throughout the body. This is also accompanied with chronic/generalized fatigue as well. It has even been studied that Fibromyalgia causes neuroinflammatory mechanisms in the brain, helping the further understanding that Fibromyalgia isn’t (in all caps) just (end caps) pain, but actively affects the persons nerves and/or nervous system. (Source: Research published in a 2019 issue of „Brain, Behaviour and Immunity“) 3. Large text reads: Fibromyalgya comes with a variety of symptoms that affected people experience, but here are the main ones: - pain and stiffness in joints, muscles, all over the body - Generalized/Chronic fatigue - Depression and anxiety - Insomnia, sleeping issues - Cognitive disturbances like „Fibro-fog“ - Migranes - Issues with IBS and/or bladder . . . And much more. The panel art shows OP from the hips up, with more red pain squiggles drawn on her entire body. 4. Large text reads, ‘Fibromyalgia occurs in about 2-5% of the general population, affecting 1 in 20 people globally.’ Art shows 29 stick figures, with one coloured differently. In the lower right corner is a drawing of OP in its hoodie pointing to the stick figures. 5. Large text reads, ‘I received my Fibromyalgia diagnosis this year after probably years of not knownig what my struggles were caused by.’ The art shows OP in his hoodie from behind looking away from the viewer. 6. Large text reads, ‘But even with a diagnosis, I was judged.’ The art shows OP grimacing at a set of three jagged yellow speech bubbles that say: It’s probably just the weather! Have you tried going outside more? It isn’t even (in all caps) real (end caps). 7. Large text reads, ‘Countless amounts of Blood tests . . . That always returned negative.’ The art shows a butterfly needle attached to a long tube. 8. This panel is in inverted colours, with purple lines drawn on black. The text reads, ‘Dozens of hours spent in bed . . .’ The art shows OP lying in bed with her hands folded over its chest and an unhappy expression. 9. Large text reads, ‘My pain and fatigue made it hard for me to function normally, resulting to the use of mobility aids.’ The art shows a wheelchair and a pair of forearm crutches. 10. Large text reads, ‘Accepting my condition, which will permanently affect me, wasn’t easy. And it still is hard to grasp. But deep down I’m glad to know that my struggles are real, that I can seek out help, that they aren’t imagined. The art shows OP smiling and making a hand heart as text next to him says, ‘your struggles are real!’ and ‘you’re not crazy or sensitive!’ \End descriptions]


anthony bourdain trying not to say the f word, but he's certainly thinking it.


Here it is folks:

My definitive ranking of my least favorite bodies of water! These are ranked from least to most scary (1/10 is okay, 10/10 gives me nightmares). I’m sorry this post is long, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this.

The Great Blue Hole, Belize

I’ve been here! I have snorkeled over this thing! It is terrifying! The water around the hole is so shallow you can’t even swim over the coral without bumping it, and then there’s a little slope down, and then it just fucking drops off into the abyss! When you’re over the hole the water temperature drops like 10 degrees and it’s midnight blue even when you’re right by the surface. Anyway. The Great Blue Hole is a massive underwater cave, and its roughly 410 feet deep. Overall, it’s a relatively safe area to swim. It’s a popular tourist attraction and recreational divers can even go down and explore some of the caves. People do die at the Blue Hole, but it is generally from a lack of diving experience rather than anything sinister going on down in the depths. My rating for this one is 1/10 because I’ve been here and although it’s kinda freaky it’s really not that bad.

Lake Baikal, Russia

When I want to give myself a scare I look at the depth diagram of this lake. It’s so deep because it’s not a regular lake, it’s a Rift Valley, A massive crack in the earth’s crust where the continental plates are pulling apart. It’s over 5,000 feet deep and contains one-fifth of all freshwater on Earth. Luckily, its not any more deadly than a normal lake. It just happens to be very, very, freakishly deep. My rating for this lake is a 2/10 because I really hate looking at the depth charts but just looking at the lake itself isn’t that scary.

Jacob’s Well, Texas

This “well” is actually the opening to an underwater cave system. It’s roughly 120 feet deep, surrounded by very shallow water. This area is safe to swim in, but diving into the well can be deadly. The cave system below has false exits and narrow passages, resulting in multiple divers getting trapped and dying. My rating is a 3/10, because although I hate seeing that drop into the abyss it’s a pretty safe place to swim as long as you don’t go down into the cave (which I sure as shit won’t).

The Devil’s Kettle, Minnesota

This is an area in the Brule River where half the river just disappears. It literally falls into a hole and is never seen again. Scientists have dropped in dye, ping pong balls, and other things to try and figure out where it goes, and the things they drop in never resurface. Rating is 4/10 because Sometimes I worry I’m going to fall into it.

Flathead Lake, Montana

Everyone has probably seen this picture accompanied by a description about how this lake is actually hundreds of feet deep but just looks shallow because the water is so clear. If that were the case, this would definitely rank higher, but that claim is mostly bull. Look at the shadow of the raft. If it were hundreds of feet deep, the shadow would look like a tiny speck. Flathead lake does get very deep, but the spot the picture was taken in is fairly shallow. You can’t see the bottom in the deep parts. However, having freakishly clear water means you can see exactly where the sandy bottom drops off into blackness, so this still ranks a 5/10.

The Lower Congo River, multiple countries

Most of the Congo is a pretty normal, if large, River. In the lower section of it, however, lurks a disturbing surprise: massive underwater canyons that plunge down to 720 feet. The fish that live down there resemble cave fish, having no color, no eyes, and special sensory organs to find their way in the dark. These canyons are so sheer that they create massive rapids, wild currents and vortexes that can very easily kill you if you fall in. A solid 6/10, would not go there.

Little Crater Lake, Oregon

On first glance this lake doesn’t look too scary. It ranks this high because I really don’t like the sheer drop off and how clear it is (because it shows you exactly how deep it goes). This lake is about 100 feet across and 45 feet deep, and I strongly feel that this is too deep for such a small lake. Also, the water is freezing, and if you fall into the lake your muscles will seize up and you’ll sink and drown. I don’t like that either. 7/10.

Grand Turk 7,000 ft drop off

No. 8/10. I hate it.

Gulf of Corryvreckan, Scotland

Due to a quirk in the sea floor, there is a permanent whirlpool here. This isn’t one of those things that looks scary but actually won’t hurt you, either. It absolutely will suck you down if you get too close. Scientists threw a mannequin with a depth gauge into it and when it was recovered the gauge showed it went down to over 600 feet. If you fall into this whirlpool you will die. 9/10 because this seems like something that should only be in movies.

The Bolton Strid, England

This looks like an adorable little creek in the English countryside but it’s not. Its really not. Statistically speaking, this is the most deadly body of water in the world. It has a 100% mortality rate. There is no recorded case of anyone falling into this river and coming out alive. This is because, a little ways upstream, this isn’t a cute little creek. It’s the River Wharfe, a river approximately 30 feet wide. This river is forced through a tiny crack in the earth, essentially turning it on its side. Now, instead of being 30 feet wide and 6 feet deep, it’s 6 feet wide and 30 feet deep (estimated, because no one actually knows how deep the Strid is). The currents are deadly fast. The banks are extremely undercut and the river has created caves, tunnels and holes for things (like bodies) to get trapped in. The innocent appearance of the Strid makes this place a death trap, because people assume it’s only knee-deep and step in to never be seen again. I hate this river. I have nightmares about it. I will never go to England just because I don’t want to be in the same country as this people-swallowing stream. 10/10, I live in constant fear of this place.

Honorable mention: The Quarry, Pennsylvania

I don’t know if that’s it’s actual name. This lake gets an honorable mention not because it’s particularly deep or dangerous, but it’s where I almost drowned during a scuba diving accident.

Edit: I’ve looked up the name of the quarry, it’s called Crusty’s Quarry and is privately owned and only used for training purposes, not recreational diving.


Whoever invented "open in app" links that redirect you to the app store instead of actually opening the app even when you already have the app installed on your phone should be involuntarily turned into a beanbag chair


one of the chocolate guys videos appears on your dash. you pause your scrolling to watch it, trying to guess what he’s making because this doesn’t seem to be one you’ve seen before. as the video goes on you get more unnerved and impressed — he seems to be making a whole human being this time, and it’s uncannily realistic. it’s even filled with candied fruit and sweet pastries in place of organs, red velvet cake and a cherry reduction making up flesh and blood beneath the chocolate. but something feels off. the person he’s making seems strangely familiar. upon the final reveal, you know why. amaury guichon has created a perfect replica of you

absolutely despicable behavior from WB to plunder a fan film from 15 years ago just because their corporate greed led them to want to make their own (likely soulless even with PJ’s involvement) version with the exact same title.

UPDATE: the copyright has been released and the fan film The Hunt for Gollum is back on YouTube and can be watched. Though, it's still really telling of the capitalist corruption of WB and Hollywood that their first move and publicity for this (unnecessary) movie was to directly attack the fans for something produced over a decade ago.

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