
my daddy will hear about this

@tabooish / tabooish.tumblr.com



If you do this you are fucking stupid. Biden is (marginally) better than trump. He will at least play along with progressives and at the least may be against locking children in cages.


i don’t know how to explain to you that “[he] at the least may be against locking children in cages” is not how a normal human being judges morality

This isn’t a normal situation. Vote.

It’s not a matter of “Oh boo boo this Democrat isn’t exactly what I want cause I don’t like some of what he says”

It’s literally about “you vote for trump and continue to make this country unsafe for every single person that isn’t trump and his immediate friend circle”

You vote for the Democrat because the Democrat isn’t trump.

You vote for the Democrat because the Democrat isn’t one of trumps friends and/or bought out by him and his friends.

You vote for the Democrat because they were not the party that condoned and supported a man thay actively put people and children in cages.

You vote for the Democrat because the Democrat isn’t going to do any more damage than Trump already did.

You vote for the Democrat because not voting means one more chance of a vote against trump being taken away.

You vote because your lack of vote doesn’t affect trump in any negative way and gives him a better chance of winning.

You vote for the Democrat because if you don’t then we get 4 more years of a dictator-type man who gives so little care and value to human life that isn’t his own thay he plays with dictators and spends most of his time playing golf on taxpayer money.

You vote for a the Democrat because the last one to get impeached did so because he had consensual sex, whereas our current president didn’t get impeached and he’s touched women sexually without their consent and got off because he has friends in high places and is using his wealth to get away with whatever he wants.

You vote for trhe Democrat because it’s not a matter of oh this Democrat doesn’t really vibe with my morals. You vote because it’s either you do or we risk 4 more years of a man with little restraint who will only get more and more bold and do worse and worse things than he’s already done and no one is safe from that kind of impulsive and selfish behaviour.

Do we let trump stay and only get worse or do we chance a Democrat that isn’t exactly an angel in your eyes?

I would think the choice is obvious. Vote.

If you’re safely able to vote and do not vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is in November, you are every bit as culpable as any of those motherfuckers wearing the “Make America Great Again” hats, if Trump gets re-elected.

You’ll be every bit as guilty of the horrors that follow as every Baby Boomer who won’t stop listening to Fox News.

You will be every bit as responsible for the people who are going to die if Trump gets elected for another four years.

You’re not morally superior, or protesting or whatever the hell your rationale is.

If the “89″ in “hotmeat89″ is a birth year, and toastportent’s bio says he’s 22, then you were both old enough to vote in the LAST election, too.

How did that work out for you? Have you learned NOTHING?

We have been fucking telling you since the middle of 2016 that you need to vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is, because America has a two-party system - it sucks, but that’s the reality of the situation - and because throwing your vote away does NOTHING USEFUL.

It’s the height of privilege and selfishness to think you have the luxury of not voting, because you think YOU can survive another 4 years under Trump.

Plenty of people can’t.

You’re not even trying to take your toys and go home. If you don’t get your way, you’d rather smash the board.

People are dying. Children are dying.

Fucking vote.


Once again, thank you everyone for reading, enjoying, and sharing this comic.  Not just sharing in the sense of re-posting this comic, (which you should totally do) but also sharing your stories with me, letting my know how my comics have touched you.  It means so much to me.  Love ya! Stay tuned for more comics! <3

It gives me tremendous joy to see people still reading this comic, and especially when they get something out of it.

Over the years I have faced many ups and downs, just like everyone else. Sometimes it really gets to me how mean people can be to each other. How mean I can be to myself. But for all the Level 1 Trans Fighters out there please know with acceptance, mindfulness, and self compassion I did in fact find my balance. Not a fast process. Basically a complete lifestyle change. Sometimes I lose that balance, sure. But when I choose to present my authentic identity? I’m objectively drop dead gorgeous. Here are a hand full of my looks. You’ll notice none of them are 100% masculine or feminine. Peace be with you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for being you. -J

Oh my gosh. I almost scrolled past this. So beautiful and awesome!


I invite my closest friends and family to a gender reveal party, but when I open the box with maniacal flourish instead of pink or blue balloons, a television screen is revealed.

I dim the lights remotely as we hear Cate Blanchett say, “The world is changed. I feel it in the water.”

Too late, they realise.

The pregnancy? A scam.

The Lord of the Rings editions? Extended.

The doors? Locked.


It’s been a week and we still don’t have a syllabus and I’m not entirely convinced my science prof has any clue what’s going on


A new mode of production arises out of the newly networked masses.

If we provided everyone with their basic needs regardless of work status, people wouldn’t stop working. They would just start working for the things they care about and find meaningful in their own right, and not just for the pay which they will no longer need to survive.


Only Weather report you will ever have to watch.

no seriously watch it.

this is what the news is like in Gotham 

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