@nicomundthered / nicomundthered.tumblr.com

[she/her, 18+]

You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love 'til it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other until it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends.


3.08 | Lovers Walk


Okay so the fact that Lucy has a necrotic finger grafted back onto her hand, kinda like how ghouls have decayed looking skin, and Cooper sewed her finger onto his hand. A finger that's basically untouched by the wastes, uncaloused and soft... Traits that they both need to embrace about themselves.

Lucy needs to become a bit more rough, hardened, less naive and trustful (while still maintaining her kindness and morals)

Cooper needs to soften up, accept help and love and understand that not everyone wants him dead and not everyone will betray him.

Those are wedding rings in my mind.

He wore black to officially bid goodbye to his days as an Oscar-free actor because from this moment on, all films starring the Bobfather will bill him as an Academy Award Winner. There is nothing more attractive than being on a stage to accept the most prestigious award in your industry while your loving wife looks beautiful as ever supporting you all the way through your journey. Just like RDJ, we’d like to thank his stylist Erica for giving us the best looks yet this awards season. || March 10, 2024

Robert Downey Jr. wins the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role as Lewis Strauss in Oppenheimer


just rewatched the first iron man movie and not to beat a dead horse but it's kinda mind blowing how much mcu quality has tanked since then (it's the ✨ contentification ✨)

I mean my goodness, it's a decently fast paced action movie and watching it still felt relaxing and refreshing because the shots lasted for more than 1.5 secs. Also the dialogue was subtle and very natural, the action was grounded, the color grading was crisp and purposeful and not overly saturated rainbow barf, and the one quippy character actually predominantly had moments of genuine seriousness or tension that were never undercut by cheap jokes (and the non quippy characters didn't just randomly start being quippy but actually stuck to their character traits)

It felt like watching a movie instead of an ad for upcoming mcu content

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